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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Astronomers just turned on a planet-size telescope to take a picture of a black hole - Vox

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    A VLBI Scrutiny of the Obscuring Torus in NGC1052

    The Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) was used to image the milliarcsecond structure of the nuclear jet in the elliptical galaxy NGC1052.
    The observations were done on December 28th 1998 in full polarization mode at 5, 8.4, 22 and 43 GHz. From the maps at the four frequencies
    a movie was produced, which shows the total intensity structure as a function of frequency. Optically thin regions on both sides are seen
    to fade away towards higher frequencies. At the base of both jets emission is showing up as the frequency is tuned up. This indicates
    the presence of strong absorption presumably caused by an obscuring torus around a supermassive black hole.

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    ALMA Observatory‎ - FB live First Picture Of Black Hole
    April 6 2:30 PM Chile / 5:30 PM UT

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    Teď skončil první rozhovor s EHT od Sky News. Už čekám, až to zavěsí...:)
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    Záznamy ze včerejška. Oba stojí za to!

    Preview Cassini's Grand Finale

    3D Spectroscopy and the Dynamics of Galaxies
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    Born-again Australian telescope solves mystery of | Cosmos

    A massive technical upgrade of the Southern Hemisphere’s largest radio telescope in pursuit of an answer to one of modern astronomy’s greatest
    puzzles has reaped its first dividends, by confirming the origins of the mysterious bursts of radio energy known as Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs).

    FRBs are short, bright and highly dispersed pulses of radio waves that occur randomly. They typically last just a few milliseconds but register
    about a billion times brighter than anything ever observed in the galaxy.

    Since they were first detected almost 10 years ago by the Parkes radio telescope in New South Wales, these enigmatic radio transients have perplexed
    astronomers. While they appeared to come from vast distances, their was still a possibility that their origin was closer to home. Were they signals
    from far-off galaxies or simply some unknown form of local interference?

    Now, thanks to the extensive upgrade of the Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope (MOST), located about 350 km south of Parkes near Canberra,
    there is a definitive answer. In a paper to be published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, a research team from Australian
    National University, Swinburne University of Technology, University of Sydney and the ARC Centre of Excellence for All-sky Astrophysics (CAASTRO),
    has confirmed the FRBs do in fact originate from outer space and – in some cases, at least – from galaxies beyond the Milky Way.

    UTMOST: the upgraded Molonglo telescope
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    Scientists make progress on unravelling the puzzle of merging black holes

    Astrophysicists at the University of Birmingham have made progress in understanding
    a key mystery of gravitational-wave astrophysics: how two black holes can come together and merge.

    A new paper, published in Nature Communications, describes the results of an investigation into the formation of gravitational-
    wave sources with a newly developed toolkit named COMPAS (Compact Object Mergers: Population Astrophysics and Statistics).

    In order for the black holes to merge within the age of the Universe by emitting gravitational waves, they must start out very close
    together by astronomical standards, no more than about a fifth of the distance between the Earth and the Sun. However, massive stars,
    which are the progenitors of the black holes that LIGO has observed, expand to be much larger than this in the course of their evolution.
    The key challenge, then, is how to fit such large stars within a very small orbit. Several possible scenarios have been proposed to address this.

    The Birmingham astrophysicists, joined by collaborator Professor Selma de Mink from the University of Amsterdam, have shown that all three
    observed events can be formed via the same formation channel: isolated binary evolution via a common-envelope phase.

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    EHT still observing until 19:00 (CEST). Now scans on Galactic Center Black hole which is on other side of globe from us.

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    New extended ionized gas clouds detected in Abell 1367 cluster

    Astronomers have found six new extended ionized gas clouds (EIGs) in the galaxy cluster Abell 1367 (also known as the Leo Cluster).
    The discovery expands the current list of the cluster's known EIGs to 11 and provides new clues about the evolution of this group
    of galaxies. The researchers detailed their findings in a paper published Mar. 30 on arXiv.org.

    The new research paper authored by Masafumi Yagi of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) and his team reveals
    the presence of new EIGs in Abell 1367 and provides more details on the nature of this cluster. In this paper, the researchers
    described their observations of the central region of Abell 1367 using the Subaru Telescope in Hawaii.

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    Zajímavý pohled na JWST od Michelle Thaller:

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    EHT: Rack with the VLBI equipment at Pico Veta. Setup is being verified. A test tone was injected and found back.

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    Jdu si nalít panáčka.. :D
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    Srdce mi spadlo do trenýrek (konečně už)!!!

    Pokud nenastaly žádné problémy, tak EVENT HORIZON TELESCOPE začal před 30 minutama ostrý provoz! Pro dnešní noc je v hledáčku M87.

    Heino Falcke‏: "And now we have a final go. EHT will start observing 00:30 (Spain)
    Black Hole Hunting Not Sgr A* tonight but M87. Long night."
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    Latest Exoplanet Results from NASA's Kepler/K2 Mission - Ian Crossfield (SETI Talks 2017)
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    To je nádhera! Jeden z prvních snímků vnitřku TESS z Orbital ATK:

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    Cassini: Mission to Saturn: Overview

    NASA at Saturn: Cassini's Grand Finale
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    Frequent flaring on TRAPPIST-1—unsuited for habitability?

    Data from the K2 mission reveals strong stellar magnetism in the TRAPPIST-1 system that hosts three
    potentially habitable planets, suggesting that those planets could be a less friendly place for life.

    TRAPPIST-1 is a nearby cool red dwarf star called an M-dwarf, a mere 39 parsecs away from the sun. The star recently made headlines with the discovery
    of its complex system of seven planets, three of which orbit in the habitable zone of the host star. The lowest age estimate of the system, about 500
    million years, makes the formation of basic life possible – the oldest life form known on Earth dates back to ~4 billion years, when the sun itself was
    only about 500 million years old.

    Researchers from the Konkoly Observatory of the MTA CSFK (Budapest, Hungary), led by astronomer Krisztián Vida, studied the extensive raw photometric
    data of TRAPPIST-1, obtained during the K2 mission of the Kepler space telescope. The light curve shows several energetic flares during the 80-day-long
    observations. These events are the result of stellar magnetism, when magnetic flux ropes reconnect in the stellar atmosphere, resulting in sudden release
    of energy that can be observed as brightening of the star. These can be mainly observed in high-energy regimes—X-ray or UV—but the strongest ones can
    also be detected in white light.

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    A za cca 6 hodin: Hubble Space Telescope Public Lecture Series
    3D Spectroscopy and the Dynamics of Galaxies - David Law, Space Telescope Science Institute


    3D Spectroscopy and the Dynamics of Galaxies
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    Za hodinu a půl:
    Preview Cassini's Grand Finale - YouTube

    NASA Television | NASA

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    Neptune's journey during early planet formation was 'smooth and calm'

    Dr Wes Fraser from Queen's led an international research project 'Colours of the Outer Solar Systems Origins Survey' Col-OSSOS,
    which uses data collected from the Frederick C. Gillett Gemini North Telescope and Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) both
    on Maunakea in Hawaii. By simultaneously using two world class telescopes, Dr Fraser's team was able to produce unique research
    with a global impact.

    The study focused on the Kuiper Belt - a region of space beyond the gas giant Neptune. The area holds more than 1,700 known
    icy objects, which are remnants of the early Solar System. Normally objects that are formed in this area are red in colour.
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