Tak tohle je peklo. :((
The much delayed and over budget next-generation +James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) (JWST) has suffered another setback prior to its journey
to the launch pad: the October 2018 launch may be in conflict with Europe’s BepiColombo mission to Mercury. Both spacecraft are to be flown
on Ariane 5 boosters, but the spaceport at Kourou, French Guiana, cannot support two flights in the same month. BepiColombo has priority due
to the tight launch window to reach Mercury. This will result in the JWST having its launch date pushed back to 2019 at the earliest.
The five sunshield layers responsible for protecting the optics and instruments of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope are now fully installed.
Northrop Grumman Corporation in Redondo Beach, California who designed the Webb telescope’s optics and spacecraft bus for NASA’s Goddard Space
Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, integrated the final flight layers into the sunshield subsystem. The team is now folding and stowing the
layers, in preparation for deployment tests in August.
The sunshield layers work together to reduce the temperatures between the hot and cold sides of the observatory by approximately 570 degrees
Fahrenheit. Each successive layer of the sunshield, made of kapton, is cooler than the one below. All layers were installed and tested in June
and July 2017 at Northrop Grumman Corporation’s Space Park facility in Redondo Beach.
“This is a huge milestone for the Webb telescope as we prepare for launch,” said Jim Flynn, Webb sunshield manager, Northrop Grumman Aerospace
Systems. “The groundbreaking tennis court sized sunshield will shield the optics from heat and assist in providing the imaging of the formation
of stars and galaxies more than 13.5 billion years ago.”