Anna Bilous & Vlad Kondratiev: LOFAR's view on pulsar sky
Imagine you are a sentient alien creature with a pair of superb radio eyes, capable of discerning
even the most minute splashes of radio emission... how would the night sky look to you? The image
above may give a clue to that. On top of the diffuse black-and-white Galactic background, the swarm
of color dots provides a one-second glimpse into the life of 158 northern pulsars, with the course
of time slowed down by a factor of 10.
These pulsars were observed within the LOFAR Pulsar HBA Census -- a large project which aims at
creating the first uniform low-frequency (110-188 MHz) portrait of all known non-recycled pulsars
in certain regions of the sky. All 196 pulsars with well-known positions within the grey lines were
observed, regardless of their estimated brightness and scattering level. Only 38 of those pulsars
escaped detection (still dots with black edges).