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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
    VIRGO --- ---
    Pecka! Dnes potvrzeno rovnou na AAS :)
    Lowell Observatory to Renovate Pluto Discovery Telescope - Lowell Observatory

    The instrument at Lowell Observatory used by Clyde Tombaugh to discover Pluto will soon undergo renovation. The year-long project,
    set to begin on January 12, will include restoration of both the historic telescope and the wooden dome that houses it. While the
    telescope will be removed from the dome during this work, the dome will be open from time to time for public tours as work allows.

    VIRGO --- ---
    How Far Away is That Galaxy? Vast Catalog Has Answers

    A team of researchers has compiled a special catalog to help astronomers figure out the true distances to tens of thousands of galaxies beyond our own Milky Way.

    The catalog, called NED-D, is a critical resource, not only for studying these galaxies, but also for determining the distances to billions of other galaxies strewn
    throughout the universe. As the catalog continues to grow, astronomers can increasingly rely on it for ever-greater precision in calculating both how big the universe is
    and how fast it is expanding. NED-D is part of the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED), an online repository containing information on more than 100 million galaxies.

    VIRGO --- ---
    ...This spinning, supermassive black hole is producing a rotating, tightly-wound magnetic funnel. The powerful electromagnetic fields associated
    with this structure have accelerated some of the inflowing gas away from the vicinity of the black hole in the form of an energetic, high-speed jet.
    Then, these accelerated particles in the jet were accelerated again when they encountered the shock waves from the galaxy cluster collision.

    Jets from the two other supermassive black holes (see labeled version of image) are likely having the same effect of accelerating particles before
    they get a second boost from the shock waves. The jets from one of the black holes are too short to be seen in the labeled image.

    VIRGO --- ---
    This new image also shows three different supermassive
    black holes in galaxies located in the merging clusters.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Eruption from a supermassive black hole's been swept up into
    the collision between galaxy clusters Abell 3411 & 3412.

    Chandra :: Photo Album :: Abell 3411 and 3412 :: January 5, 2017

    VIRGO --- ---
    Astronomers Discover Powerful Cosmic Double Whammy
    Chandra Press Room :: Astronomers Discover Powerful Cosmic Double Whammy :: 5 January 17

    Astronomers have discovered a cosmic one-two punch unlike any ever seen before. Two of the most powerful phenomena in the Universe,
    a supermassive black hole, and the collision of giant galaxy clusters, have combined to create a stupendous cosmic particle accelerator.

    By combining data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) in India, the NSF's Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array,
    and other telescopes, researchers have found out what happens when matter ejected by a giant black hole is swept up in the merger of two enormous galaxy

    "We have seen each of these spectacular phenomena separately in many places," said Reinout van Weeren of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
    (CfA) in Cambridge, Mass., who led the study that appears in the inaugural issue of the journal Nature Astronomy. "This is the first time, however, that
    we seen them clearly linked together in the same system."

    This cosmic double whammy is found in a pair of colliding galaxy clusters called Abell 3411 and Abell 3412 located about two billion light years from
    Earth. The two clusters are both very massive, each weighing about a quadrillion — or a million billion — times the mass of the Sun.

    The comet-shaped appearance of the X-rays detected by Chandra is produced by hot gas from one cluster plowing through the hot gas of the other cluster.
    Optical data from the Keck Observatory and Japan's Subaru telescope, both on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, detected the galaxies in each cluster.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Reinout Van Weeren on "Astronomers Discover Powerful Cosmic Double Whammy", via Peter Edmonds.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Tak pokračujem... začala tiskovka rentgenové Chandry.

    Chandra Deep Field South : Deepest X-ray Image Ever Reveals Black Hole Treasure Trove
    Chandra :: Photo Album :: Chandra Deep Field South :: January 5, 2017

    This is the deepest X-ray image ever obtained, made with over 7 million seconds of observing time with NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory. These data give
    astronomers the best look yet at the growth of black holes over billions of years beginning soon after the Big Bang, as described in our latest press release.

    The image is from the Chandra Deep Field-South, or CDF-S. The full CDF-S field covers an approximately circular region on the sky with an area about two-thirds
    that of the full Moon. However, the outer regions of the image, where the sensitivity to X-ray emission is lower, are not shown here. The colors in this image
    represent different levels of X-ray energy detected by Chandra. Here the lowest-energy X-rays are red, the medium band is green, and the highest-energy X-rays
    observed by Chandra are blue.

    The central region of this image contains the highest concentration of supermassive black holes ever seen, equivalent to about 5,000 objects that would fit
    into the area of the full Moon and about a billion over the entire sky. Researchers used the CDF-S data in combination with data from the Cosmic Assembly Near-
    Infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey (CANDELS) and the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS), both including data from NASA's Hubble Space
    Telescope to study galaxies and black holes between one and two billion years after the Big Bang.

    DARKMOOR --- ---
    NEBULA: Na tu Venuši jsem před pár dny taky čuměl z okna, svítila až neskutečně moc :)
    VIRGO --- ---
    Psyche: Journey to a Metal World
    VIRGO --- ---
    A Mystery Space Object Will Cruise Past Earth Next Month | IFLScience

    The object, dubbed 2016 WF9, was spotted by NASA’s asteroid-and-comet-hunting NEOWISE project on November 27, 2016.
    NEOWISE scientists believe that it could be as large as 1 kilometer (0.6 mile) wide. It’s expected to make its closest
    approach to Earth’s orbit on February 25 at a distance of 51 million kilometers (32 million miles).

    The object is causing a bit of confusion among NASA scientists, as they can’t tell if it’s a comet or an asteroid. As
    a general (but by no means foolproof) rule, asteroids tend to be rocky or more metallic, while comets tend be icier.
    This object appears to be dark and unreflective, which is typically an indication it is a comet. Despite that, it lacks
    the characteristic dust and gas cloud that defines a comet. This lack of clarity also means the object has an unknown origin.

    VIRGO --- ---
    NEBULA: Zhusta!
    NEBULA --- ---
    Astrophotographer Mike Killian took this image of Venus and the crescent moon on Dec. 2, 2016 from Toronto

    NEBULA --- ---
    VIRGO: o bože úžasná fotka!

    The crew is getting ready for a pair of spacewalks scheduled for this Friday and next Friday to upgrade the International Space Station’s power system. The two spacewalks will take place on the station’s right-side, or starboard, truss structure to replace and install new power equipment.

    Commander Shane Kimbrough and NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson will step outside for the first power maintenance spacewalk Friday at 7 a.m. EST. Kimbrough will be joined by European Space Agency astronaut Thomas Pesquet the following Friday for the second spacewalk. The three astronauts are reviewing spacewalk procedures, collecting tools and configuring cameras in the U.S. Quest airlock today.

    Robotics controllers remotely removed nickel-hydrogen batteries and installed new lithium-ion batteries on the starboard-4 truss over the holidays and into the New Year. The robotics work sets up the power maintenance work the spacewalkers will perform including replacing adapter plates and relocating the old batteries.

    The three astronauts and their fellow cosmonauts still had time for a variety of science work and standard orbital maintenance. Kimbrough and Whitson explored how microgravity affects body shape and impacts suit sizing. Pesquet joined Andrey Borisenko and set up tiny internal satellites known as SPHERES for an upcoming student competition. Cosmonauts Sergey Ryzhikov and Oleg Novitskiy checked Russian life support systems.

    VIRGO --- ---
    NASA Kepler and K2: Have Qs about hunting for planets around other suns?
    Join the Twitter Q&A on Jan. 5 at 9:00 CT/15:00 UT. Tag Qs with #askKepler.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Impact craters expose the subsurface materials on the steep slopes of Mars. However, these slopes often experience rockfalls and debris
    avalanches that keep the surface clean of dust, revealing a variety of hues, like in this enhanced-color image from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance
    Orbiter, representing different rock types. The bright reddish material at the top of the crater rim is from a coating of the Martian dust.

    VIRGO --- ---
    VIRGO: Massive Arecibo Study Subtracts The Galaxy; Reveals A Pristine Universe

    There's a big problem with measuring CMB radiation: no matter where we look, there's intervening matter in the way. It's true that the hotter something is, the more energy
    and light it radiates away. The Big Bang's leftover glow is so cold - just 2.725 K, with fluctuations on the scale of 10s or 100s of µK - that even the coldest interstellar
    gas and dust can cause foreground contamination. Even when observed with the Planck satellite, the most advanced, sophisticated mapping tool every constructed for this
    leftover glow, the foreground emissions from the Milky Way are still a terrible source of pollution and noise.

    The smallest-scale features in light of very particular frequencies (between 22 and 90 GHz) are where some of the most intricate information about the pristine Universe lies.
    The overdense regions (which correspond to blue, cold spots in the fancy image of the CMB) will someday grow into galaxies, clusters and even larger structures. But in order
    to understand how this works in our Universe, we need a full-sky map, not merely a map of the sky except where the galactic plane is. The key, and the hard problem, is to
    properly account for the full suite of the galactic foregrounds. After years of work by hundreds of people, we thought we had done it properly. Yet continued observations
    showed that problems remained, and that the galactic subtraction was incomplete.

    In particular, there were two key puzzles that needed to be solved:

    Why are the magnetic field lines of the galaxy aligned with the orientation of neutral hydrogen? (Which is puzzling, because only charged particles, not neutral ones,
    should be aligned with a magnetic field.)

    And why is that neutral hydrogen associated with the polarization of the CMB? (Which is puzzling because the hydrogen is only hundreds of light years away, but the CMB is
    billions of light years away, and they shouldn't affect each other.)

    The answer is, of course, that these can't be the full story. The leftover glow from the Big Bang can't just randomly align with something happening in our own galaxy; there
    has to be something additional in the galaxy responsible for it! And that means, unfortunately, that our previous calculations for what the Universe looked like behind
    the Milky Way was flawed in a very fundamental way.

    Thankfully, a new study by Gerrit Verschuur and Joan Schmelz using the Arecibo radio telescope was able to study the galactic plane in great detail, in an attempt to uncover
    the cause of the radiation. By viewing a number of foreground, galactic sources at a variety of frequencies, they were able to compare what the radio data showed with what
    the theory predicted. Quite clearly, there was a terrible fit, showing that the previously introduced model of the galaxy was missing a component.

    But if you added in a population of free electrons at relatively warm temperatures (100-300 K), everything gets resolved. The magnetic field lines are aligned with galactic
    hydrogen because there are free, charged particles influencing the neutral hydrogen. The neutral hydrogen isn't aligned with the polarization of the CMB; the free electrons
    are aligned with the electromagnetic radiation's polarization, and they in turn interact with neutral hydrogen. And in the graph above, rather than a downward-sloping line,
    there ought to be a straight, horizontal line that the data follows. You will notice the data doesn't follow it perfectly, and that's good! The leftover signal on top of
    that - the up-and-down wiggles - ought to correspond to the actual fluctuations in the CMB: the Big Bang's leftover glow.

    VIRGO --- ---
    NASA Selects Mission to Study Black Holes, Cosmic X-ray Mysteries

    NASA has selected a science mission that will allow astronomers to explore, for the first time, the hidden details of some of the most extreme
    and exotic astronomical objects, such as stellar and supermassive black holes, neutron stars and pulsars.

    Objects such as black holes can heat surrounding gases to more than a million degrees. The high-energy X-ray radiation from this gas can be polarized –
    vibrating in a particular direction. The Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) mission will fly three space telescopes with cameras capable of
    measuring the polarization of these cosmic X-rays, allowing scientists to answer fundamental questions about these turbulent and extreme environments
    where gravitational, electric and magnetic fields are at their limits.

    The mission, slated for launch in 2020, will cost $188 million. This figure includes the cost of the launch vehicle and post-launch operations and data
    analysis. Principal Investigator Martin Weisskopf of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, will lead the mission. Ball Aerospace
    in Broomfield, Colorado, will provide the spacecraft and mission integration. The Italian Space Agency will contribute the polarization sensitive X-ray
    detectors, which were developed in Italy.

    VIRGO --- ---
    USRA | Arecibo Observatory casts new light on cosmic microwave background observed by WMAP and PLANCK spacecraft: Bringing scientists one step closer to understanding the small-scale structure in the cosmic microwave background

    Arecibo Observatory observations of galactic neutral hydrogen structure confirm the discovery of an unexpected contribution to the measurements of the cosmic microwave
    background observed by the WMAP and Planck spacecraft. An accurate understanding of the foreground (galactic) sources of radiation observed by these two spacecraft is
    essential for extracting information about the small-scale structure in the cosmic microwave background believed to be indicative of events in the early universe.

    The new source of radiation in the 22 to 100 GHz range observed by WMAP and Planck appears to be emission from cold electrons (known as free-free emission). While
    cosmologists have corrected for this type of radiation from hot electrons associated with galactic nebulae where the source temperatures are thousands of degrees,
    the new model requires electron temperatures more like a few 100 K.

    The spectrum of the small-scale features observed by WMAP and Planck in this frequency range is very nearly flat - a finding consistent with the sources being associated
    with the Big Bang. At first glance it appears that the spectrum expected from the emission by cold galactic electrons, which exist throughout interstellar space, would
    be far too steep to fit the data. However, if the sources of emission have a small angular size compared with the beam width used in the WMAP and Planck spacecraft, the
    signals they record would be diluted. The beam widths increase with lower frequency, and the net result of this "beam dilution" is to produce an apparently flat spectrum
    in the 22 to 100 GHz range.

    The model invoking the emission from cold electrons not only gives the observed flat spectrum usually attributed to cosmic sources but also predicts values for the angular
    scale and temperature for the emitting volumes. Those predictions can then be compared with observations of galactic structure revealed in the Galactic Arecibo L-Band Feed
    Array (GALFA) HI survey.

    "The interstellar medium is much more surprising and important than we have given it credit for," noted Dr. Joshua Peek, an astronomer at the Space Telescope Science
    Institute and a co-investigator on the GALFA-HI survey. "Arecibo, with its combination of large area and high resolution, remains a spectacular and cutting edge tool
    for comparing ISM maps to cosmological data sets."

    The angular scales of the smallest features observed in neutral hydrogen maps made at Arecibo and the temperature of the apparently associated gas both match the model
    calculations extremely well. So far only three well-studied areas have been analyzed in such detail, but more work is being planned.

    "It was the agreement between the model predictions and the GALFA-HI observations that convinced me that we might be onto something," noted Dr. Joan Schmelz, Director,
    Universities Space Research Association (USRA) at Arecibo Observatory and a coauthor on the paper. "We hope that these results help us understand the true cosmological
    nature of Planck and WMAP data."

    The data suggest that the structure and physics of diffuse interstellar matter, in particular of cold hydrogen gas and associated electrons, may be more complex than
    heretofore considered. Such complexities need to be taken into account in order to produce better foreground masks for application to the high-frequency continuum
    observations of Planck and WMAP in the quest for a cosmologically significant signal.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Working at Subaru Telescope 3. Instrumentation & Electronics
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