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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce

    For every complex question, there's a simple answer that's completely wrong.
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    NASA to Host News Conference on Discovery Beyond Our Solar System
    NASA will hold a news conference at 1 p.m. EST Wednesday, Feb. 22, to present new findings on planets that orbit stars
    other than our sun, known as exoplanets. The event will air live on NASA Television and the agency's website.

    Details of these findings are embargoed by the journal Nature until 1 p.m.
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    Image of the Day: Weirdest Satellite Image Ever | Climate Central

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    Extreme Phosphorus Scarcity and its Grip on Ancient Life - Astrobiology Magazine
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    Our New Neighbor Orbiting Lalande 21185 | Drew Ex Machina

    Before the flood of discoveries resulting from NASA’s Kepler mission, the majority of extrasolar planets were found by analyzing precision radial velocity measurements of stars.
    Periodic variations in a star’s radial velocity could be the result of reflex motion caused by an orbiting exoplanet. One of the longest running surveys of this type is the Lick-
    Carnegie Exoplanet Survey (LCES) which has been running since 1994. On February 12, 2017 the LCES team including famed exoplanet hunters Paul Butler (Carnegie Institution for
    Science), Steven Vogt (UCO/Lick Observatory) and Gregory Laughlin (Yale University), among others, submitted a paper for publication in the peer-reviewed Astrophysical Journal
    with the results of their 20-year (and still counting) radial velocity survey. In addition, they have also made their data available to the public.
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    The events surrounding the Big Bang were so cataclysmic that they left an indelible imprint on the fabric of the cosmos.
    We can detect these scars today by observing the oldest light in the Universe. As it was created nearly 14 billion years ago,
    this light — which exists now as weak microwave radiation and is thus named the cosmic microwave background (CMB) — has now
    expanded to permeate the entire cosmos, filling it with detectable photons.

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    Six New Horizons scientists propose geophysical planet definition - SpaceFlight Insider
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    X-flares: An Intriguing Combination of Rarity, Intensity, and Beauty
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    Particles from outer space are wreaking low-grade havoc on personal electronics

    You may not realize it but alien subatomic particles raining down from outer space are
    wreaking low-grade havoc on your smartphones, computers and other personal electronic devices.

    When your computer crashes and you get the dreaded blue screen or your smartphone freezes and you have to go through the time-consuming process
    of a reset, most likely you blame the manufacturer: Microsoft or Apple or Samsung. In many instances, however, these operational failures may be
    caused by the impact of electrically charged particles generated by cosmic rays that originate outside the solar system.

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    NASA's Dawn mission has found evidence for organic material on Ceres, a dwarf planet and the largest body in the main asteroid belt between Mars and
    Jupiter. Scientists using the spacecraft's visible and infrared mapping spectrometer (VIR) detected the material in and around a northern-hemisphere
    crater called Ernutet. Organic molecules are interesting to scientists because they are necessary, though not sufficient, components of life on Earth.
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    ESO Awards Contract to Polish the ELT Tertiary Mirror | ESO United Kingdom

    ESO has now awarded the contract to polish the third mirror in the light path, known as M3, to the French company Reosc, a subsidiary of Safran Electronics & Defense.
    They will receive the blank from SCHOTT, design the mirror and its mounting interfaces, polish the surface, and complete all necessary optical tests before delivery.
    Reosc were also awarded the contracts to design, polish and test the telescope’s secondary mirror in July 2016, and to manufacture the deformable shell mirrors that
    will comprise the ELT’s fourth mirror (M4).

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    Color-composite of Saturn's north pole from Cassini on Feb. 13, 2017, processed by Jasin Major.

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    Signs of alien life could be spotted on this exoplanet 'map' | WIRED UK

    The Carnegie Institution of Science has released its dataset to the public,
    along with open-source software to process the data and an online tutorial
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    This image was captured by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope’s Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS), a highly efficient wide-field camera covering the optical and near-infrared parts
    of the spectrum. While this lovely image contains hundreds of distant stars and galaxies, one vital thing is missing — the object Hubble was actually studying at the time!

    This is not because the target has disappeared. The ACS actually uses two detectors: the first captures the object being studied — in this case an open star cluster known as NGC 299 —
    while the other detector images the patch of space just ‘beneath’ it. This is what can be seen here.

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    Catalog Page for PIA21382

    NASA's Juno spacecraft soared directly over Jupiter's south pole when JunoCam acquired this image on February 2, 2017
    at 6:06 a.m. PT (9:06 a.m. ET), from an altitude of about 62,800 miles (101,000 kilometers) above the cloud tops.

    This image was processed by citizen scientist John Landino. This enhanced color version highlights the bright high clouds and numerous meandering oval
    storms. Away from the polar region, the seeming chaos of Jupiter's polar region gives way to the more familiar color banding that Jupiter is known for.

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    Today 1998, Voyager 1 overtakes Pioneer 10 as the most distant human object from Earth.
    Voyager - The Interstellar Mission
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    On the birthday of Pluto’s discovery, Science takes a look back on the dwarf planet’s long, strange history | Science | AAAS

    Happy birthday, Pluto! Since its discovery 87 years ago tomorrow, the dwarf planet has been the subject of near-constant debate, research,
    and discovery. A look back on Pluto’s life gives us insight not just into how far we’ve come in astronomy, but how far we have yet to go.
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    What are the ethics of creating new life in a simulated universe? | Popular Science

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    Event Horizon Telescope ready to image black hole - BBC News

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