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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    The Making of a Pre-Planetary Nebula

    The gas expelled by dying stars gets twisted into intricate shapes and patterns as
    nebulae form. Now a team of researchers might have some answers about how this happens.

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    Čerstvý DAH s úžasným hostem!!
    Can we really travel to other stars? Can Breakthrough Starshot meet its goals?

    Breakthrough Starshot aims to demonstrate proof of concept for ultra-fast light-driven nano-crafts, and lay the foundations
    for a first launch to Alpha Centauri within the next generation. Along the way, the project could generate important supplementary
    benefits to astronomy, including solar system exploration and detection of Earth-crossing asteroids.

    Join us this week with Dr. Avi Loeb the Chairman of the Breakthrough Starshot Advisory Committee as we discover the new projects
    and initiatives that are paving the way to travel to the nearest exoplanetary systems.

    From the First Star to Milkomeda Kindle Edition - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B014GCTXF0

    Breakthrough Starshot Updates w/ Avi Loeb

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    Apollo Asteroid 2017 BS5 just missed the Earth safely at 19:19 UTC at 3.1 times the distance to the
    Moon, at a speed (relative to the Earth) of 5.8 km/s. It is estimated to be 28 - 90 meters in size.


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    VIRGO: a tady praktický nápad, jak s tím komunikovat:
    SailBeam: A Conversation with Jordin Kare
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    Massive star's dying blast caught by rapid-response telescopes

    In June 2016, an international team of 31 astronomers, led by the University of Maryland's Eleanora Troja and including
    Arizona State University's Nathaniel Butler, caught a massive star as it died in a titanic explosion deep in space.

    The blast of the dying star released in about 40 seconds as much energy as the Sun releases over its entire lifetime,
    all focused into a tight beam of gamma rays aimed by chance toward Earth.

    The team's findings, reported in the scientific journal Nature, provide strong evidence for one of two competing models
    for how gamma-ray bursters (GRBs) produce their energy.

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    Comet C2015 ER61 Panstars taken by Salvador Torres Morales on July 26, 2017 @ San Juan, Puerto Rico.

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    Reaching for the Stars, Breakthrough Sends Smallest-Ever Satellites into Orbit - Scientific American

    Despite technical glitches and regulatory hurdles, nanosatellite swarms could someday be the cornerstone for revolutionary
    interplanetary or even interstellar space-science missions.

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    Space in Images - 2017 - 06 - Euclid flagship mock galaxy catalogue

    ESA’s Euclid mission, to be launched in 2020, is set to provide a unique window into the evolution of our 13.8 billion year-old Universe.
    It will map the history of the Universe’s structure by studying billions of galaxies. In this way, it will be able to probe the nature of
    invisible dark matter, which makes itself known by the forces it exerts on ordinary matter, and the mysterious dark energy that drives
    the accelerating expansion of the Universe.

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    Mars rover spots clouds shaped by gravity waves | Science | AAAS

    NASA’s Curiosity rover usually keeps its instruments firmly focused on Mars’s ground, zapping grit with its laser or drilling
    cores in bedrock. But every few days, the SUV-sized robot, like any good dreamer, shifts its sights upward to the clouds.

    Well into its fifth year, the rover has now shot more than 500 movies of the clouds above it, including the first ground-based
    view of martian clouds shaped by gravity waves, researchers reported here this week at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
    (Gravity waves, common atmospheric ripples on Earth that result from air trying to regain its vertical balance, should not be
    confused with gravitational waves, cosmological ripples in spacetime.) The shots are the best record made so far of a mysterious
    recurring belt of equatorial clouds known to influence the martian climate.

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    Four new short-period giant planets discovered

    Astronomers have detected four new giant exoplanets as part of the Hungarian-made Automated Telescope Network-South (HATSouth) exoplanet survey.
    The newly found alien worlds are about the size of Jupiter, but less massive. They transit moderately bright stars and have short orbital periods.
    The findings were presented July 22 in a paper published on arXiv.org.

    HATSouth is a network of six astrograph telescope systems located in South America, Africa, and Australia. These telescopes are designed to detect
    transiting extrasolar planets in orbit around relatively bright stars visible from the Southern hemisphere. Since its launch in 2009, the network
    has already detected dozens of transiting exoplanets.

    Now, the list of planets detected by HATSouth has expanded. In a recent paper, a team of researchers led by Rafael Brahm of the Pontifical Catholic
    University of Chile in Santiago presents the discovery of four new planets, HATS-43b, HATS-44b, HATS-45b, and HATS-46b. The planetary nature of
    transiting signals detected by HATSouth was confirmed by follow-up spectroscopic and photometric observations using various instruments, including
    the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope (LCOGT) network at the Cerro Tololo International Observatory (CTIO) in Chile.

    This extensive observational campaign that led to the discovery of four new alien worlds was carried out from December 2009 to October 2016.

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    To bylo "o fous", a navíc jsme to úplně prospali... :)

    Asteroid *2017 OO1* discovered. It missed the Earth really close (but still safe!) on Jul 21 at 02:27 UT.
    Dist: 0.33 LD (0.32 LD from Earth surface). Size: 25-78 m. Closer report comming.

    IAU Minor Planet Center

    A newly discovered asteroid designated 2017 OO1 flew past Earth at a very close distance of 0.33 LD
    (~125 720 km / 78 740 miles) at 02:27 UTC on July 21, 2017. It was discovered 2 days after its closest approach.

    This is the 21st known near-Earth asteroid to flyby Earth within 1 lunar distance since the start of the year.
    The last time one flew past us within that distance was on May 4. Asteroid 2017 OO1 belongs to the Aten group
    of asteroids and was first observed at ATLAS-MLO, Mauna Loa, Hawaii on July 23, 2017.

    Its estimated diameter is between 35 to 77 m (115 - 252.6 feet) and it flew past Earth at a speed (relative to
    the Earth) of 10.36 km/s.

    Asteroid 2017 OO1 flew past Earth at a very close distance of 0.33 LD

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    Comets that take more than 200 years to make one revolution around the Sun are notoriously difficult to study. Because they spend most of their time far from our area
    of the solar system, many "long-period comets" will never approach the Sun in a person's lifetime. In fact, those that travel inward from the Oort Cloud - a group of
    icy bodies beginning roughly 186 billion miles (300 billion kilometers) away from the Sun - can have periods of thousands or even millions of years.

    NASA's WISE spacecraft, scanning the entire sky at infrared wavelengths, has delivered new insights about these distant wanderers. Scientists found that there are about
    seven times more long-period comets measuring at least 0.6 miles (1 kilometer) across than had been predicted previously. They also found that long-period comets are on
    average up to twice as large as "Jupiter family comets," whose orbits are shaped by Jupiter’s gravity and have periods of less than 20 years.

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    For most viewers, the Aug. 21, 2017, total solar eclipse will last less than two and half minutes. But for one team of NASA-funded
    scientists, the eclipse will last over seven minutes. Their secret? Following the shadow of the Moon in two retrofitted WB-57F jet planes.

    Amir Caspi of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado, and his team will use two of NASA’s WB-57F research jets to chase
    the darkness across America on Aug. 21. Taking observations from twin telescopes mounted on the noses of the planes, Caspi will ­­­­­capture
    the clearest images of the Sun’s outer atmosphere — the corona — to date and the first-ever thermal images of Mercury, revealing how
    temperature varies across the planet’s surface.

    NASA Jets Chase The Total Solar Eclipse
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    A new long period comet has been discovered: Comet C/2017 O1


    COMET C/2017 O1 taken by Ernesto Guido on July 23, 2017 @ remotely from Australia, Siding Spring.

    New Comet C/2017 O1 ASSSN

    Comet 2017 ASASSN1 (not a formal name yet) imaged by Nidia Morell with the Magellan 6.5-m telescope, image processed by Subo Dong.

    C/2017 O1 ASSSN taken by rolando ligustri on July 22, 2017 @ from Australia SSO, Itelescope.net

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    Cassini: The Grand Finale: Cassini's First D-Ring Crossing

    The sounds and colorful spectrogram in this still image and video represent data collected by the Radio and Plasma
    Wave Science, or RPWS, instrument on NASA's Cassini spacecraft, as it crossed through Saturn's D ring on May 28, 2017.

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    This view looks toward the sunlit side of the rings from about 19 degrees above the ringplane.
    The image was taken in visible light with the Cassini spacecraft wide-angle camera on April 10, 2017.

    The view was obtained at a distance of approximately 1.1 million kilometers from Saturn and at
    a sun-Saturn-spacecraft, or phase, angle of 128 degrees. Image scale is 69 kilometers per pixel.

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    Discovery of a rare quadruple gravitational lens candidate with Pan-STARRS

    Astronomers from the United States Naval Observatory (USNO) in conjunction with colleagues from the University of California, Davis, and
    Rutgers University have discovered the first quadruple gravitational lens candidate within data from the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid

    Response System (Pan-STARRS) using a combination of all-sky survey data from the USNO Robotic Astrometric Telescope (URAT) and the Wide-field
    Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE).

    USNO graduate student George Nelson, who was performing a URAT variability study of the brightest quasars identified by USNO astronomers using
    WISE colors, discovered the lens while investigating the optical properties of a bright quasar sample. The paper describing this serendipitous
    discovery has been accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal.

    A preprint of the paper may be found at arxiv.org/abs/1705.08359. A paper confirming the discovery by a separate team of astronomers using the
    Keck Cosmic Web Imager has been submitted to the Astrophysical Journal Letters. A preprint of this paper may be found at arxiv.org/abs/1707.05873.

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    Cosmologists produce new maps of dark matter dynamics | UoP News

    New maps of dark matter dynamics in the Universe have been produced by a team of international cosmologists.

    Using advanced computer modelling techniques, the research team has translated the distribution of galaxies into detailed maps of matter
    streams and velocities for the first time. The research was carried out by leading cosmologists from the UK, France and Germany.

    The researchers used legacy survey data obtained during 2000 – 2008 from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), a major three-dimensional
    survey of the Universe. The survey has deep multi-colour images of one fifth of the sky and spectra for more than 900,000 galaxies.

    The new dark matter maps cover the Northern Sky up to a distance of 600 megaparsecs, which is the equivalent of looking back about two
    billion years. The researchers used a set of phase-space analysis tools and built on research from 2015, which reconstructed the initial
    conditions of the nearby Universe.

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