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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Asteroid 2017 FJ101 to flyby Earth at 0.83 LD

    A newly discovered asteroid designated 2017 FJ101 will flyby Earth at a distance of 0.83 LD (~318 720 km) from the surface
    of our planet on Thursday, March 30, 2017. This is the 13th asteroid to flyby Earth within 1 lunar distance since January 9.

    Asteroid 2017 FJ101 to flyby Earth on Thursday,. Space News.
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    P5, Roman Tkačenko (vpravo Io a Europa)

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    Hustá údržba...

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    When Kodak Accidentally Discovered A-Bomb Testing
    Two thousand miles away from the U.S. A-bomb tests in 1945, something weird was happening to Kodak's film.

    The ground shook, a brilliant white flash enveloped the sky, and the world changed forever. Code name "Trinity," the bomb test at dawn on July 16, 1945
    in Alamogordo, New Mexico was the first large-scale atomic weapons testing in history. Only three weeks later two atomic bombs were dropped on Japan.

    More than 1,900 miles away from Alamogordo, at the Rochester, NY headquarters of Eastman Kodak, a flood of complaints came in from business customers
    who had recently purchased sensitive X-ray film from the company. Black exposed spots on the film, or "fogging," had rendered it unusable. This perplexed
    many Kodak scientists, who had gone to great lengths to prevent contaminations like this.

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    Juno’s Latest Flight Over Jupiter’s South Pole | Lights in the Dark

    On Monday, March 27, at 4:52 a.m. EDT (08:52 UTC) NASA’s Juno spacecraft made its fifth close pass of Jupiter,
    passing about 4,400 km above the planet’s clouds while traveling at a relative speed of 57.8 kilometers per second.
    The images above, captured with the JunoCam instrument, show the giant planet’s south pole during this P5 pass.

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    Satellite galaxies at edge of Milky Way coexist with dark matter

    Research conducted by scientists at Rochester Institute of Technology rules out a challenge to the accepted
    standard model of the universe and theory of how galaxies form by shedding new light on a problematic structure.

    The vast polar structure—a plane of satellite galaxies at the poles of the Milky Way—is at the center of a tug-of-war
    between scientists who disagree about the existence of mysterious dark matter, the invisible substance that, according
    to some scientists, comprises 85 percent of the mass of the universe.

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    The coldest place in the universe marks a double stellar grave | New Scientist

    THE coldest place in the universe marks the grave of two stars. So says a team that trained the ALMA telescope on the spot, known as the Boomerang Nebula.

    Point a telescope almost anywhere in the cosmos and you’ll see that it is at 2.7 kelvin – cold enough to freeze hydrogen on Earth. But one spot is even colder –
    the Boomerang Nebula, 5000 light years away in the constellation Centaurus. Here the temperature is 0.1 kelvin, or just above absolute zero. A mystery for years,
    astronomers can now see that this cosmic winter was caused by a stellar duo’s violent death.

    When small stars perish, they expand and create glowing shells of ionised gas, called planetary nebulae. But when astronomers observed the Boomerang Nebula in 1995,
    they saw something quite odd. It’s the only known object in the universe to absorb light from the cosmic microwave background (CMB) – the afterglow of the big bang
    that keeps the universe 2.7 degrees above absolute zero. That means the nebula must be even colder.

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    Wrong-way asteroid plays ‘chicken’ with Jupiter - Media Relations

    The asteroid, nicknamed Bee-Zed, is the only one in this solar system that’s known both to have an opposite, retrograde orbit around the sun while
    at the same time sharing a planet’s orbital space, says researcher and co-author Paul Wiegert of Western’s Department of Physics and Astronomy.

    All but 82 of the million or so known asteroids in our solar system travel around the sun in what’s called a prograde motion: that is, counter-
    clockwise when visualized from above. But asteroid 2015 BZ509 (“Bee-Zed” for short) circles clockwise, in a retrograde motion – moving against
    the flow of all other asteroids in the giant planet’s orbital entourage.

    Wrong-way asteroid avoids cosmic crash
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    News | NASA to Preview 'Grand Finale' of Cassini Saturn Mission

    NASA will hold a news conference at noon PDT / 3 PM EDT / 21:00 CEST on Tuesday, April 4, at the agency's JPL in Pasadena,
    California, to preview the beginning of Cassini's final mission segment, known as the Grand Finale, which begins in late April.
    The briefing will air live on NASA Television and the agency's website.

    The event will also be streamed live at: http://youtube.com/nasajpl/live
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    Pěkný článek o vodě na měsících Jupiteru. Děkujeme Julie tobě i kolegům.

    Měsíce Jupitera mají víc vody než Země. Ale je jiná a pod spoustou ledu - iDNES.cz
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    Subaru telescope detects shadow of gas cloud in ancient proto-supercluster

    A team led by researchers from Osaka Sangyo University, with members from Tohoku University, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and others, has used the Suprime-Cam
    on the Subaru Telescope to create the most-extensive map of neutral hydrogen gas in the early universe. This cloud appears widely spread out across 160 million light-years
    in and around a structure called the proto-supercluster. It is the largest structure in the distant universe, and existed some 11.5 billion years ago. Such a huge gas cloud
    is extremely valuable for studying large-scale structure formation and the evolution of galaxies from gas in the early universe, and merits further investigation.

    "We are surprised because the dense gas structure is extended much more than expected in the proto-supercluster," said Dr. Mawatari. "Wider field observations with
    narrow-band filters are needed to grasp full picture of this largest structure in the young Universe. This is exactly the type of strong research that can be done with
    Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) recently mounted at the Subaru Telescope. We intend to study the gas - galaxy relation in various proto-superclusters using the HSC."

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    První snímky z 5. perijovu jsou k dispozici:
    JunoCam : Processing | Mission Juno

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    NASA's Plan To Use A Giant Magnet To Make Mars Habitable
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    At NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland the James Webb Space Telescope team completed the acoustic and vibration portions of
    environmental testing on the telescope. These tests are merely two of the many that spacecraft and instruments endure to ensure they are fit for spaceflight.

    Vibration Testing of NASA's James Webb Space Telescope
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    Tak je to tu!!! 2020 primárka: Oxia Planum / backup lokace: Mawrth Vallis

    Final two ExoMars landing sites chosen / ExoMars / Space Science / Our Activities / ESA

    Oxia Planum & Mawrth Vallis - ExoMars 2020 rover landing site candidates
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    Astronomers probe swirling particles in halo of starburst galaxy

    Astronomers have used a radio telescope in outback Western Australia to see the halo of a nearby starburst galaxy in unprecedented detail.

    A starburst galaxy is a galaxy experiencing a period of intense star formation and this one, known as NGC 253 or the Sculptor Galaxy, is
    approximately 11.5 million light-years from Earth.

    "The Sculptor Galaxy is currently forming stars at a rate of five solar masses each year, which is a many times faster than our own Milky Way,"
    said lead researcher Dr Anna Kapinska, from The University of Western Australia and the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR).
    "This galaxy is famous because it's beautiful and very close to us, and because of what's happening inside it—it's quite extraordinary."

    The Sculptor Galaxy has an enormous halo of gas, dust and stars, which had not been observed before at frequencies below 300 MHz.
    The halo originates from galactic "fountains" caused by star formation in the disk and a super-wind coming from the galaxy's core.

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    Juno just flew past Jupiter for the fifth time. What have we learned from the mission so far? | The Planetary Society

    Early this morning, NASA’s Juno spacecraft performed its fourth science flyby of Jupiter, and fifth overall,
    buzzing the giant planet’s cloud tops at a height of just 4 400 kilometers.

    These flybys show us amazing pictures. But recall that the Juno mission is not only about Internet fame,
    Instagram-glory, and a legacy of really cool space posters—it’s also helping uncover the mysteries of how
    the solar system formed by taking a deep look at Jupiter’s interior.

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    Z hmoty vypuzené černou dírou se rodí nové hvězdy | ESO Česko
    Dalekohled ESO/VLT pozoroval zcela nový proces vedoucí k formování hvězd

    Výzkum provedený pomocí dalekohledu ESO/VLT odhalil procesy formování hvězd v mohutných proudech hmoty, které do svého okolí vyvrhují
    superhmotné černé díry ukryté v jádrech galaxií. Jedná se o první potvrzená pozorování hvězdotvorby probíhající v tomto typu extrémního
    kosmického prostředí. Objev má řadu důsledků pro naše chápání vlastností galaxií a jejich vývoje. Výsledky byly zveřejněny ve vědeckém
    časopise Nature.

    ESOcast 101 Light: Stars found in black hole blasts

    Mezinárodní tým evropských astronomů pod vedením vědců ze Spojeného království využil přístroje MUSE a X-shooter pracující ve spojení
    s dalekohledem ESO/VLT (Very Large Telescope) na observatoři Paranal v severním Chile k výzkumu probíhající kolize dvou galaxií. Sledovaný
    objekt je znám pod souhrnným označením IRAS F23128-5919 a nachází se asi 600 milionů světelných let od nás. Týmu se podařilo pozorovat
    mohutné výrony hmoty proudící z okolí superhmotné černé díry (supermassive black holes), která je centrálním objektem severní galaxie
    sledovaného páru. Přitom objevili první jasné důkazy, že se v těchto proudech rodí nové hvězdy.

    Tyto proudy hmoty vznikají v důsledku enormního množství energie produkovaného aktivními a dynamickými procesy v centrech galaxií, kde
    se (ve většině případů) ukrývají superhmotné černé díry. Jakmile černá díra pohltí nějakou hmotu, tak při tomto procesu zároveň ohřívá
    okolní plyn a vypudí ho z mateřské galaxie v podobě mohutného hustého proudu.

    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam