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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
    VIRGO --- ---

    The foreground of this scene from the Mast Camera (Mastcam) on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover shows purple-hued rocks near the rover's
    late-2016 location on lower Mount Sharp. The scene's middle distance includes higher layers that are future destinations for the mission.

    Variations in color of the rocks hint at the diversity of their composition on lower Mount Sharp. The purple tone of the foreground rocks
    has been seen in other rocks where Curiosity's Chemical and Mineralogy (CheMin) instrument has detected hematite. Winds and windblown sand
    in this part of Curiosity's traverse and in this season tend to keep rocks relatively free of dust, which otherwise can cloak rocks' color.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Krása, úplně jihnu...:)
    Support LEGO Philae, Comet Lander
    LEGO Ideas - Philae, Comet Lander

    VIRGO --- ---
    Are Humans the Real Ancient Aliens? - NBC News
    By Seth Shostak

    How special are we? A recent research paper suggests that terrestrial-style biology may be rare, and Earth may be
    among the first examples of a planet able to sustain life in the cosmos. Even as the new kids on the block, humans are
    seemingly one of the precious few instances of intelligence to arise in the universe since the Big Bang did its thing.

    Harvard Astronomer Avi Loeb and his colleagues in the U.K. have argued that the halcyon days for life are still to come.
    It's not even morning in the universe; it's pre-dawn. Biology may erupt like weeds on an untold number of worlds, but
    if so, the infestation will take place tens of billions of years in the future.

    Why's that? And what's wrong with life sprouting up today?

    Obviously nothing. After all, you're reading this — you, the distant descendant of a small collection of molecules
    that stumbled on a method for building nearly exact replicas of itself nearly four billion years ago. No scientist
    is yet sure if this molecular sleight-of-hand is just some sort of highly unlikely event, although opinions abound.
    VIRGO --- ---
    It's Time for Particle Physics to go Back to the Future - Scientific American Blog Network
    Supersized accelerators have made extraordinary discoveries in recent decades, but we're about to see a renaissance in table-top experiments
    VIRGO --- ---
    VIRGO --- ---
    Ask Project Blue! Twitter Chat Today to Discuss Alpha Centauri Telescope
    Project Blue, a private initiative to put a small telescope into orbit to look at our neighboring star Alpha Centauri, will be taking questions
    via Twitter today (Dec. 14) between 2 and 3 p.m. EDT (1900 and 2000 GMT) about the quest to find a potentially habitable planet around that star.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Astronomers discover new gas giant exoplanet

    Using the gravitational microlensing method, an international team of astronomers has recently detected a new gas giant exoplanet three times
    more massive than Jupiter. The newly discovered planet received designation OGLE-2014-BLG-0676Lb and is an important addition to the short list
    of extrasolar worlds detected by the microlensing technique. The discovery was described in a paper published Dec. 12 on arXiv.org.

    VIRGO --- ---
    SKA passes key engineering milestone towards final design - SKA Telescope
    The SKA has passed a key milestone in its engineering process with the positive conclusion of the System Preliminary Design Review (PDR). This review paves
    the way for the continuation of the engineering design work towards detailed design and Critical Design Review (CDR) before approval of construction.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Fresh Ideas for Chasing Consciousness - Scientific American Blog Network

    What Is Yhouse?
    VIRGO --- ---
    First detection of boron on the surface of Mars | EurekAlert! Science News
    New finding provides more clues about water habitability

    VIRGO --- ---
    New version of the Astrobiology Periodic Table by Charles Cockell

    VIRGO --- ---
    Tycho Brahe's 470th Birthday (1546)

    Take a look to the house he lived ("To the Golden Griffin") and the places he walked daily to his work to the Prague Castle. The only
    big pallace on one of the photos (Černínský) is now built on the place where earlier townhouses stood, Tycho died in one of ´em.

    VIRGO --- ---
    JOO! Nový snímek JunoCamu z neděle +/-18:30 našeho času ze vzdálenosti 40 000 km.
    (jde o pořádně "horký" post, v JPL zaměnili míle za km :))
    News | Juno String of Pearls

    VIRGO --- ---
    Počasí o5 nezklamalo. Jako pod duchnou...

    Geminids a while ago at Exeter obs radio detectors in Devon! Credit: John Maclean ‏@AstroExeter.
    http://www.exeterobservatory.com/meteor-watch/ (Live Updates every 30 secs)

    VIRGO --- ---
    NASA's Curiosity rover is climbing a layered Martian mountain and finding evidence of how ancient lakes and wet underground environments
    changed, billions of years ago, creating more diverse chemical environments that affected their favorability for microbial life.

    Hematite, clay minerals and boron are among the ingredients found to be more abundant in layers farther uphill, compared with lower, older
    layers examined earlier in the mission. Scientists are discussing what these and other variations tell about conditions under which sediments
    were initially deposited, and about how groundwater moving later through the accumulated layers altered and transported ingredients.

    News | Mars Rock-Ingredient Stew Seen as Plus for Habitability

    VIRGO --- ---
    VIRGO: Jó, to bejvávaly časy... :)
    Jedna nová hvězda (o hmotnosti Slunce) každé 2 hodiny.

    JAYME --- ---
    JULIANNE: diky moc, ale takovej nadsenec nejsem. staci mi VIRGO a jeho klub (ono toho tu neni malo :) a co najdu na youtube. ale mrknu treba na ty clanky co jsou v sylabu.
    VIRGO --- ---
    Za extrémní explozí se skrývá roztrhání hvězdy rotující černou dírou | ESO Česko
    Dalekohledy ESO pomáhají vysvětlit příčiny mimořádně jasného jevu

    Až dosud se vědci domnívali, že mimořádně jasný bodový zdroj světla, který zaznamenali v roce 2015 v jedné vzdálené galaxii,
    byl nejjasnější supernovou, jakou kdy spatřili. Ale následná pozorování objektu, který dostal označení ASASSN-15lh, provedená
    řadou přístrojů včetně dalekohledů ESO jeho původní klasifikaci nyní zpochybňují. Tým astronomů pracující s daty proto navrhuje
    nové vysvětlení. Původcem pozorovaného jevu mohla být událost ještě mimořádnější a vzácnější – roztrhání a zánik hvězdy
    v blízkosti rychle rotující černé díry.

    V roce 2015 zaznamenal automatický přehlídkový systém pro detekci supernov ASAS-SN (All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae)
    mimořádný jev, který dostal označení ASASSN-15lh. Vědci dospěli k závěru, že se jedná o nejjasnější supernovu, jakou kdy pozorovali.
    Jev byl klasifikován jako ‚super-zářivá supernova‘ (superluminous supernova), tedy exploze mimořádně hmotné hvězdy v závěrečné fázi
    jejího života. Svou absolutní jasností dvakrát převýšila dosavadní rekordní explozi supernovy a v maximu vyzařovala 20krát více
    světla než celá naše Galaxie.

    JULIANNE --- ---
    JAYME: Přijď na přednášky, třeba potěší víc ;).
    VIRGO --- ---
    HOWKING: Blahopřeji!! Letos pro mně jakýkoli roj znamená doslova humus na obloze.
    Ještě jsem v práci, ale jsem zvědavý, jak to bude kolem 11 vypadat. Očekávám hrůzu. Nemám odvahu
    ani mrknout na meteoweb... :)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam