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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Richard Feynman - The World from another point of view
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    Bright fireball captured over Hawley, Texas on April 19, 2017
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    We still haven’t heard from aliens - here’s why we might never | New Scientist

    THE most ambitious search so far for extraterrestrial intelligence has released its first data – and there are no aliens yet.
    The lack of success could be explained by the result of a new approach to calculating the likelihood of detecting alien signals.
    This calculation suggests we might never make contact, even if extraterrestrial life is common.

    The search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) has been active for decades. Breakthrough Listen aims to be the largest,
    most comprehensive search ever. The $100 million initiative uses three of the world’s most sensitive telescopes to look for
    alien signals from the 1 million closest stars to Earth and the 100 closest galaxies.

    “It’s like finding a needle in a haystack,” says Seth Shostak at the SETI Institute in California.
    “But we don’t know how many needles are there.”
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    Raní mejdan (našeho času). DSN zachytila telemetrii Cassini!


    Churning storms and clouds of Saturn's atmosphere in the recent raw images sent back from Cassini.

    This unprocessed image shows features in Saturn's atmosphere from closer than ever before. The view was
    captured by NASA's Cassini spacecraft during its first Grand Finale dive past the planet on April 26, 2017.

    Nominal. Such a beautiful word. Data are flowing back to Earth, over a ~billion miles, a trip that takes 78 minutes.



    NASA CICLOPS press release of the successful first dive of Cassini:

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    Saturn’s Moon Atlas Is Even More Flying Saucery Than Pan | Lights in the Dark

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    'Ageless' silicon throughout Milky Way may indicate a well-mixed galaxy

    As galaxies age, some of their basic chemical elements can also show signs of aging. This aging process can be seen as certain atoms
    "put on a little weight," meaning they change into heavier isotopes—atoms with additional neutrons in their nuclei.

    Surprisingly, new surveys of the Milky Way with the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Green Bank Telescope (GBT) in West Virginia,
    found no such aging trend for the element silicon, a fundamental building block of rocks throughout our solar system. This "ageless"
    appearance may mean that the Milky Way is more efficient at mixing its contents than previously thought, thereby masking the telltale
    signs of chemical aging.

    'Ageless’ Silicon throughout Milky Way May Indicate a Well-Mixed Galaxy
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    Shields up ready for Mars shot | Cosmos

    A superconductor that deflects cosmic radiation away from interplanetary spacecraft sounds like science fiction, but it’s on its way to becoming reality.

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    Primary Mirror Blanks Qualified and Accepted by TMT | Thirty Meter Telescope

    The TMT project has accepted 72 mirror blanks produced by OHARA, a Japanese optical glass manufacturer in Sagamihara near Tokyo,
    and polished by CANON Inc., under the direction of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ). This official acceptance
    confirms the excellent quality of the blanks and is based on stringent verification of the technical specifications set for all
    492 TMT primary segment blanks (plus an additional 82 spare units) that will ultimately make TMT’s 30-meter diameter primary mirror.

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    Long-lasting fireball over Florida

    A long-lasting fireball was seen over Florida around 03:52 UTC on April 26, 2017 (23:52 EDT on April 25). The event lasted up to 20 seconds.
    The American Meteor Society received 46 reports by 17:35 UTC. Five witnesses reported sound associated with the event while 33 reported fragmentation.

    AMS event #1497-2017
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    News | Dawn Observing Ceres; 3rd Reaction Wheel Malfunctions

    NASA's Dawn spacecraft is preparing to observe Ceres on April 29 from an "opposition" position, directly between the dwarf planet's
    mysterious Occator Crater and the sun. This unique geometry may yield new insights about the bright material in the center of the crater.

    While preparing for this observation, one of Dawn's two remaining reaction wheels stopped functioning on April 23. By electrically changing
    the speed at which these gyroscope-like devices spin, Dawn controls its orientation in the zero-gravity, frictionless conditions of space.

    The team discovered the situation during a scheduled communications session on April 24, diagnosed the problem, and returned the spacecraft
    to its standard flight configuration, still with hydrazine control, on April 25. The failure occurred after Dawn completed its five-hour
    segment of ion thrusting on April 22 to adjust its orbit, but before the shorter maneuver scheduled for April 23-24. The orbit will still
    allow Dawn to perform its opposition measurements. The reaction wheel's malfunctioning will not significantly impact the rest of
    the extended mission at Ceres.
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    Into the submillimeter—the early universe's formation

    In order to make sense of our universe, astronomers have to work hard, and they have to push observing technology to the limit.
    Some of that hard work revolves around what are called sub-millimeter galaxies (SMGs.) SMGs are galaxies that can only be observed
    in the submillimeter range of the electromagnetic spectrum.

    The sub-millimeter range is the waveband between the far-infrared and microwave wavebands. (It's also called terahertz radiation.)
    We've only had the capability to observe in the sub-millimeter range for a couple decades. We've also increased the angular
    resolution of telescopes, which helps us discern separate objects.
    SMGs themselves are dim in other wavelengths, because they're obscured by dust. The optical light is blocked by the dust, and
    absorbed and re-emitted in the sub-millimeter range. In the sub-millimeter, SMGs are highly luminous; trillions of times more
    luminous than the sun, in fact.

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    'Iceball' Planet Discovered Through Microlensing

    Scientists have discovered a new planet with the mass of Earth, orbiting its star at the same distance that we orbit our sun. The planet is likely far too cold
    to be habitable for life as we know it, however, because its star is so faint. But the discovery adds to scientists' understanding of the types of planetary
    systems that exist beyond our own.

    The newly discovered planet, called OGLE-2016-BLG-1195Lb, aids scientists in their quest to figure out the distribution of planets in our galaxy. An open question
    is whether there is a difference in the frequency of planets in the Milky Way's central bulge compared to its disk, the pancake-like region surrounding the bulge.
    OGLE-2016-BLG-1195Lb is located in the disk, as are two planets previously detected through microlensing by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope.

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    How To Not Break A Mars Rover
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    Studentka přírodovědecké fakulty na Univerzitě Sfax v Tunisu aktuálně píše odsouhlasenou doktorandskou práci, jejímž cílem je
    „popřít objevy známé stovky let, aby se věda dostala do souladu s Koránem“. Informoval o tom francouzský deník Le Figaro.

    Cílem studie je, aby se věda dostala do souladu s Koránem
    Studentka Jamael Touirová již šestým rokem pracuje na písemné práci nazvané Plochý geocentrický model, důvody a působení
    klimatických a paleoklimatických studií. Snaží se v ní dokázat, že Země je plochá a Slunce se kolem ní otáčí.

    „Ve známých fyzikálních zákonech se nám podařilo najít slabiny a vyvrátit Newtonovy, Keplerovy a Einsteinovy zákony a navrhujeme
    novou vizi pohybu těles, která bude v souladu s verši Koránu. Rovněž jsme vyvrátili teorii velkého třesku a rozpínání vesmíru,“
    píše studentka ve své práci.

    Magazín Jeune Afrique ocitoval další části její studie: „Všechna fakta a nábožensko-fyzikální argumenty potvrzují centrální polohu,
    fixaci a plochý povrch Země a obíhání Slunce a Měsíce kolem ní.“ Jamael Touirová dále tvrdí, že hvězdy jsou od Země vzdálené pouze
    7 milionů kilometrů, mají průměr 292 kilometrů a jejich počet je omezený. Mají tři funkce: zdobit oblohu, kamenovat ďábly a ukazovat
    tvorům na Zemi cestu temnotou.

    Eurodenik - Doktorandka na tuniské univerzitě píše práci o tom, že Země není kulatá a Slunce obíhá kolem ní
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    Real Time Simulation: Follow Cassini on its Grand Finale

    Cassini Grand Finale Realtime Simulation

    The Cassini spacecraft’s dive in between Saturn’s rings, explained - Vox

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    Launched on April 25, 2007, NASA’s Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere, or AIM, mission, has provided a wealth of new science
    on the dynamics and composition of Earth’s upper atmosphere. Designed to study noctilucent, or night-shining, clouds, AIM’s data
    have helped scientists understand a host of upper-atmosphere phenomena, from radio echoes to giant, planet-scale atmospheric waves.

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    OTD in 1990: the $2.5 billion Hubble Space Telescope was deployed in space
    from the Space Shuttle Discovery into an orbit 381 miles above Earth.

    Hubble Deployment from Shuttle Cargo Bay - IMAX 3D
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