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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    » Life Under a Black Sun
    Every living thing on our Earth has to thank the Sun for its ability to survive, as it warms the Earth to liveable temperatures.
    It is hard for us to imagine how a civilization could function without a star shining bright in the sky of its host planet.

    Scientists in the Czech Republic have been researching if a planet could harness enough energy to run a civilization if the planet
    were orbiting a black hole instead of a star. This would work in a fundamentally different way than how our planet and civilization
    work. The sun emits light and UV-radiation, the type of sunshine that causes a sunburn. This light and radiation carry energy that
    gets used by things like plants and solar panels. Black holes don’t produce light1, hence the name black holes, but they have mind-
    boggling amounts of gravity, enough to attract light and radiation.
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    The Trouble with Quantum Mechanics | by Steven Weinberg | The New York Review of Books
    The development of quantum mechanics in the first decades of the twentieth century came as a shock to many physicists.
    Today, despite the great successes of quantum mechanics, arguments continue about its meaning, and its future.
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    Do Intelligent Civilizations Across the Galaxies Self Destruct? For Better and Worse, We’re The Test Case – Many Worlds

    If there are billions of exoplanets out there — as speculated back then but proven now — why have there been no bona fide reports of advanced extraterrestrials
    visiting Earth, or perhaps leaving behind their handiwork?

    Many answers have been offered in the following decades — that we are alone in the universe, that the distances between solar systems are too great to travel,
    that Earth became home to life early in the galaxy’s history and other planets are only now catching up, that life might be common in the universe but intelligent
    life is not. I would like to focus on another response, however, one that came to mind often while reading a new book by the former holder of the astrobiology
    chair at the Library of Congress, planetary scientist David Grinspoon.

    This potential explanation is among the most unsettling: that intelligent and technologically advanced beings are likely to ultimately destroy themselves. Along
    with the creativity, the prowess and the gumption, intelligence brings with it an inherent instinct for unsustainable expansion and unintentional self destruction.

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    How Many Planets in the Universe? | Part 2: Our Universe
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    Hola hola! Petr Horálek dnes jako host v talk show u Šípa! Začátek ve 21:55
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    Researchers model superluminous supernova in 2-D for the first time

    Sightings of a rare breed of superluminous supernovae—stellar explosions that shine 10 to 100 times brighter than normal—are perplexing astronomers.
    First spotted only in last decade, scientists are confounded by the extraordinary brightness of these events and their explosion mechanisms.

    o better understand the physical conditions that create superluminious supernova, astrophysicists are running two-dimensional (2D) simulations of
    these events using supercomputers at the Department of Energy's National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) and the Lawrence Berkeley
    National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) developed CASTRO code.

    "This is the first time that anyone has simulated superluminous supernovae in 2D; previous studies have only modeled these events in 1D," says Ken Chen,
    an astrophysicist at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. "By modeling the star in 2D we can capture detailed information about fluid instability
    and mixing that you don't get in 1D simulations. These details are important to accurately depict the mechanisms that cause the event to be superluminous
    and explain their corresponding observational signatures such as light curves and spectra."

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    Bump on a plot from Chandra X-ray observatory reveals excess of X-rays, hinting at dark matter

    A team of space researchers with members from Yale University, MIT and the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics has found
    a bump in X-ray readings from the Chandra-X-ray observatory that appears to be similar to bumps seen with X-rays from other telescopes.
    Such bumps have been theorized to represent the decay of dark matter, which could indirectly prove it exists. The team has written
    a paper describing their results and have posted it on the arXiv preprint server.
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    Proxima Centauri: The Problem of Arrival

    Given his key role in the development of sail ideas for interstellar flight, Robert Forward inevitably comes up in any discussion
    of deep space missions. The late physicist put forward a number of sail concepts and mission ideas, including a laser-driven lightsail
    to Epsilon Eridani with return capability that would travel at 50 percent of the speed of light. Those were numbers that made a manned
    mission theoretically possible, though demanding a huge sail (1000 kilometers in diameter) and a mind-bending space-based 75,000 TW
    laser system.

    Yesterday we looked at the critical problem of deceleration in a sail-based interstellar mission, with reference to the new paper by
    René Heller and Michael Hippke. I only wish Forward were here to give us his thoughts on the newly proposed ‘photogravitational assist’
    method of deceleration, because for years his own method for the Epsilon Eridani mission — a ‘staged’ sail that separates, so that one
    sail ring reflects laser light back onto another — has been the only method I’ve seen for slowing a sailcraft down for orbital insertion
    at another star.

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    JULIANNE: Tak tohle je nejpříjemnější zakončení dnešního hektického dne. :)

    A půjdu hned s pravdou ven: už v půlce prefixu jsem přestal číst, a ihned mocně zagooglil, mám ho totiž v povědomí
    (jako 95% z těch 500+ kosmonautů) jen velice matně. Ale svitlo mi za chvilku (hlavně krz ISS). Velmi sympatický a
    charismatický chlapík.

    Většinu rozhovorů s kosmonauty bohužel nedočtu - ne že by nebyly zajímavé - ale dění kolem pilotované kosmonautiky
    nepatří mezi má nejrajcovnější témata (tohle je čistě subjektivní, omlouvám se všem zdejším kosmonautickým skalákům).
    Tvůj rozhovor jsem si užil právě díky skvělému výběru zvolených témat, která mě samotného zajímají, a je z toho cítit,
    že i jeho bavilo odpovídat. Paráda, jen tak dál! Díky.

    (Jen u té spolupráce s Čínou mám problém: nevědomé skřípění zubů, ale to se ani jeho ani tvého rozhovoru netýká...
    Asi je skutečně potřeba to propojit. Všimla sis zprávy o spolupráci FASTu a SETI? Btw: dostal jsem už druhou moc zajímavou
    zprávu ohledně výkonu FASTu a Areciba, ale nedovolím si to pustit ven, dokud si v tom neudělám pořádek, a druhak by to mohl
    kdokoliv napadnout, protože oba zdroje informací jsou profesně s Arecibo/NAIC spojeni, ale snad neudělám botu, když napíšu,
    že je všechno zase trochu jinak (už zase slyším to skřípání!...:-D)

    JULIANNE: V tomhle snad už konečně můžu mluvit i za ostatní. Rozhodně budeme rádi
    za všechny nové články, těšíme se! Jen z toho výčtu jmen máš pořádně nakročíno! :)
    JULIANNE --- ---
    Teď už mi zbývá jen dopřepsat záznamy rozhovorů se Stuartem Kauffmanem a Christophem Sotinem (toho pak určitě zase vložím sem). A Douglasem Vakochem. A Jimem Kakaliosem. Kde je pořádná speech-to-text recognition, když ji člověk potřebuje?
    JULIANNE --- ---
    Přihazuji jeden další rozhovor :). Astronauta Leroye Chiao jsem sice nestihla vyzpovídat naživo v Praze, ale popovídala jsem si s ním po Skypu krátce nato.

    Space is a good place for countries to work together – Julie Novakova
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    Experiments suggest red spot on Pluto may have come about from impact that formed Charon

    A combined team of researchers from several institutions in Japan has found evidence that suggests Pluto's distinctive red spot
    may have developed after a massive collision with a comet or other object. In their paper published in the journal Nature Astronomy,
    the researchers detail experiments they conducted that showed that the red spot on Pluto may have come about due to pools that
    developed on the dwarf planet's surface after a collision.

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    UH Research Finds Evidence of 2 Billion Years of Volcanic Activity on Mars - University of Houston

    Analysis of a Martian meteorite found in Africa in 2012 has uncovered evidence of at least 2 billion years of volcanic
    activity on Mars. This confirms that some of the longest-lived volcanoes in the solar system may be found on the Red Planet.

    Shield volcanoes and lava plains formed from lava flowing over long distances, similar to the formation of the Hawaiian Islands.
    The largest Martian volcano, Olympus Mons, is nearly 17 miles high. That’s almost triple the height of Earth’s tallest volcano,
    Mauna Kea, at 6.25 miles.

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    Impact ejecta is material that is thrown up and out of the surface of a planet as a result of the impact of an meteorite, asteroid or comet.
    The material that was originally beneath the surface of the planet then rains down onto the environs of the newly formed impact crater.

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    Swirling spirals at the north pole of Mars / Mars Express / Space Science / Our Activities / ESA

    A new mosaic from ESA’s Mars Express shows off the Red Planet’s north polar ice cap and its distinctive dark spiralling troughs.

    The mosaic was generated from 32 individual orbit ‘strips’ captured between 2004 and 2010, and covers an area of around a million
    square kilometres.

    The ice cap is a permanent fixture, but in the winter season – as it is now in early 2017 – temperatures are cold enough for around
    30 percent of the carbon dioxide in the planet’s atmosphere to precipitate onto the cap, adding a seasonal layer up to a metre thick.

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    Frank Drake and the history of SETI at Green Bank
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    Making Discoveries in Your Idle Time | astrobites
    Einstein@Home Discovery of a Double Neutron Star Binary in the PALFA Survey

    The large volume of data that modern scientific projects produce require novel methods for data analysis. Citizen science is one such method,
    and has shown great utility across many disciplines. Most citizen science projects have volunteers from general public to scrutinize and
    classify data. In astrophysics, citizen science is used for everything from identifying galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, analyzing
    light curves from Kepler data, or classifying troublesome noise in the LIGO gravitational-wave detectors.
    VIRGO --- ---
    This animation describes the nominal mission characteristics of an autonomous active sail as described by Heller & Hippke (2017)
    approaching the alpha Centauri system from Earth. The sail's mass-per-area is about 8.6e-4 g/m². A 10⁵ m² = (316 m)² sail made of
    graphene (7.6e-4 g/m²) could carry 10 g of payload, incl. science, navigation, and communication systems, 99.99% reflective
    coating etc. and would have a total weight of 86 g. The interstellar maneuver is referred to as a photogravitational assist.

    Maneuvering of an autonomous active sail to Proxima b
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