ALPHA observes light spectrum of antimatter for first time
In a paper published today in the journal Nature, the ALPHA collaboration reports the first ever measurement on the optical
spectrum of an antimatter atom. This achievement features technological developments that open up a completely new era in
high-precision antimatter research. It is the result of over 20 years of work by the CERN antimatter community.
"Using a laser to observe a transition in antihydrogen and comparing it to hydrogen to see if they obey the same laws
of physics has always been a key goal of antimatter research," said Jeffrey Hangst, Spokesperson of the ALPHA collaboration.
Breakthrough in Antimatter Physics Has Some Dreaming of Starships | Daily Planet | Air & Space Magazine
Could antimatter engines power interstellar travel? Experts are divided after antimatter research took a large step forward today.
Researchers publishing in the journal Nature have measured the spectrum of antihydrogen—the antimatter equivalent of hydrogen—for
the first time, which should allow physicists to investigate more precisely how this exotic material differs from hydrogen. The
ultimate goal is learning why antimatter is so scarce in the universe, when models suggest that the Big Bang should have produced
equal amounts of matter and antimatter.
Co-author Jeffrey Hangst, a physics professor at Aarhus University, called the research at CERN a breakthrough. Six years ago, his
consortium discovered how to trap a single atom of antihydrogen in a magnetic field; now they can trap 15 atoms simultaneously. Yet
the painstaking trapping process has Hangst convinced that antimatter engines are impossible. Today it takes a huge accelerator to
produce just a few atoms, nowhere near the amount needed for an antimatter-powered rocket.