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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    A Mistranslated Word Led To Some Of The Best Fake News Of The 20th Century | FiveThirtyEight

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    The Hills are Colorful in Juventae Chasma

    The map is projected here at a scale of 50 centimeters per pixel. The original image scale is 53.6 cm
    per pixel (with 2 x 2 binning); objects on the order of 161 centimeters across are resolved. North is up.

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    Staring Down a Star in Search of Giant Rings - Scientific American Blog Network

    Astronomers will soon start looking at Beta Pictoris for 300 days without blinking to find out
    what's responsible for a mysterious series of dimmings.

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    Marte Actualidad - 24 de Marzo 2017 - Curiosity, Opportunity, Hirise, Themis...

    Mars rover spots clouds shaped by gravity waves
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    NASA’s Juno Spacecraft Set for Fifth Jupiter Flyby

    NASA's Juno spacecraft will make its fifth flyby over Jupiter's mysterious cloud tops on Monday, March 27, at 1:52 a.m. PDT (4:52 a.m. EDT, 8:52 UTC).

    At the time of closest approach (called perijove), Juno will be about 2,700 miles (4,400 kilometers) above the planet's cloud tops, traveling at a speed
    of about 129,000 miles per hour (57.8 kilometers per second) relative to the gas-giant planet. All of Juno's eight science instruments will be on and
    collecting data during the flyby.

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    OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Search Tests Instruments, Science Team

    During an almost two-week search, NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission team activated the spacecraft’s MapCam imager and scanned part
    of the surrounding space for elusive Earth-Trojan asteroids — objects that scientists believe may exist in one of the stable
    regions that co-orbits the sun with Earth. Although no Earth-Trojans were discovered, the spacecraft’s camera operated
    flawlessly and demonstrated that it could image objects two magnitudes dimmer than originally expected.

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    Impressive fireball from Cardiff Camera 2 (North) at Dyffryn Gardens on 24 March 2017 at 00:05:19 UT
    Fireball M20170324 000519 from Dyffryn C2 North camera
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    On the hunt for asteroids to avoid ‘near miss’ with Earth : NewsCenter

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    Astronomers identify purest, most massive brown dwarf

    An international team of astronomers has identified a record breaking brown dwarf (a star too small for nuclear fusion) with the 'purest'
    composition and the highest mass yet known. The object, known as SDSS J0104+1535, is a member of the so-called halo – the outermost reaches -
    of our Galaxy, made up of the most ancient stars. The scientists report the discovery in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

    Located 750 light years away in the constellation of Pisces, SDSS J0104+1535 is made of gas that is around 250 times purer than the Sun, so
    consists of more than 99.99% hydrogen and helium. Estimated to have formed about 10 billion years ago, measurements also suggest it has a mass
    equivalent to 90 times that of Jupiter, making it the most massive brown dwarf found to date.

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    Astronomers observe early stages of Milky Way-like galaxies in distant universe

    New observations reveal massive, dusty galaxies with high rates of star formation and large, extended layers of gas

    Milky Way-Like Galaxies in the Early Universe
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    The surprising discovery of a new class of pulsating X-ray stars

    A surprising new class of X-ray pulsating variable stars has been discovered by a team of American and Canadian astronomers
    led by Villanova University's Scott Engle and Edward Guinan. Part of the Villanova Secret Lives of Cepheids program, the new
    X-ray observations, obtained by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and published Thursday, March 23rd in the Astrophysical Journal,
    reveal that the bright prototype of Classical Cepheids, d Cephei, is a periodic pulsed X-ray source.

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    Blue & bright fireball across the foothills in Colorado on March 23, 2017
    Meteor across the foothills in Colorado 03232017
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    Hmm, tak zatím nic.. :) Na ukrácení čekání:
    Lawrence Krauss Explains Everything
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    Za 5 minut!
    Cassini to Saturn: The Journey and the Legacy | National Air and Space Museum
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    This view looks toward the sunlit side of the rings from about 38 degrees above the ring plane.
    The image was taken in visible light with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on Jan. 9, 2017.

    The view was obtained at a distance of approximately 70,000 miles (113,000 kilometers) from Saturn and
    at a Sun-Saturn-spacecraft, or phase, angle of 11 degrees. Image scale is 2,300 feet (690 meters) per pixel.

    Cassini: Mission to Saturn: A Resolution

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    This week, the OSIRIS-REx team completed the 6-month checkout and calibrations of the spacecraft's five science instrument.

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    HubbleSite: News - Gravitational Wave Kicks Monster Black Hole Out Of Galactic Core

    Runaway black hole is the most massive ever detected far from its central home

    Normally, hefty black holes anchor the centers of galaxies. So researchers were surprised to discover a supermassive black hole
    speeding through the galactic suburbs. Black holes cannot be observed directly, but they are the energy source at the heart of
    quasars — intense, compact gushers of radiation that can outshine an entire galaxy. NASA's Hubble Space Telescope made
    the discovery by finding a bright quasar located far from the center of the host galaxy.

    Researchers estimate that it took the equivalent energy of 100 million supernovas exploding simultaneously to jettison the black
    hole. What could pry this giant monster from its central home? The most plausible explanation for this propulsive energy is that
    the monster object was given a kick by gravitational waves unleashed by the merger of two black holes as a result of a collision
    between two galaxies. First predicted by Albert Einstein, gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of space that are created
    when two massive objects collide.

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    VIRGO: Moc milá pocta a vzpomínka! :)

    Hear NASA's 'Golden Record' From 1977 Voyager Mission - Rolling Stone

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    Jéé, táta Šesták! :) Dnešní noc bude víc nabouchaná než klasický pátek (díky Karolíně Pórkové)...
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