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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Ultraviolet light may be ultra important in search for life

    A new study by Sukrit Ranjan of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) in Cambridge, Mass., and colleagues suggests
    that red dwarf stars might not emit enough UV light to kick-start the biological processes most familiar to our planet. For example,
    certain levels of UV might be necessary for the formation of ribonucleic acid, a molecule necessary for all forms of known life.

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    NASA's Juno spacecraft will make its seventh science flyby over Jupiter's mysterious cloud tops on Friday, Sept. 1,
    at 2:49 p.m. PDT (5:49 p.m. EDT and 21:49 UTC). At the time of perijove (defined as the point in Juno's orbit when it is
    closest to the planet's center), the spacecraft will be about 2,200 miles (3,500 kilometers) above the planet's cloud tops.

    Juno Scientists Prepare for Seventh Science Pass of Jupiter | Mission Juno
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    Researchers Recover an Ancient Nova

    On a cold March night in Seoul almost 600 years ago, Royal Imperial Astrologers spotted a bright new star in the tail of the constellation Scorpius.
    It was seen for just 14 days before fading from view. From these ancient records, modern astronomers determined that what the ancient astronomers
    saw in 1437 was a nova explosion, but they had been unable to find the binary star system that caused it—until now.

    A new study published today by the journal Nature pinpoints the location of the old nova, which now undergoes smaller-scale “dwarf nova” eruptions.
    The work supports that idea that novae go through a very long-term life cycle after erupting, fading to obscurity for thousands of years, then building
    back up to become full-fledged novae once more.

    “This is the first nova that’s ever been recovered with certainty based on the Chinese, Korean, and Japanese records of almost 2,500 years,”
    said the study’s lead author Michael Shara, a curator in the Museum’s Department of Astrophysics.


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    Uff...Silný kafe takhle navečír. Pokud nejde o ojedinělý jev, pak by se v Galaxii mohlo vyskytovat
    až kolem 1B terestrických planet podobných Zemi. Sladké sny! Ať žije Drakeova rovnice :))

    System: YZ Ceti
    Discovered by: European Southern Observatory
    Found on: August 14, 2017
    Key Facts: Three Earth-mass worlds found around a small red star only 12 light-years away.

    NASA's perspective: YZ Ceti is the nearest multi-planet system found orbiting a red dwarf star or "M dwarf."
    While the three planets are outside their star's habitable zone, they are all about the same mass as Earth.
    YZ Ceti b, c, and d are the lowest mass planets found with the planet-hunting method radial velocity. NASA's
    TESS and James Webb telescopes will study more exoplanets around nearby stars in 2018, in hopes of finding
    another Earth.



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    House-sized near Earth objects rarer than we thought

    A survey for NEOs being carried out with DECam on the 4-m Blanco telescope at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory has now estimated the number of objects
    in near-Earth orbit that are similar in size to the Chelyabinsk impactor. Lori Allen, Director of the Kitt Peak National Observatory and the lead investigator on
    the study, explained, "There are around 3.5 million NEOs larger than 10 meters, a population ten times smaller than inferred in previous studies. About 90% of
    these NEOs are in the Chelyabinsk size range of 10-20 meters."

    The study, to be published in the Astronomical Journal, is the first to derive, from a single observational data set with no external model assumptions, the size
    distribution of NEOs from 1 kilometer down to 10 meters. A similar result was obtained in an independent study that analyzed multiple data sets (Tricarico 2017).

    House-Sized Near Earth Objects Rarer Than We Thought
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    Distant galaxy sends out 15 high-energy radio bursts | Berkeley News

    reakthrough Listen, an initiative to find signs of intelligent life in the universe, has detected 15 brief but
    powerful radio pulses emanating from a mysterious and repeating source – FRB 121102 – far across the universe.

    Fast radio bursts are brief, bright pulses of radio emission from distant but largely unknown sources, and FRB
    121102 is the only one known to repeat: more than 150 high-energy bursts have been observed coming from the object,
    which was identified last year as a dwarf galaxy about 3 billion light years from Earth.

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    Repríza JPL telkonu "Grande Finale"
    NASA Live: JPL - Previewing Cassini's Grand Finale
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    Researchers hypothesize how the universe became filled with light | Iowa Now

    Black holes may have punctured darkened galaxies, allowed light to escape

    Soon after the Big Bang, the universe went completely dark.

    The intense, seminal event that created the cosmos churned up so much hot, thick gas that light was completely trapped.
    Much later—perhaps as many as one billion years after the Big Bang—the universe expanded; became more transparent;
    and eventually filled up with galaxies, planets, stars, and other objects that give off visible light. That’s the universe
    we know today.

    How it emerged from the cosmic dark ages to a clearer, light-filled state remains a mystery.

    In a new study, researchers at the University of Iowa offer a theory of how that happened. They think black holes that dwell
    in the center of galaxies fling out matter so violently that the ejected material pierces its cloudy surroundings, allowing light
    to escape. The researchers arrived at their theory after observing a nearby galaxy from which ultraviolet light is escaping.

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    ALMA nalezla mohutné skryté zásoby plynu ve vzdálené galaxii | ESO Česko

    První pozorování molekul CH+ ve vzdálené galaxii s aktivní hvězdotvorbou poskytují nový pohled na historii vzniku hvězd ve vesmíru

    Zooming in on the Cosmic Eyelash

    Astronomové využili radioteleskop ALMA k pozorování turbulentních rezervoárů chladného plynu obklopujících vzdálené galaxie, ve kterých probíhá
    prudký vývoj nových hvězd. Díky tomu, že se vědcům poprvé v historii podařilo v těchto galaxiích detekovat molekulu CH+, otevírá tento výzkum
    zcela nové okno umožňující zkoumat kritické fáze vývoje hvězd ve vesmíru. Přítomnost těchto molekul přináší nový pohled na způsob, jakým galaxie
    dosáhnou prodloužení období bouřlivé hvězdotvorby. Výsledky byly publikovány v prestižním vědeckém časopise Nature.

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    TOXYGEN: Včerejší 10h srážení iontů olova na LHC (detektor ALICE provádí srážky
    většinou poslední týden v měsíci), a úhrnná vzdálenost, kterou částice urazily.
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    VIRGO: co to je?
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    Zajímavý vývoj kardinální otázky...
    Cassini hints at young age for Saturn's rings - BBC News

    The spectacular rings of Saturn may be relatively young, perhaps just 100 million years or so old.
    This is the early interpretation of data gathered by the Cassini spacecraft on its final orbits of the giant world.
    If confirmed, it means we are looking at Saturn at a very special time in the age of the Solar System.
    Cassini is scheduled to make only two more close-in passes before driving itself to destruction in Saturn's atmosphere on 15 September.

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    What Spacecraft Saw During the 2017 Solar Eclipse
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    The end-Cretaceous mass extinction was rather unpleasant | Ars Technica

    Climate simulation shows how long soot blotted out the Sun.

    There are a few hellish episodes in Earth’s unfathomably long history that make even Hollywood’s most bombastic disaster movie
    look like a sunny picnic. The end-Cretaceous extinction is the most well-known, since it wiped out the dinosaurs (minus the birds,
    of course) and opened the door for the mammalian revolution—which most human beings regard as generally a good thing.

    Though the story is probably familiar, there are still significant questions about exactly what happened during that cataclysm.
    Many species were seemingly in trouble before that colossal meteoroid crashed into the coastal Yucatan, perhaps partly because of
    a long-lived series of massive volcanic eruptions in what is now India. This has led some to question whether the impact was as
    deadly as it's made out to be. But we've also filled in some details of just how the meteoroid impact would mess up the Earth,
    and these include mind-blowing tsunamis, rampant wildfires, and see-sawing climate effects. So how lethal was the impact?

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    VIRGO: NASA’s Johnson Space Center Closes Through Labor Day for Tropical Storm Harvey

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    Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

    Max Tegmark and his wife Meia discuss his new book "Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence".

    The Universes of Max Tegmark
    VIRGO --- ---
    Bad Astronomy | Astronomers discover a new type of star: BLAPs

    t’s not every day (or night, I suppose) that astronomers discover a new kind of star. In this case, it’s not so much that the stars are totally different from other stars,
    and if you saw one you’d know right away something was amiss. Instead, these stars behave differently, in a way never seen before. And because of that, it took a special
    kind of survey to even find them at all.

    The stars are called Blue Large-Amplitude Pulsators, or BLAPs, an acronym that is both ridiculous and makes me very happy. They’re called this because a) they’re blue,
    and 2) they pulsate, changing in brightness by the relatively large amount of 20 – 45%. That’s a lot. If the Sun did this we’d be alternately cooked and frozen.

    Not only that, but these stars brighten and dim really quickly: They can go from one extreme to the other and back again in just over 20 minutes. Of the dozen or so found,
    the shortest one pulses with a period of 23 minutes, and the longest 39. That’s incredibly fast. These are stars: Vast spinning balls of gas that tip the cosmic scales at
    an octillion tons or ten. Changing something that size that rapidly and by that much is fearsome.

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    Volunteers find ‘spiders’ on Mars - but not where they expected | University of Oxford

    Armchair astronomers have helped Oxford University scientists discover landforms known as ‘spiders’ on parts of Mars where they were previously thought not to exist.

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