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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    The SETI Institute and French startup Unistellar, announced a partnership today to commercialize a new telescope that promises to deliver
    an unparalleled view of the cosmos to amateur astronomers, and provide the opportunity to contribute directly to cutting-edge science.

    Unistellar’s new eVscope™ leverages “Enhanced Vision” imaging technology and now provides three unique features never before offered in
    a compact mass-market instrument thanks to this partnership.

    "Our compact 4.5-inch telescope allows observers to see objects fainter than Pluto and achieve sensitivity equivalent to a one-meter telescope!”"

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    Ancient Impacts Shaped the Structure of the Milky Way - Universe Today

    A recent study by a team from the University of Kentucky (UK) has challenged previously-held notions about how our galaxy has evolved
    to become what we see today. Based on observations made of the Milky Way’s stellar disk, which was previously thought to be smooth,
    the team found evidence of asymmetric ripples. This indicates that in the past, our galaxy may have been shaped by ancient impacts.

    These could include a merger between the Milky Way and the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy roughly 0.85 billion years ago, as well as our
    galaxy’s current merger with the Canis Major dwarf galaxy.

    The study, titled “Milky Way Tomography with K and M Dwarf Stars: The Vertical Structure of the Galactic Disk“, recently appeared in
    the The Astrophysical Journal. Led by Deborah Ferguson, a 2016 UK graduate, the team consisted of Professor Susan Gardner – from
    the UK College of Arts and Sciences – and Brian Yanny, an astrophysicist from the Fermilab Center for Particle Astrophysics (FCPA).

    SDSS at Night
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    What is the Probability of Other Technological Species?

    Can there be other technological civilizations in our Milky Way Galaxy?

    Tune in this week as we discuss with Dr. Adam Frank the cosmic frequency of technological species in the Universe.
    Recent advances in exoplanet studies provide strong constraints on all astrophysical terms in the Drake Equation.
    By modifying the form and intent of the Drake equation Dr. Frank shows that they can set a firm lower bound on the
    probability that one or more additional technological species have evolved anywhere and at any time in the history
    of the observable Universe.

    Join Tony Darnell, Dr. Adam Frank, Dr. Svetlana Berdyugina and Dr. Jeff Kuhn for a great conversation about finding
    life in the Universe.

    Dr. Adam Frank's Paper:


    Press Release:

    Are we alone? Setting some limits to our uniqueness :: Newsroom :: University of Rochester
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    Jak se pomalu blíží kompletace výsledků EHT, vzrůstá nervozita vědců i publicistů... :)

    When is a black hole not a black hole? When it’s a boson star | New Scientist

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    Views of a “Chondritic Meteorite” in thin section. This is a meteorite that was polished to only about 0.03 millimeters thick, thin enough that light can travel
    through the rocks. It is then put on a polarizing microscope and polarized light is sent through it. That gives you a chance to see some of the minerals and textures,
    but there is a second step here. A geologists microscope will have a second polarizer above the sample. That second polarizer can be rotated so that only light that
    had its direction changed by passing through the mineral reaches the eye of the viewer. This produces an effect called Birefringence, the colors seen in these grains.
    Birefringence colors can be used along with mineral textures to identify rock types.

    This video shows the upper polarizer being rotated, so the light goes from singly-polarized to doubly polarized and colors appear as they do it. The spherical blobs
    in this sample are the chondrules. They are thought to have been blobs of rapidly melted, rapidly cooled rock that floated out in space. Eventually they were assembled
    into rocks on some of the early asteroids.

    Chondrules in cross polarized light
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    NASA: Mysteries of the Sun free book PDF

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    Montáž nekalibr. RG/UV3 snímků Cassini z 16/07/17

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    Bad News for Life: TRAPPIST-1 Planets' Atmospheres May Have Been Destroyed

    The potentially Earth-like planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system may not be so conducive to life after all, two new studies report.

    Intense radiation and particles streaming from their host star have likely taken a huge toll on all seven of these worlds, even the three that
    apparently lie within the "habitable zone," where liquid water could theoretically exist on a planet's surface, according to the new research.

    "Because of the onslaught by the star's radiation, our results suggest the atmosphere on planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system would largely be destroyed,"
    Avi Loeb, co-author of one of the studies, said in a statement. "This would hurt the chances of life forming or persisting," added Loeb, who chairs
    Harvard's astronomy department and who also works at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA).

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    Signals from A Nearby Star System? | SETI Institute

    By Seth Shostak

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    Sir Roger Penrose: What We All Need to Know About Physics
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    Exciting New Images | Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera

    Twenty new shapefiles created by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) team are now available. A shapefile is a common format for vector data:
    points, lines, or polygons that represent features such as the locations of the Apollo landers, the linear lobate scarps, and the footprints of Narrow
    Angle Camera digital terrain models.

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    Curio MAHLI landscape photo from Sol 1754 (Jul 13, 2017, 9:06:46 AM UTC) received on Wed evening

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    ESOcast 117 Light: Eyes Wide Open for New Exoplanet Hunter (4K UHD) | ESO United States

    The MASCARA (Multi-site All-Sky CAmeRA) station at ESO’s La Silla Observatory in Chile has achieved first light.
    This new facility will seek out transiting exoplanets as they pass in front of their bright parent stars and
    create a catalogue of targets for future exoplanet characterisation observations.

    ESOcast 117 Light: Eyes Wide Open for New Exoplanet Hunter (4K UHD)

    Eyes Wide Open for MASCARA in Chile | ESO United States

    Exoplanet hunter sees first light at ESO’s La Silla Observatory

    In June 2016, ESO reached an agreement with Leiden University to site a station of MASCARA at ESO’s La Silla Observatory
    in Chile, taking advantage of the excellent observing conditions of the southern hemisphere skies. This station is now
    made its first successful test observations.

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    Gamma-ray Telescopes Reveal a High-energy Trap in Our Galaxy's Center

    A combined analysis of data from NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope and the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.),
    a ground-based observatory in Namibia, suggests the center of our Milky Way contains a "trap" that concentrates some of the
    highest-energy cosmic rays, among the fastest particles in the galaxy.

    "Our results suggest that most of the cosmic rays populating the innermost region of our galaxy, and especially the most
    energetic ones, are produced in active regions beyond the galactic center and later slowed there through interactions with
    gas clouds," said lead author Daniele Gaggero at the University of Amsterdam. "Those interactions produce much of the gamma-
    ray emission observed by Fermi and H.E.S.S."

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    Resumé velkého úspěchu LPF

    This probe paved the way for studying gravitational waves from space — and now it’s been shut off - The Verge

    Scientists have finally found gravitational waves
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    Pozorovatelé z týmu New Horizons hlásí úspěch:

    Stín uloven!

    Vzdálená planetka 2014 MU69 již potřetí zmobilizovala mezinárodní tým astronomů, kteří 17. července v Argentině rozmístili síť svých přenosných dalekohledů. Do usilí zpozorovat, jak planetka na okamžik zakryje vzdálenou hvězdu, se zapojila také místní vláda, která astronomům poskytla nemalou podporu. I díky tomu přináší jedna z nejambicióznějších pozorovacích kampaní v historii své ovoce!

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    The Seven Wonders of TRAPPIST-1
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    VIRGO: wow!
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    A primitive solar system object that’s more four billion miles (6.5 billion kilometers) away passed in front of a distant star as seen from Earth.
    Just before midnight Eastern Time Sunday (12:50 a.m. local time July 17), several telescopes deployed by the New Horizons team in a remote part of
    Argentina were in precisely the right place at the right time to catch its fleeting shadow — an event that’s known as an occultation.

    In a matter of seconds, NASA’s New Horizons team captured new data on its elusive target, an ancient Kuiper Belt object known as 2014 MU69. Weary
    but excited team members succeeded in detecting the spacecraft’s next destination, in what’s being called the most ambitious and challenging ground
    occultation observation campaign in history.

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