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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    A SETI Researcher Thinks Astrobiologists are Searching For Alien Life Incorrectly | Inverse

    Experts agree that Mars was habitable at one point in history. The thing is, searching for habitable environments is a far cry from actually
    searching for signs of past or present life. To do that, scientist at SETI explains, we need to get much more specific and look for actual habitats.

    According to Nathalie Cabrol, a senior research scientist and director of the Carl Sagan Center, our current level of observation and astrobiological
    focus is only geared towards broad questions of potential habitability. That’s not good enough. In a marquee lecture at the American Geophysical Union
    in San Francisco on Wednesday, Cabrol explained how we need to take a more subtle, gradual view of the way the planet changed over time, rather than
    just categorizing them into three geological periods — the Noachian, Hesperian, and Amazonian periods.

    “It’s a gross caricature of what happened,” Cabrol said. “You don’t understand how one went to the next.”

    That’s important because early life would have been under “incredible environmental stress” as the Martian environment is historically less stable
    than Earth’s. Microbial life probably existed (if it ever did) in heated lakes created by impact craters and warmed by volcanic activity.

    “The life will have to organize around oasis where they have resources,” she said.

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    Výtečná debata T. Darnella se specialisty na kosmické teleskopy:
    The Evolvable Space Telescope - There is More Than One Way to Build a Telescope!
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    Number of known black holes expected to double in two years with new detection method | Waterloo News

    Researchers from the University of Waterloo have developed a method that will detect roughly 10 black holes per year, doubling
    the number currently known within two years, and it will likely unlock the history of black holes in a little more than a decade.

    Avery Broderick, a professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Waterloo, and Mansour Karami, a PhD
    student also from the Faculty of Science, worked with colleagues in the United States and Iran to come up with the method that has
    implications for the emerging field of gravitational wave astronomy and the way in which we search for black holes and other dark
    objects in space. It was published this week in The Astrophysical Journal.

    “Within the next 10 years, there will be sufficient accumulated data on enough black holes that researchers can statistically analyze
    their properties as a population,” said Broderick, also an associate faculty member at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.
    “This information will allow us to study stellar mass black holes at various stages that often extend billions of years.”

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    Each year, NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory helps celebrate American Archive
    Month by releasing a collection of images using X-ray data in its archive.

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    Microlensing Study Suggests Most Common Outer Planets Likely Neptune-mass

    A new statistical study of planets found by a technique called gravitational microlensing suggests that Neptune-mass worlds are likely
    the most common type of planet to form in the icy outer realms of planetary systems. The study provides the first indication of the types
    of planets waiting to be found far from a host star, where scientists suspect planets form most efficiently.

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    The Greatest Unsolved Problem In Theoretical Physics: Why Gravity Is So Weak

    Our standard model of elementary particles and forces has recently become as close to “complete” as we could conceivably ask for. Every single one
    of the elementary particles — in all their different conceivable incarnations — has been created in the lab, measured, and had its properties determined.
    The last holdouts, the top quark and antiquark, the tau neutrino and antineutrino, and finally the Higgs boson, have all fallen prey to our detection
    capabilities at last.

    That last one, in particular — the Higgs — solved a long-standing problem in physics:
    finally, we can confidently explain where these elementary particles each get their rest mass from!

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    No Proton Decay Means Grand Unification Must Wait | Quanta Magazine
    Physicists have failed to find disintegrating protons, throwing into limbo
    the beloved theory that the forces of nature were unified at the beginning of time.

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    AGU meeting je vyčerpávající, a to jsme na druhé straně planety. Člověk aby si na to vzal dovolenou... :)

    NASA's Dawn Spacecraft: Flight Over Occator Crater on Dwarf Planet Ceres

    Solar System’s biggest asteroid is an ancient ocean world
    NASA spacecraft finds that Ceres is full of water.

    News | Where is the Ice on Ceres? New NASA Dawn Findings
    Solar System’s biggest asteroid is an ancient ocean world : Nature News & Comment

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    Determining Our Motion Through the Galaxy

    We know that the Sun zips rapidly around the center of the Milky Way — our orbital speed is somewhere around 250 km/s, or ~560,000 mph!
    Getting a precise measurement of this velocity is useful because we can combine it with the observed proper motion of Sgr A*, the black
    hole at the center of our galaxy, to determine the distance from us to the center of the Milky Way. This is an important baseline for
    lots of other measurements.

    But how can we measure the Sun’s revolution speed accurately? A team of scientists led by Jason Hunt (Dunlap Institute at University
    of Toronto, Canada) have suggested a unique approach to pin down this value: look for missing stars in the solar neighborhood.

    The stars around us should exhibit a distribution of velocities describing their orbits about the galactic center — but those stars with
    zero angular momentum should have plunged directly into the galactic center long ago. These stars would have been scattered onto chaotic
    halo orbits after their plunge, resulting in a dearth of stars with zero angular momentum around us today.

    By looking at the relative speeds of the stars moving around us, then, we should see a dip in the velocity distribution corresponding to
    the missing zero-angular-momentum stars. By noting the relative velocity at which that dip occurs, we cleverly reveal the negative of our
    motion around the galactic center.

    Where Are We and How Fast Are We Going?

    Hunt and collaborators use a combination of the first data release from ESA’s Gaia mission and a star catalog from the Radial Velocity
    Experiment to examine the motions of a total of over 200,000 stars in the solar neighborhood. They find that there is indeed a lack of disk
    stars with velocities close to zero angular momentum. They then compare modeled stellar orbits to the data to estimate the relative speed
    at which the dip in the velocity distribution occurs.

    From this information, the authors obtain a measurement of 239±9 km/s for the Sun’s revolution velocity around the galactic center. They
    combine this value with a proper motion measurement of Sgr A* to calculate the distance to the galactic center: 7.9±0.3 kpc (or about
    26,000 light-years). Both of these measurements can be improved with future Gaia data releases, which will contain many orders of magnitude
    more stars. This clever technique, therefore, proves a useful way of better constraining our position and motion through the Milky Way.

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    ESA Science & Technology: LISA Pathfinder's pioneering mission continues
    On 7 December, LISA Pathfinder started the extended phase of its mission. In the coming six months scientists and engineers will
    push the experiment to its limits in preparation for a future space observatory of gravitational waves like the LISA Mission.

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    Newly formed stars shoot out powerful whirlwinds

    Researchers from the Niels Bohr Institute have used the ALMA telescopes to observe the early stages in the formation of a new solar system.
    For the first time they have seen how a powerful whirlwind shoot out from the rotating disc of gas and dust surrounding the young star.
    The results have been published in the prestigious scientific journal, Nature.

    A new solar system is formed in a large cloud of gas and dust that contracts and condenses due to the force of gravity and eventually becomes
    so compact that the centre collapses into a ball of gas where the pressure heats the material, resulting in a glowing globe of gas, a star.
    The remains of the gas and dust cloud rotate around the newly formed star in disc where the material starts to accumulate and form larger
    and larger clumps, which finally become planets.

    In connection with the newly formed stars, called protostars, researchers have observed powerful emanations of whirlwinds and outflows,
    so-called jets. But before now, no one had observed how these winds are formed.

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    Juno Safe Mode Triggered by Instrument Glitch

    As engineers continue to study an engine issue with NASA's Juno spacecraft, the mission's principal investigator said Dec. 13 that a problem
    that put the spacecraft into a safe mode in October was related to a problem handling data from one of the spacecraft's instruments.

    Juno went into safe mode about 13 hours before an Oct. 19 close approach to Jupiter, the second such approach since Juno entered orbit around
    the planet in July. The safe mode prevented the spacecraft's science instruments from collecting data during the flyby. Juno exited safe mode
    five days later.

    Speaking at the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in San Francisco, the mission's principal investigator, Scott Bolton of
    the Southwest Research Institute, said the safe mode was triggered by an issue with transferring data one of the spacecraft's instruments,
    the Jupiter Infrared Auroral Mapper (JIRAM).

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    Bravo ESA!
    Reconstruction of the final descent showed that the spacecraft gently struck the surface only 33 m from the target point.
    Rosetta’s last words: science descending to a comet / Rosetta / Space Science / Our Activities / ESA

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    Carbonaceous chondrites shed light on the origins of life in the universe | EurekAlert! Science News
    A CSIC study discovers that the minerals which make up this type of meteorite can
    synthesise certain complex organic compounds in the presence of water and formamide

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    Untangling a Complex Young Stellar System | Gemini Observatory
    Using spectroscopic data from the Gemini North telescope, researchers have probed a complex binary T Tauri system
    that hints at a hidden planetary body shrouded deep within a stellar environment at the late stages of formation.

    Nicole Arulanantham of Wesleyan University (Middletown, Connecticut, now at University of Colorado Boulder) and
    colleagues used the Gemini Near-InfraRed Spectrograph (GNIRS) on the Gemini North telescope to target the binary
    T Tauri system V582 Mon (KH 15D) — two K-type stars in a circumbinary ring that is inclined to the binary’s orbit.

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    I po 5 letech je to pořád moc působivé...
    Time Lapse Sky Shows Earth Rotating Instead of Stars (fixed audio)
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    To byla čistá práce!!
    Pegasus Carrying IRIS is Launched

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    Finger-like structures on Mars could be the result of ancient microbes - GeoSpace - AGU Blogosphere

    Finger-like rock structures on Mars could harbor potential evidence of past life on the Red Planet, according to new research.
    In 2007, NASA’s Spirit rover landed on Mars’ “Home Plate,” a flat 90-meter-long area within the Gusev crater. Since then, researchers
    have been trying to make sense of finger-like rock structures splayed across the landscape. The working hypothesis at the time was
    that these rocks started out as continuous layers but eroded into odd shapes by the touch of wind and sand over the years.

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    Jill Tarter, Allen Telescope Array, Tabby's Star
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    Scientists are frantically copying US climate data, fearing it might vanish under Trump | The Independent
    Precautionary measure involves independent servers to house the mountains of data
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