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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Eclipse from 87000ft Timelapse
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    UChicago scientists detect first X-rays from mystery supernovas | UChicago News

    Exploding stars lit the way for our understanding of the universe, but researchers are still in the dark about many of their features.

    A team of scientists, including scholars from the University of Chicago, appear to have found the first X-rays coming from type Ia supernovas.
    Their findings are published online Aug. 23 in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

    Astronomers are fond of type Ia supernovas, created when a white dwarf star in a two-star system undergoes a thermonuclear explosion,
    because they burn at a specific brightness. This allows scientists to calculate how far away they are from Earth, and thus to map distances
    in the universe. But a few years ago, scientists began to find type Ia supernovas with a strange optical signature that suggested they carried
    a very dense cloak of circumstellar material surrounding them.

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    Nejdetailnější snímek povrchu hvězdy a její atmosféry | ESO Česko

    První mapa pohybu hmoty v atmosféře jiné hvězdy než našeho Slunce

    Astronomům se s použitím interferometru ESO/VLTI podařilo získat dosud nejdetailnější snímek cizí hvězdy – rudého veleobra Antares.
    Pozorování jim rovněž umožnilo vytvořit první mapu zachycující rychlost pohybu hmoty v atmosféře jiné hvězdy, než je naše Slunce.
    Mapa odhalila nečekané turbulence v rozsáhlé atmosféře Antara. Výsledky byly publikovány ve vědeckém časopise Nature.

    ESOcast 123 Light: Best Ever Image of a Star’s Surface and Atmosphere (4K UHD)

    Video začíná širokoúhlým pohledem na Mléčnou dráhu, patrné je i nápadné souhvězdí Štír. Následně se zaměřuje
    na nejjasnější hvězdu tohoto souhvězdí – rudého veleobra Antares. Závěrečná sekvence zachycuje nový snímek
    povrchu hvězdy Antares, který je dosud nejdetailnějším snímkem jiné hvězdy, kromě našeho Slunce, který byl
    pořízen pomocí interferometru VLTI.

    Zooming in on the red supergiant star Antares
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    Total Eclipse With NASA Jet. Taken by Dustin Huntington on August 21, 2017 @ Guernsey State Park, Wy

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    Asteroid the size of Gibraltar rock passes by very close to Earth

    An asteroid the size of the Gibraltar rock has beee the largest asteroid to come this close to Earth since 2004.

    On Wednesday afternoon, the object passed close to our planet, zooming by at a distance of just over a million miles
    (1.8 million km), but with no chance of impact, according to Nasa scientists.

    Smaller asteroids regularly come closer than this , but 2014 J025, discovered in May 2014, will be the largest asteroid
    to come this close to the planet since 2004, flying by at only about 4.6 times the distance from the Earth to the Moon,
    1.1 million miles (1.8 million km).

    The asteroid is estimated to be between one-quarter and three-quarters of a mile (600-1,400 meters) wide and twice as
    reflective as the Moon. Having several years of data on the asteroid's trajectory gives scientists the ability to predict
    its path very confidently, he added. The approach of J025 will be the asteroid's closest for at least the next 500 years.

    In 2004, the 3.1-mile (5 km) wide asteroid Toutatis passed about four lunar distances, or just under a million miles
    (1.6 million km) from Earth.

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    The Lynx Space Telescope: Our Next Flagship to Probe the X-Ray Universe

    Lynx will take X-ray astronomy to new levels by combining a large gain in collecting area over Chandra and XMM,
    an angular resolution of 1/2 arcsecond, and high-throughput spectroscopy over a large field of view.

    NASA has begun a series of studies of four concepts that will in a few years’ time produce candidate designs for
    a major space observatory to begin construction later next decade. One of these has been dubbed Lynx, an x-ray
    “flagship" mission will probe some of the most explosive and high-energy objects in our Universe, and will provide
    insight into the seeds of Black Holes, the formation and evolution of galaxies and clusters of galaxies and even
    of the stars themselves.

    Please join our regular hosts Tony Darnell and Harley Thronson, as they discuss with Dr. Alexey Vikhlinin from the
    Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory the science that will be revealed by a telescope investigating the x-ray universe.
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    ESA Science & Technology: The moving Martian bow shock

    As the energetic particles of the solar wind speed across interplanetary space, their motion is modified
    by objects in their path. A study, based on data from ESA's Mars Express orbiter, has thrown new light on
    a surprising interaction between the planet Mars and supersonic particles in the solar wind.

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    A Trace of Galaxies at the Heart of a Gigantic Galaxy Cluster

    Very large yet faint galaxies have been found where no one would have expected them – in the middle of a giant galaxy cluster.
    Heidelberg astronomers discovered the extremely-low-density galaxies, known as ultra-diffuse galaxies, a find that is "both
    remarkable and puzzling", states Dr Thorsten Lisker. The research work was carried out by Carolin Wittmann in Dr Lisker’s team
    at the Centre for Astronomy of Heidelberg University (ZAH). The results have been published in the “Monthly Notices of RAS”.

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    Astronomers detect methanol maser emission towards nearby galaxy

    Using the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA), a team of astronomers has detected methanol emission toward a nearby galaxy known as NGC 4945.
    The finding, reported Aug. 18 in a paper published on arXiv.org, could be helpful in improving our understanding of star formation processes.

    Maser lines of methanol are commonly detected toward regions of high-mass star formation. They are very widespread in our Milky Way galaxy, as they
    have been detected in more than 1200 sources in the galaxy to date. Due to their rich spectrum of masing transitions, they could be used as a powerful
    tool for probing star formation regions.

    Scientists divide methanol masers into two groups: class I and class II. Class I masers are associated with the interaction of shocked gas with
    molecular clouds, driven by outflows or expanding H II regions, while class II masers are closely associated with young stellar objects.

    Now, a team of researchers led by Tiege McCarthy of the University of Tasmania in Hobart, Australia, reports the finding of a new class I methanol maser
    beyond the Milky Way, toward NGC 4945. Located nearly 12 million light years away from the Earth, NGC 4945 is a barred spiral galaxy in the constellation
    Centaurus, and one of the brightest galaxies of the Centaurus A/M83 Group (large, nearby group of galaxies).

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    Proba-2’s partial eclipses

    HINODE Observations
    HINODE Observations | Total Solar Eclipse 2017

    Hinode's View of the Eclipse - First Pass
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    Probably one of the most spectacular shots of the Eclipse 2017 at 94% with flight AA 9661 from Lewiston, Idaho

    Hello Reddit. I am the accidental photographer of this once in a lifetime shot. Thanks to whoever posted it earlier! : pics

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    During the Eclipse GBO 20 Meter Telescope made many images
    of the Sun by scanning back and forth as the Eclipse progressed.


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    Uááá! Michael Shainblum - Moments right before totality. This morning was absolutely amazing. The total
    eclipse was by far one of the most incredible things I have ever witnessed. This is a single exposure.

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    Great American Eclipse Flight first to witness totality 2017
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    Solar eclipse 2017: NASA films space station flying past crescent sun - Business Insider

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    NASA : The 2017 Total Solar Eclipse

    Multimedia | NOAA NESDIS

    Follow the Moon's Shadow across the Northern Hemisphere
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    Za pár minut:

    NASA TV Public-Education
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    Join Cassini's end of mission celebration with CSIRO | Cosmos

    CSIRO is giving 30 social media superstars the opportunity to celebrate the end
    of Cassini's 20 year mission with the team at Canberra Deep Space Complex.
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    Could the total solar eclipse reveal a comet? | The Planetary Society

    We're less than a week away from one of the most talked-about astronomical events in many years - the "Great" North American solar eclipse! The Internet
    abounds with articles that discuss how eclipses work, give you a map of the path of totality for this eclipse, and even tell you about some of the planets
    you might see during the eclipse. This is all fantastically exciting, but there's one more possibility that would put the cherry on the eclipse cake...

    Now, be forewarned: the odds are heavily stacked against us, and the level of skill required for any individual to pull this off might range from "little"
    to "legendary." But with that in mind, there does exist a chance—a slim chance—that we could see a comet next to the Sun during the eclipse!

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    Closer look at red supergiant Antares suggests convection not enough to remove surface material

    A trio of researchers with Universidad Católica del Norte and the Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie has found evidence that suggests
    that convection alone cannot account for the amount of material that is pulled from the surface of a red supergiant. In their paper published
    in the journal Nature, K. Ohnaka, G. Weigelt and K.-H. Hofmann describe their study of the supergiant Antares, what they found and why they
    now believe there is an unknown force pulling some parts of the star's surface into space. Gail Schaefer with Georgia State University offers
    a News & Views piece on the work done by the team in the same journal issue.

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