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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Fast Moving Stars and Interstellar Bow Shocks
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    SN2015bh—the end of a star or an 'impostor' supernova?

    Massive stars end their lives in supernova explosions, highly energetic events that can be as luminous as the entire starlight
    from their host galaxies. However, there are events called "supernova impostors" which, despite their intensity, are not the end
    of the star's life. This could very well be the case of SN 2015bh, a star which had suffered at least 21 years of violent eruptions
    and which, together with a number of other objects, could be a member of a new class.

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    TRAPPIST-1 worlds are close enough for life to hop between them | New Scientist

    The newly discovered planets of the TRAPPIST-1 system could be a playground for rock-riding microbes.

    At such short distances, when a meteorite hits the surface of one of the planets, the resulting debris could make its way between them.

    If bacteria or other forms of life stowed away on a piece of debris, they could hitch-hike between worlds in a process called panspermia.
    Some scientists believe life on Earth may have started this way, as microbial stowaways from Mars.

    Now, Manasvi Lingam and Avi Loeb at Harvard University have determined that this sort of transfer is 1000 times more likely to occur
    between the TRAPPIST-1 planets than between Earth and Mars.
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    Universe's Largest Structure Caught In The Act Of Forming

    The filament extending from MACS J0717 (artist's impression)
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    New Study Finds Radiation from Nearby Galaxies Helped Fuel First Monster Black Holes | Columbia News

    The appearance of supermassive black holes at the dawn of the universe has puzzled astronomers since their discovery more than a decade ago. A supermassive black hole
    is thought to form over billions of years, but more than two dozen of these behemoths have been sighted within 800 million years of the Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago.

    In a new study in the journal Nature Astronomy, a team of researchers from Dublin City University, Columbia University, Georgia Tech, and the University of Helsinki,
    add evidence to one theory of how these ancient black holes, about a billion times heavier than our sun, may have formed and quickly put on weight.

    In computer simulations, the researchers show that a black hole can rapidly grow at the center of its host galaxy if a nearby galaxy emits enough radiation to switch off
    its capacity to form stars. Thus disabled, the host galaxy grows until its eventual collapse, forming a black hole that feeds on the remaining gas, and later, dust, dying
    stars, and possibly other black holes, to become super gigantic.

    “The collapse of the galaxy and the formation of a million-solar-mass black hole takes 100,000 years — a blip in cosmic time,” says study co-author Zoltan Haiman,
    an astronomy professor at Columbia University. “A few hundred-million years later, it has grown into a billion-solar-mass supermassive black hole. This is much
    faster than we expected.”

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    Star Discovered in Closest Known Orbit Around Likely Black Hole | NASA

    Astronomers have found evidence for a star that whips around a black hole about twice an hour.
    This may be the tightest orbital dance ever witnessed for a likely black hole and a companion star.

    This discovery was made using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory as well as NASA’s NuSTAR and CSIRO’s Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). 

    The close-in stellar couple – known as a binary – is located in the globular cluster 47 Tucanae, a dense cluster of stars in our galaxy about
    14,800 light years from Earth. 

    While astronomers have observed this binary for many years, it wasn’t until 2015 that radio observations with the ATCA revealed the pair likely
    contains a black hole pulling material from a companion star called a white dwarf, a low-mass star that has exhausted most or all of its nuclear

    New Chandra data of this system, known as X9, show that it changes in X-ray brightness in the same manner every 28 minutes, which is likely the
    length of time it takes the companion star to make one complete orbit around the black hole. Chandra data also shows evidence for large amounts
    of oxygen in the system, a characteristic feature of white dwarfs. A strong case can, therefore, be made that the companion star is a white dwarf,
    which would then be orbiting the black hole at only about 2.5 times the separation between the Earth and the Moon.

    A Tour of X9 in 47 Tucanae
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    ALMA nahlíží do srdce hvězdných školek | ESO Česko

    Zdá se, že velké spirální galaxie se svými nápadnými svítícími rameny přitahují veškerou pozornost. Ale NGC 6822, nepravidelná trpasličí galaxie s příčkou,
    dokazuje, že pravidelné spirální galaxie nemají monopol na galaktickou krásu. NGC 6822, které se také říká Barnardova galaxie, leží v souhvězdí Střelce
    (Sagittarius) ve vzdálenosti 1.6 milionu světelných let a je plná oblastí tvorby hvězd.

    Tento nový obrázek je kombinací starších pozorování pořízených kamerou WFI (Wide Field Imager) na 2.2m dalekohledu MPG/ESO na observatoři ESO La Silla a nových
    dat z interferometru ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array). Oblasti pozorované ALMou jsou na obrázku zvýrazněny a dají se prohlédnout v detailu.

    Pozorování z dalekohledu ALMA odhalují s neuvěřitelným rozlišením strukturu oblaků obsahujících plyn, ze kterého se tvoří hvězdy. Z pozorování v naší vlastní
    galaxii víme, že hvězdy se tvoří v hustých jádrech velkých oblaků molekulárního vodíku - v jediných místech, kde se plyn stane dostatečně chladným na to, aby
    vlastní gravitací zkolaboval. Tyto podmínky podporují také tvorbu dalších molekul, např. oxidu uhelnatého, které jsou nenahraditelnou pomůckou astronomů při
    detekování galaktického molekulárního vodíku.

    Až donedávna byli astronomové schopní rozlišist oblasti tvorby hvězd pouze v Mléčné dráze, ale vysoké rozlišení ALMy otevírá okno do tvorby hvězd v jiných galaxiích.
    Analýza dat ukázala, že, na rozdíl od naší galaxie, pozorované molekuly jsou soustředěny do malých, hustých jader plynu. To vysvětluje, proč bylo doposud tak těžké
    pozorovat extragalaktické oblasti tvorby hvězd, obzvláště v málo hmotných galaxiích s nízkým obsahem těžších prvků. ALMA také zjistila, že se jádra v NGC 6822 chovají
    velmi podobně hvězdným školkám v Mléčné dráze, což signalizuje, že fyzika tvorby hvězd v těchto malých galaxiích připomíná tu, kterou vidíme v naší galaxii.

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    Mysterious isolated object investigated by astronomers

    An international team of astronomers led by Philippe Delorme of the Grenoble Alpes University in France has recently investigated a mysterious object
    designated CFBDSIR J214947.2-040308.9 (CFBDSIR 2149-0403 for short) in order to reveal its true nature. The object is assumed to be a young isolated
    planetary-mass object or a high-metallicity low-mass brown dwarf. The results of new observations published Mar. 2 in a paper on arXiv.org could help
    distinguish between these two classes.

    CFBDSIR 2149-0403 was detected in 2012 by Delorme and his team as a possible member of the AB Doradus moving group. After its discovery, it was
    classified by the researchers as a unique T-type isolated planetary-mass candidate. However, due to the lack of convincing evidence supporting
    the hypothesis that CFBDSIR 2149-0403 formed as a planet and was subsequently ejected, the scientific community does not exclude the possibility
    that it could be a low-mass brown dwarf.

    In order to to fully characterize CFBDSIR 2149-0403 and to constrain its nature, the team has conducted multi-instrument, multi-wavelength follow-up
    observations of this object. The list of instruments used by Delorme and his colleagues includes the Very Large Telescope's (VLT) X-Shooter spectrograph
    and HAWK-I near-infrared imager, WIRCam imager at the Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope and NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope.

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    Seeing things sideways | ESA/Hubble

    This image from Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) shows NGC 1448, a spiral galaxy located about 50 million light-years from Earth
    in the little-known constellation of Horologium (The Pendulum Clock). We tend to think of spiral galaxies as massive and roughly
    circular celestial bodies, so this glittering oval does not immediately appear to fit the visual bill. What’s going on?

    Imagine a spiral galaxy as a circular frisbee spinning gently in space. When we see it face on, our observations reveal a spectacular
    amount of detail and structure — a great example from Hubble is the telescope’s view of Messier 51, otherwise known as the Whirlpool
    Galaxy. However, the NGC 1448 frisbee is very nearly edge-on with respect to Earth, giving it an appearance that is more oval than
    circular. The spiral arms, which curve out from NGC 1448’s dense core, can just about be seen.

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    Metabolism may be older than life itself and start spontaneously | New Scientist

    A set of chemical reactions occurring spontaneously in Earth’s early chemical environments could have provided the foundations upon which life evolved.

    The discovery that a version of the Krebs cycle, which occurs in most living cells, can proceed in the absence of cellular proteins called enzymes suggests
    that metabolism is older than life itself.

    Metabolism describes the fiendishly complex network of reactions that enable organisms to generate energy and the molecules they need to survive, grow and
    reproduce. The Krebs cycle – also known as the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle – is at the heart of this network. It describes a circular chain of reactions
    that generates precursors of amino acids and lipids used to build proteins and membranes, and molecules that help the cell to produce its energy.

    But how did such a complex cycle develop in the first place?

    One idea is that it began only after RNA, a fundamental building block of life, came into being. Metabolic reactions are catalysed by proteins called enzymes,
    for which RNA provides the template – at least in modern cells. There is, however, a problem with this “RNA world” hypothesis: if the reactions didn’t already
    occur immediately in early life forms and provide them with a survival advantage, then there would have been no selective pressure to drive the evolution of
    enzymes. Furthermore, RNA itself is made from products of metabolism.
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    Building Magnetic Fields in White Dwarfs

    White dwarfs, the compact remnants left over at the end of low- and medium-mass stars’ lifetimes, are often found to have
    magnetic fields with strengths ranging from thousands to billions of times that of Earth. But how do these fields form?
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    Incredible Saturn's upper atmosphere layers observed by Cassini on March 7th in far-red & ultraviolet wavelengths via Kevin M. Gill.
    Assembled using raw uncalibrated far-red and ultraviolet (CB2, UV2) images taken by the Cassini spacecraft on March 7 2017.

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    Astronomy magazine - If Aliens Contact Us, We Won't Understand | Astronomy Magazine

    2016 gave us a fair number of false SETI detections. But lets imagine that this year it's the year.

    Maybe it's first detected at a radio telescope in Russia, or perhaps an optical telescope in California. But in 2017, somewhere someone picks up
    a signal. Skeptical astronomers alert their colleagues, yet sure enough, they're reading it out in telescopes around the world. It's too specific
    or too weird to be a known natural phenomenon, and it repeats itself with suspiciously high fidelity over some interval. Cautiously, but excitedly,
    the news gets out. We've received a message from the stars.

    It's worth wondering: what would happen next?

    Well, if you follow the logic of the renowned Polish philosopher and science fiction writer Stanisław Lem, after a lot of hubbub and frustration:
    absolutely nothing. According to Lem's logic, our species may never be able to read or understand a message from extraterrestrials.
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    Forget SpaceX: 10 companies changing space travel in 2017 & 2018

    Between the Earth and Mars, adventures to the Moon and building the habitats necessary for future astronauts are reshaping access to the star
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    Gratulace! NASA Awards Contract for SOFIA Science, Mission Operations Support

    NASA has selected Universities Space Research Association of Columbia, Maryland, to provide the agency with
    science and mission operations support for its Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) program.

    The hybrid contract consists of a cost-plus-award-fee core requirement, cost no fee for the core grants activity, and separate indefinite
    delivery/indefinite quantity elements for the cost-plus-award-fee core and cost-plus-fixed-fee orders. The maximum total value is approximately
    $514 million. The period of performance begins May 1 and includes a 60-day phase-in and five-year base period, followed by six two-year options
    and a one-year shutdown/close-out option. The exercise of options is subject to review and approval of continued performance of the SOFIA mission.

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    First results of CRISPR gene editing of normal embryos released | New Scientist

    A team in China has corrected genetic mutations in at least some of the cells in three normal human embryos using the CRISPR genome
    editing technique. The latest study is the first to describe the results of using CRISPR in viable human embryos, New Scientist can reveal.

    While this study – which attempted to repair the DNA of six embryos in total – was very small, the results suggest CRISPR works much better
    in normal embryos than it did in previous tests on abnormal embryos that could not develop into children.

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    Lawrence Krauss & Aomawa Shields - The Search for Habitable Planets and Life Beyond the Solar System
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    The Composition of Galaxies: Looking Beyond The Stars
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    Hubble Hones In on a Hypergiant's Home

    This beautiful Hubble image reveals a young super star cluster known as Westerlund 1,
    only 15,000 light-years away in our Milky Way neighborhood, yet home to one of the largest stars ever discovered.

    Stars are classified according to their spectral type, surface temperature, and luminosity. While studying and classifying the cluster’s constituent stars,
    astronomers discovered that Westerlund 1 is home to an enormous star. Originally named Westerlund 1-26, this monster star is a red supergiant (although
    sometimes classified as a hypergiant) with a radius over 1,500 times that of our sun. If Westerlund 1-26 were placed where our sun is in our solar system,
    it would extend out beyond the orbit of Jupiter.

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