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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    SF State astronomer searches for signs of life on Wolf 1061 exoplanet | SF State News

    As one of the world’s leading “planet hunters,” Kane focuses on finding “habitable zones,” areas where water could exist in a liquid state on a planet’s surface if
    there’s sufficient atmospheric pressure. Kane and his team, including former undergraduate student Miranda Waters, examined the habitable zone on a planetary system
    14 light years away. Their findings will appear in the next issue of Astrophysical Journal in a paper titled “Characterization of the Wolf 1061 Planetary System.”

    “The Wolf 1061 system is important because it is so close and that gives other opportunities to do follow-up studies to see if it does indeed have life,” Kane said.

    But it’s not just Wolf 1061’s proximity to Earth that made it an attractive subject for Kane and his team. One of the three known planets in the system, a rocky planet
    called Wolf 1061c, is entirely within the habitable zone. With assistance from collaborators at Tennessee State University and in Geneva, Switzerland, they were able
    to measure the star around which the planet orbits to gain a clearer picture of whether life could exist there.

    When scientists search for planets that could sustain life, they are basically looking for a planet with nearly identical properties to Earth, Kane said. Like Earth,
    the planet would have to exist in a sweet spot often referred to as the “Goldilocks zone” where conditions are just right for life. Simply put, the planet can’t be
    too close or too far from its parent star. A planet that’s too close would be too hot. If it’s too far, it may be too cold and any water would freeze, which is what
    happens on Mars, Kane added.

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    New observations show that Ceres, the largest body in the asteroid belt, does not appear to have the carbon-rich
    surface composition that space- and ground-based telescopes previously indicated.

    Using data primarily from NASA’s Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, SOFIA, a team of astronomers has detected the presence of substantial amounts of
    material on the surface of Ceres that appear to be fragments of other asteroids containing mostly rocky silicates. These observations are contrary to the currently
    accepted surface composition classification of Ceres as a carbon-rich body, suggesting that it is cloaked by material that partially disguises its real makeup.

    “This study resolves a long-time question about whether asteroid surface material accurately reflects the intrinsic composition of the asteroid,” said Pierre Vernazza,
    research scientist in the Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille (LAM–CNRS/AMU). Our results show that by extending observations to the mid-infrared, the asteroid’s
    underlying composition remains identifiable despite contamination by as much as 20 percent of material from elsewhere,” said Vernazza.

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    To see finally the face of Peggy - BBC News

    Scientists studying the splendour of Saturn's rings are hoping soon to get a resolved picture
    of an embedded object they know exists but cannot quite see.

    The moonlet is named after London researcher Carl Murray's mother-in-law, and was first noticed in 2013.
    Its effect on surrounding ice and dust particles has been tracked ever since.

    But no direct image of Peggy's form has yet been obtained, and time is now short.
    The Cassini spacecraft's mission at Saturn is edging to a close and its dramatic end-of-life disposal.

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    Tunguska Event: Russian Scientists Debunk Meteorite Theory

    Lake Cheko was supposed to be the impact crater of the large explosion that occurred near the Tunguska Riva in Russian Siberia,
    which was detected hundreds of miles away. However, Russian scientists revealed that Lake Cheko is at least 280 years old,
    which means that the lake dates back hundreds of years before the Tunguska event.

    The so-called Tunguska event is still a mystery after 108 years. It is the largest impact event on Earth in recorded history.

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    Včera jsem dořachnul Vesmírné Blues (Paseka), a kolem druhé ráno se uklidil pod peřinu s tím, že si už jen přečtu
    úvod Tegmarka (Argo/Dokořán). V 6:15 jsem s hrůzou zjistil, kolik je hodin, a dnes velmi úspěšně zaspal do práce.
    Zatím je brzy na hodnocení, ale jestli to celé bude takhle "turbo", tak potěš... Na článek jsem teď narazil náhodou,
    ale přesně zapadl do nálady.

    Mapping the multiverse: How far away is your parallel self? | New Scientist
    There seems to be an infinity of invisible worlds lurking out there.
    Now we’re starting to get a handle on where they are, and what it might take to reach them

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    A possible anorthositic continent of early Mars and the role of planetary size for the inception of Earth-like life

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    Help explore Mars by discovering networks of polygonal ridges!
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    The $2.4-billion plan to steal a rock from Mars : Nature News & Comment
    NASA is now building the rover that it hopes will bring back signs of life on the red planet.

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    ESOcast 93 Light: Kick-off for Mirrors and Sensors for Biggest Eye on the Sky
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    A Simple Response to an Elemental Message has now spent 100 days in space - not long by International Space
    Station astronauts standards but altogether a small milestone within a much longer journey!

    Traveling at light speed distance for this amount of time will only get you out of our Solar System and near
    the centre of the Oort Cloud, approximately 2,590,206,837,120km / 17,314.46 AU / 0.0839 parsec from The Earth.

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    Funeral service for Capt. Cernan will be conducted at 14:30 CST / 21:30 CET Jan 24
    St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, 717 Sage Road Houston & aired on NASA TV.

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    Three new gas giant exoplanets discovered by SuperWASP-South

    Astronomers report the discovery of three new gas giant planets using the SuperWASP-South Observatory in South Africa.
    Two of the newly detected alien worlds were classified as the so-called "warm Jupiters," while one of them is most likely
    a super-Neptune or a sub-Saturn planet. The findings were presented in a paper published Jan. 13 on the arXiv preprint server.

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    Bright fireball spotted over Omsk, Russia on January 16, 2017
    Firebal sobre Omsk Russia
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    Making the Giant Magellan Telescope's Massive, Incredibly Precise Mirrors

    The largest single-piece astronomical mirrors ever made are slowly coming together for an eagle-eyed ground-based telescope.

    To focus images for the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT), which is under construction in Chile, the 27.6-foot-wide (8.4 meters)
    concave mirrors must be curved precisely, to within 20 nanometers — the width of a single glass molecule. When completed,
    the telescope will return images 10 times sharper than those of the Hubble Space Telescope.

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    Panning Through the Milky Way
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    New tracking data confirms that NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft aced its first Deep Space Maneuver (DSM-1) on Dec. 28, 2016. The engine
    burn sets up the spacecraft for an Earth gravity assist this fall as it continues its two-year journey to the asteroid Bennu.

    The large maneuver was the first using OSIRIS-REx’s main engines and resulted in a 964 miles per hour (431 meters per second) change
    in the vehicle’s velocity utilizing 780 pounds (354 kilograms) of fuel.

    Tracking data from the Deep Space Network (DSN) confirmed the successful maneuver, and subsequent downlink of high-rate telemetry
    from the spacecraft shows that all subsystems performed as expected.

    "DSM-1 was our first major trajectory change and first use of the main engines, so it’s good to have that under our belts and be on
    a safe trajectory to Bennu," said Arlin Bartels, deputy project manager at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.

    DSM-1 represents the first major, post-launch milestone for OSIRIS-REx. The significant change in trajectory from DSM-1 was necessary
    to put OSIRIS-REx on course for an encounter with Earth in September of this year.

    A smaller trajectory correction maneuver will be executed on Wednesday, Jan. 18 to refine the course for the Earth flyby, during which
    Earth's gravity will bend the OSIRIS-REx trajectory and slinging it toward a rendezvous with the asteroid Bennu in the fall of 2018.

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    W. M. Keck Observatory: Our daycrew snapped this early-morning photo last week of the full moon
    setting as the sunrise cast the shadow of Maunakea to the west. What a great way to start out the work day!

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    Notre Dame astrophysicists discover dimming of binary star // News // Notre Dame News // University of Notre Dame

    A team of University of Notre Dame astrophysicists led by Peter Garnavich, professor of physics, has observed the unexplained
    fading of an interacting binary star, one of the first discoveries using the University’s Sarah L. Krizmanich Telescope.

    The binary star, FO Aquarii, located in the Milky Way galaxy and Aquarius constellation about 500 light-years from Earth, consists
    of a white dwarf and a companion star donating gas to the compact dwarf, a type of binary system known as an intermediate polar.
    The system is bright enough to be observed with small telescopes. Garnavich and his team started studying FO Aquarii, known as
    “king of the intermediate polars,” a few years ago when NASA’s Kepler Telescope was pointed toward it for three months. The star
    rotates every 20 minutes, and Garnavich wanted to investigate whether the period was changing.
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    A tale of two pulsars' tails: Plumes offer geometry lessons to astronomers | Penn State University

    Like cosmic lighthouses sweeping the universe with bursts of energy, pulsars have fascinated and baffled astronomers since they were first discovered
    50 years ago. In two studies, international teams of astronomers suggest that recent images from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory of two pulsars —
    Geminga and B0355+54 — may help shine a light on the distinctive emission signatures of pulsars, as well as their often perplexing geometry.

    Pulsars are a type of neutron star that are born in supernova explosions when massive stars collapse. Discovered initially by lighthouse-like beams
    of radio emission, more recent research has found that energetic pulsars also produce beams of high energy gamma rays.

    Interestingly, the beams rarely match up, said Bettina Posselt, senior research associate in astronomy and astrophysics, Penn State. The shapes of
    observed radio and gamma-ray pulses are often quite different and some of the objects show only one type of pulse or the other. These differences
    have generated debate about the pulsar model.

    "It's not fully understood why there are variations between different pulsars," said Posselt. "One of the main ideas here is that pulse differences
    have a lot to do with geometry — and it also depends on how the pulsar's spin and magnetic axes are oriented with respect to line of sight whether
    you see certain pulsars or not, as well as how you see them."

    Chandra's images are giving the astronomers a closer than ever look at the distinctive geometry of the charged particle winds radiating in X-ray and
    other wavelengths from the objects, according to Posselt. Pulsars rhythmically rotate as they rocket through space at speeds reaching hundreds of
    kilometers a second. Pulsar wind nebulae (PWN) are produced when the energetic particles streaming from pulsars shoot along the stars' magnetic fields,
    form tori — donut-shaped rings — around the pulsar's equatorial plane, and jet along the spin axis, often sweeping back into long tails as the pulsars'
    quickly cut through the interstellar medium.

    "This is one of the nicest results of our larger study of pulsar wind nebulae," said Roger W. Romani, professor of physics at Stanford University and
    principal investigator of the Chandra PWN project. "By making the 3-D structure of these winds visible, we have shown how one can trace back to
    the plasma injected by the pulsar at the center. Chandra's fantastic X-ray acuity was essential for this study, so we are happy that it was possible
    to get the deep exposures that made these faint structures visible."

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    Dnes v roce 1929 se vesmír pro člověka dost znatelně zvětšil..
    A relation between distance and radial velocity among extra-galactic nebulae

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