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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    The dynamic space environment that surrounds Earth – the space our astronauts and spacecraft travel through – can be rattled by huge solar eruptions
    from the sun, which spew giant clouds of magnetic energy and plasma, a hot gas of electrically charged particles, out into space. The magnetic field
    of these solar eruptions are difficult to predict and can interact with Earth’s magnetic fields, causing space weather effects.

    A new tool called EEGGL – short for the Eruptive Event Generator (Gibson and Low) and pronounced “eagle" – helps map out the paths of these magnetically
    structured clouds, called coronal mass ejections or CMEs, before they reach Earth. EEGGL is part of a much larger new model of the corona, the sun’s outer
    atmosphere, and interplanetary space, developed by a team at the University of Michigan. Built to simulate solar storms, EEGGL helps NASA study how a CME
    might travel through space to Earth and what magnetic configuration it will have when it arrives. The model is hosted by the Community Coordinated Modeling
    Center, or CCMC, at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.

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    Mysterious faint object detected in the vicinity of a quadruply lensed quasar

    Astronomers have spotted a mysterious faint object in the vicinity of a quadruply lensed quasar designated MG 0414+0534.
    The object, which was discovered using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), appears to be a dusty,
    dark dwarf galaxy or an ultra-diffuse galaxy (UDG). The findings were presented January 19 in a paper published on arXiv.org.

    MG 0414+0534 is a quadruply lensed, radio-loud quasar that showcases a strong sign of anomaly in the flux ratio and reddening
    in the optical and near-infrared band. This anomaly baffles scientists as its origin is not fully understood yet.

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    Letošní SETI Talks prvnička.
    The Late Veneer and Earth's habitability - Norm Sleep(SETI Talks 2017)
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    Detecting gravitational waves just got easier | Astronomy.com
    The Albert Einstein Institute in Potsdam has increased its computing power more than sixfold with the Minerva supercomputer.

    Gravitational waves are generated any time mass accelerates, spreading out like ripples on a pond. Because the size of the waves generated is proportional
    to the amount of mass accelerated, it’s easiest to see the waves resulting from some of the most intriguing astronomical events imaginable — the merger between
    two compact massive objects, such as neutron stars or black holes. The Albert Einstein Institute (AEI) at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
    in Potsdam, Germany, has recently gained a powerful tool in the ongoing effort to detect and understand gravitational waves: the Minerva supercomputer.
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    It's Opportunity's birthday, but this gift is for you! Free Mars 2017-2018 calendar available for download & print!

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    An urban collection of modern-day micrometeorites | EurekAlert! Science News

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    A Four Planet System in Orbit, Directly Imaged and Remarkable – Many Worlds

    The era of directly imaging exoplanets has only just begun, but the science and viewing pleasures to come are appealingly apparent.

    This evocative movie of four planets more massive than Jupiter orbiting the young star HR 8799 is a composite of sorts, including
    images taken over seven years at the W.M. Keck observatory in Hawaii. The movie clearly doesn’t show full orbits, which will take
    many more years to collect. The closest-in planet circles the star in around 40 years; the furthest takes more than 400 years.

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    Dreamview: MER Opportunity Sol 3754 from Seán Doran.
    Image: NASA / JPL-Caltech / Cornell / ASU / James Sorenson.
    Model: NASA / JPL-Caltech / Christian A. Lopez.
    Image process & synthesis: ​Seán Doran.

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    Vše nej Oppo! Za necelé 3 hoďiny to bude 13 let služby. :)
    Six Ways Opportunity is like a Teenager

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    The large dark feature is a classic Martian sand dune. Most sand on Earth is made from the mineral quartz, which is white and bright.
    On Mars, most sand is composed of dark basalt, a volcanic rock. For this reason, dunes on Mars are darker than those on Earth.

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    Bursts of methane may have warmed early Mars | Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Researchers from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) suggest that early Mars may have been warmed intermittently
    by a powerful greenhouse effect. In a paper published in Geophysical Research Letters, researchers found that interactions between methane, carbon dioxide
    and hydrogen in the early Martian atmosphere may have created warm periods when the planet could support liquid water on the surface.
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    via HADIAK :)

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    VIRGO: Začínají..
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    Where's the flux?
    A website is dedicated to the most mysterious star in our Galaxy

    Where's the Flux?

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    Supernova SN2016hgm In NGC493 Galaxy

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    Chybělo 170 milionů euro, říká o misi AIM Michal Václavík | www.kosmonautix.cz
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