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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
    VINCENT_BU --- ---
    Send an ear: Listening for sounds of life in the solar system

    HOWKING --- ---
    Imanuel Kant:
    Dvě věci naplňují mysl vždy novým a rostoucím úžasem a úctou, čím častěji a více o nich člověk rozjímá: hvězdné nebe nade mnou a mravní zákon ve mně.

    Kritika praktického rozumu, Závěr, AA V.161.
    VINCENT_BU --- ---
    Halos in Martian Sandstone
    Pale zones called "halos" border bedrock fractures visible in this 2015 image from NASA's Curiosity Mars rover which has been darkened (a previously released image can be seen here). Measurements overlaid on the image offer a sense of scale for the size of these fractures. The rover team determined that the halos are rich in silica, a clue to the duration of wet environmental conditions long ago.

    (The location is on the lower slope of Mars' Mount Sharp, along the rover's path between "Marias Pass" and "Bridger Basin." In this region, the rover has found fracture zones to be associated with rock compositions enriched in silica, relative to surrounding bedrock.)

    VINCENT_BU --- ---
    Webb Moves to NASA's Johnson Space Center
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    The enormous Chamber A at NASA's Johnson Space Center opens wide for the James Webb Space Telescope! Read more about our upcoming testing: https://www.nasa.gov/...re/goddard/2017/nasas-james-webb-space-telescope-says-open-wide-to-chamber-a

    Image credit: NASA/Chris Gunn
    JULIANNE --- ---
    Report z astrobiologického meetingu ve Švédsku. Že mi to ale trvalo! Doufám, že s časem, který zabralo sepsání, si to alespoň tím víc lidí přečte :)!

    2017: Swedish Odyssea AKA Astrobiology in Sweden – Julie Novakova
    VINCENT_BU --- ---
    SN0WCRASH: taky myslím, že Canopus z naší zemské šířky už vidět nelze. hranice obzoru postupuje téměř kolmo ve směru zleva doprava. jestli se dobře dívám, při našem zimním slunovratu protíná levou část Gum Nebula.
    SN0WCRASH --- ---
    VINCENT_BU: wow. A hned je jasne, ktorym smerom lezi juzna pologula. Ta cast oblohy je plna veci, ktore som videl leda tak v planetariu :D
    VINCENT_BU --- ---
    A Kalahari Sky
    Image Credit & Copyright: Petr Horálek

    Explanation: You wake up in the Kalahari Desert in Botswana, Africa. You go outside your tent, set up your camera, and take long exposures of the land and sky. What might you see? Besides a lot of blowing dust and the occasional acacia tree, you might catch many sky wonders. Pictured in 2015 September, sky highlights include the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy, the Pleiades Star Cluster, Barnard's Loop, and both the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, to name just a few. Although most of these faded in the morning light, they were quickly replaced by a partial eclipse of the Sun.

    (pozn: zaujalo mne, že Orion je postavený "na hlavu"; celé je to vlastně obráceně, z pochopitelných důvodů)
    VINCENT_BU --- ---
    Hubble Telescope Zoom In On The Veil Nebula - NASA
    VINCENT_BU --- ---
    James Webb Space Telescope Acoustic Testing
    VIRGO --- ---
    VINCENT_BU --- ---
    VIRGO: taky díky, hned si to zakládám.
    VIRGO --- ---
    VINCENT_BU: Parádní sumárum, pane! Dal jsem si pivko v baru, dopostele nespecham, tak se jdu
    kapku začíst. Stihnu jen krapet, ale mám se na co těšit po příjeydu. Ještě jednou dík! :)

    VIRGO --- ---
    VINCENT_BU: Fantazie, dík moc, teď nestíhám, a čekají mě přesuny, ale př. týden si to všechno dám v klidu.

    Jinak doporucuji Astronomy and Astrophysics Paula Carra. Snad link funguje, jsem připojen jen přes malé mobilní zařízeni,
    vše jde pomaleji. Sleduje Tabby intenzivnê.

    Astronomy and Astrophysics - Google+

    +paul carr na G+
    VINCENT_BU --- ---
    VIRGO: tady je případně celé vlákno k diskuzi o Tabby's Star. Myslím, že se tam shromažďují všechny podstatné aktuální odkazy: https://www.reddit.com/r/KIC8462852/
    VIRGO --- ---
    VINCENT_BU: jízda! :o
    VINCENT_BU --- ---
    Collapsing Star Gives Birth to a Black Hole (without going supernova)
    Astronomers have watched as a massive, dying star was likely reborn as a black hole. It took the combined power of the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT), and NASA's Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes to go looking for remnants of the vanquished star, only to find that it disappeared out of sight. It went out with a whimper instead of a bang. The star, which was 25 times as massive as our sun, should have exploded in a very bright supernova. Instead, it fizzled out –– and then left behind a black hole.

    Star Gives Birth to Possible Black Hole in Hubble and Spitzer Images

    more also here: https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=6858
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Schiaparelli: Crashed lander was ill-prepared for Mars - BBC News
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