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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Ever wondered what it looks like inside Curiosity?

    This is a photo of the rover, during assembly before being launched to Mars. It's placed upside down with its belly plate removed so we can see
    the equipment and instruments that are normally hidden from our view. The front of the rover is on the left side of this photo. The image was
    shared today by Emily Lakdawalla of the Planetary Society and will be one of the featured images in a book she is writing about Curiosity Rover.

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    This close-up view of Jupiter captures the turbulent region just west of the Great Red Spot in the South Equatorial Belt,
    with resolution better than any previous pictures from Earth or other spacecraft.

    NASA’s Juno spacecraft captured this image with its JunoCam citizen science instrument when the spacecraft was a mere 8,700
    kilometers above Jupiter’s cloudtops on Dec. 11, 2016 at 9:14 a.m. PT (12:14 p.m. ET). Citizen scientist Sergey Dushkin
    produced the sublime color processing and cropped the image to draw viewers’ eyes to the dynamic clouds.

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    Proba-2 partial eclipses, 26 February 2017
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    Our Universe is too vast for even the most imaginative sci-fi | Aeon Ideas

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    Our constantly-changing sun sometimes erupts with bursts of light, solar material, or ultra-fast energized particles — collectively,
    these events contribute to space weather. In a study published Jan. 30, 2017, in Space Weather, scientists from NASA and the National
    Center for Atmospheric Research, or NCAR, in Boulder, Colorado, have shown that the warning signs of one type of space weather event
    can be detected tens of minutes earlier than with current forecasting techniques – critical extra time that could help protect
    astronauts in space.

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    Remnants of a mega-flood on Mars / Mars Express / Space Science / Our Activities / ESA

    ESA’s Mars Express has captured images of one of the largest outflow channel networks on the Red Planet.

    The Kasei Valles channel system extends around 3000 km from its source region in Echus Chasma – which lies east of the bulging
    volcanic region Tharsis and just north of the Valles Marineris canyon system – to its sink in the vast plains of Chryse Planitia.

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    Fragmented asteroid pair develops twin comet-like tails

    Asteroids on the main belt, situated between Mars and Jupiter, move around the sun in quasi circular orbits,
    so they do not undergo the temperature changes which, in comets, produce the characteristic tails. Nevertheless,
    some twenty cases have been documented of asteroids which, for various reasons, increase their glow and unfurl
    a tail of dust. Among the latter stands P/2016 J1, the youngest known "asteroid pair."

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    Fourth Hubble Servicing Mission Launches -- March 1, 2002 | NASA

    This week in 2002, space shuttle Columbia and STS-109 launched from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center to begin the fourth Hubble Space Telescope servicing mission.
    Here Hubble is berthed in Columbia’s cargo bay, silhouetted against the airglow of Earth's horizon. During this mission, astronauts replaced Hubble's solar
    panels and installed the Advanced Camera for Surveys, which took the place of Hubble's Faint Object Camera, the telescope's last original instrument.

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    YaleNews | Yale-led team puts dark matter on the map

    A Yale-led team has produced one of the highest-resolution maps of dark matter ever created, offering a detailed
    case for the existence of cold dark matter — sluggish particles that comprise the bulk of matter in the universe.

    The dark matter map is derived from Hubble Space Telescope Frontier Fields data of a trio of galaxy clusters that
    act as cosmic magnifying glasses to peer into older, more distant parts of the universe, a phenomenon known as
    gravitational lensing.

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    Rapid changes point to origin of ultra-fast black hole 'burps'

    Gas outflows are common features of active supermassive black holes that reside in the center of large galaxies. Millions to billions of times the mass of the Sun,
    these black holes feed on the large disks of gas that swirl around them. Occasionally the black holes eat too much and burp out an ultra-fast wind, or outflow.
    These winds may have a strong influence on regulating the growth of the host galaxy by clearing the surrounding gas away and suppressing star formation.
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    Espectacular anomalía en Marte 2017
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    Galaxie na hraně | ESO Česko

    Pestrobarevný pás hvězd, plynu a prachu na uvedeném snímku je spirální galaxie s katalogovým označením NGC 1055 a takto ji nedávno zachytil dalekohled ESO/VLT
    (Very Large Telescope) pracující na observatoři Paranal v Chile. Průměr galaxie NGC 1055 je asi o 15 procent větší než průměr naší Galaxie (Mléčné dráhy).
    Jelikož se na NGC 1055 díváme z boku, vypadá, jako by postrádala stočená ramena – typický znak spirálních galaxií. Na jejím vzhledu je také patrná řada
    nepravidelných struktur, které pravděpodobně vznikly následkem blízkého setkání se sousední galaxií.

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    For the 1st time since 2014 New Horizons will enter hibernation NEXT MONTH
    as it cruises to 2014 MU69. This hibernation runs 7 Apr-11 Sep.
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    Catch Comet Encke this evening.
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    Woow! Could we map the surface of a distant Earthlike planet by using the sun as a huge magnifying glass?

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    50 000-Year-Old 'Super Life' Discovered Says Head Of NASA Astrobiology

    Deep within a Mexican cave NASA scientists discovered ancient life forms that have been trapped within crystals for 50,000 years. The cave whereby
    these microbes live is the famous Naica Cave in Mexico's Chihuahua state and is known for fairytale like massive crystals and extreme conditions.

    The microbes have been dormant within trapped fluid inclusions in massive gypsum crystals. Uniquely, the microbes have existed entirely on heavy
    minerals such as iron and manganese to create energy. They have adapted to one of the most hostile environments on Earth, evidence that life finds
    a way to cope in extreme conditions.

    To set the stage, the Naica caves were first found by miners about a hundred years ago while looking for silver. The cave system (980 feet below
    the surface of the Earth) reaches up to 136 °F and 99% humidity, conditions that require scientists to wear modified spacesuits with cooling packs
    while studying the cave. The massive gypsum crystals have grown up to 39 feet long and 13 feet in diameter, weighing up to 55 tons per crystal.

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    Study opens new questions on how the atmosphere and oceans formed

    A new study led by The Australian National University (ANU) has found seawater cycles throughout the Earth’s interior
    down to 2 900km, much deeper than previously thought, reopening questions about how the atmosphere and oceans formed.

    A popular theory is that the atmosphere and oceans formed by releasing water and gases from the Earth’s mantle through
    volcanic activity during the planet’s first 100 million years.

    But lead researcher Dr Mark Kendrick from ANU said the new study provided evidence to question this theory.

    “Our findings make alternative theories for the origin of the atmosphere and oceans equally plausible, such as icy
    comets or meteorites bringing water to the Earth,” said Dr Kendrick from the ANU Research School of Earth Sciences.

    Seawater is introduced into the Earth’s interior when two tectonic plates converge and one plate is pushed underneath
    the other into the mantle. The study has overturned the notion that seawater only makes it about 100km into the mantle
    before it is returned to the Earth’s surface through volcanic arcs, such as those forming the Pacific Ring of Fire that
    runs through the western America’s, Japan and Tonga.

    The team analysed samples of volcanic glass from the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans that contained traces of seawater
    that had been deeply cycled throughout Earth’s interior
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    Earth probably began with a solid shell | EurekAlert! Science News
    New research suggests that plate tectonics began later in Earth's history

    Today's Earth is a dynamic planet with an outer layer composed of giant plates that grind together, sliding past or dipping beneath one another, giving
    rise to earthquakes and volcanoes. Others separate at undersea mountain ridges, where molten rock spreads out from the centers of major ocean basins.

    But new research suggests that this was not always the case. Instead, shortly after Earth formed and began to cool, the planet's first outer layer was
    a single, solid but deformable shell. Later, this shell began to fold and crack more widely, giving rise to modern plate tectonics.

    The research, described in a paper published February 27, 2017 in the journal Nature, is the latest salvo in a long-standing debate in the geological
    research community: did plate tectonics start right away--a theory known as uniformitarianism--or did Earth first go through a long phase with a solid
    shell covering the entire planet? The new results suggest the solid shell model is closest to what really happened.

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    The TRAPPIST Worlds: Should We Invest In A Backup Planet For Earth?
    Investing in a backup planet might be a good idea, given what’s been happening on Earth lately. The cost would only be a little over
    $20 trillion, but some nice real estate just came on the market.
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