Researchers at UC Riverside and Caltech team up on Astrophysical Journal paper
The scaffolding that holds the large-scale structure of the universe constitutes galaxies, dark matter and gas (from which stars are forming),
organized in complex networks known as the cosmic web. This network comprises dense regions known as galaxy clusters and groups that are woven
together through thread-like structures known as filaments. These filaments form the backbone of the cosmic web and host a large fraction of
the mass in the universe, as well as sites of star formation activity.
While there is ample evidence that environments shape and direct the evolution of galaxies, it is not clear how galaxies behave in the larger,
global cosmic web and in particular in the more extended environment of filaments. In a joint collaboration between the California Institute of
Technology and the University of California, Riverside, astronomers have performed an extensive study of the properties of galaxies within
filaments formed at different times during the age of the universe.
In a just-published paper, astronomers used a sample of 40,000 galaxies in the COSMOS field, a large and contiguous patch of sky with deep enough
data to look at galaxies very far away, and with accurate distance measurements to individual galaxies. The large area covered by COSMOS allowed
sampling volumes of different densities within the cosmic web.
Using techniques developed to identify the large-scale structures, they cataloged the cosmic web to its components: clusters, filaments, and
sparse regions devoid of any object, extending into the universe as it was 8 billion years ago. The galaxies were then divided into those that
are central to their local environment (the center of gravity) and those that roam around in their host environments (satellites).
“What makes this study unique is the observation of thousands of galaxies in different filaments spanning a significant fraction of the age of
the Universe” said Behnam Darvish a postdoctoral scholar at Caltech who is the lead author on the paper. “When we consider the distant universe,
we look back in time to when the cosmic web and filaments were younger and had not yet fully evolved and therefore, could study the joint evolution
of the large scale structures and galaxies associated with them.”