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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Researchers create first global map of water in Moon’s soil | News from Brown

    A new study maps the trace concentrations of water implanted in the lunar soil by the solar wind, a water source that could be used as resource in future lunar exploration.

    VIRGO --- ---
    News | NASA's Curiosity Mars Rover Climbing Toward Ridge Top

    NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has begun the steep ascent of an iron-oxide-bearing ridge
    that's grabbed scientists' attention since before the car-sized rover's 2012 landing.

    "Vera Rubin Ridge" stands prominently on the northwestern flank of Mount Sharp, resisting erosion better than the less-steep portions of the mountain
    below and above it. The ridge, also called "Hematite Ridge," was informally named earlier this year in honor of pioneering astrophysicist Vera Rubin.

    The ascent to the top of the ridge from a transition in rock-layer appearance at the bottom of it will gain about 213 feet (65 meters) of elevation --
    about 20 stories. The climb requires a series of drives totaling a little more than a third of a mile (570 meters). Before starting this ascent in early
    September, Curiosity had gained a total of about 980 feet (about 300 meters) in elevation in drives totaling 10.76 miles (17.32 kilometers) from its
    landing site to the base of the ridge.

    VINCENT_BU --- ---
    VIRGO: o den se teda sekli :D
    VIRGO --- ---
    New supernova analysis reframes dark energy debate

    The accelerating expansion of the Universe may not be real, but could just be an apparent effect, according to new research published in the journal
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. The new study—by a group at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand—finds the fit
    of Type Ia supernovae to a model universe with no dark energy to be very slightly better than the fit to the standard dark energy model.

    Dark energy is usually assumed to form roughly 70% of the present material content of the Universe. However, this mysterious quantity is essentially
    a place-holder for unknown physics.

    Current models of the Universe require this dark energy term to explain the observed acceleration in the rate at which the Universe is expanding.
    Scientists base this conclusion on measurements of the distances to supernova explosions in distant galaxies, which appear to be farther away than
    they should be if the Universe’s expansion were not accelerating.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Plume Activity and Tidal Deformation on Enceladus Influenced by Faults and Variable Ice Shell Thickness

    Běhounková Marie, Souček Ondřej, Hron Jaroslav, and Čadek Ondřej.
    VIRGO --- ---
    Last 24 hours for this outstanding mission. But to be more optimistic:A new NASA JPL e-book
    Cassini: The Grand Finale: The Saturn System Through the Eyes of Cassini (e-Book)

    PANAAK --- ---
    GW150914 2nd anniversary today!

    // calls for a big cake at least 10-23 in diameter!
    VIRGO --- ---
    A jak symbolické...k dnešnímu dni v roce 1712 zemřel Giovanni Domenico Cassini ve věku 87 let.

    VIRGO --- ---
    ACH NE.....CASSINI :-((

    VIRGO --- ---
    Pekelný svět s titanovou oblohou | ESO Česko

    Pomocí dalekohledu ESO/VLT se podařilo poprvé detekovat oxid titanatý v atmosféře exoplanety

    Astronomům využívajícím dalekohled ESO/VLT se poprvé podařilo detekovat molekuly oxidu titanatého v atmosféře extrasolární planety.
    Objev u exoplanety WASP-19b, která je typu horký Jupiter, učinili vědci s pomocí výkonného zařízení FORS2. Přináší unikátní informace
    o chemickém složení, teplotě a tlaku v atmosféře tohoto neobvyklého a velmi horkého světa. Výsledky byly publikovány v prestižním
    vědeckém časopise Nature.

    ESOcast 126 Light: Titanium oxide in exoplanetary atmosphere (4K UHD)

    Astronom Elyar Sedaghati (vědecký pracovník ESO, absolovent TU Berlín) a tým jeho spolupracovníků zkoumali atmosféru extrasolární planety
    WASP-19b v dosud nedostižných detailech. Tato podivuhodná planeta se velikostí podobá Jupiteru. Pohybuje se však tak blízko své mateřské
    hvězdy, že jeden oběh jí trvá pouhých 19 hodin a odhadovaná teplota atmosféry planety dosahuje až 2 000 °C.

    WASP-19b při pohledu ze Země přechází přes disk své mateřské stálice a přitom část záření hvězdy prochází atmosférou planety. Atmosféra
    ve světle zanechá jemné známky vypovídající o jejím složení. Díky použiti přístroje FORS2 a dalekohledu ESO/VLT (Very Large Telescope)
    se týmu po pečlivé analýze světla přicházejícího od hvězdy podařilo odhalit, že atmosféra exoplanety kromě všudypřítomného zákalu
    rozptylujícího procházející záření obsahuje malé množství oxidu titanatého (TiO), vody a stopy sodíku.

    VINCENT_BU --- ---
    nevím, zda to už zde někde nebylo; odkaz na telemetrii v reálném čase "Where is Cassini now?"
    VIRGO --- ---
    VIRGO --- ---
    NASA Awards New Cooperative Agreement to W. M. Keck Observatory W. M. Keck Observatory

    NASA has awarded a five-year Cooperative Agreement with the California Association for Research in Astronomy to continue the science program at the W. M. Keck Obs.

    “The Keck Observatory has unique, world-class capabilities that we consider essential to realize the scientific potential of many NASA missions, both ongoing and planned,”
    said Paul Hertz, director of the Astrophysics Division at NASA Headquarters. “NASA’s continuing partnership with Keck will ensure that astronomers and planetary scientists
    can carry out important ground-based observations necessary for the success of NASA missions and their scientific objectives.”

    The Keck Observatory is privately owned; in 1994 NASA contributed to the observatory and has been a partner ever since.

    Under the new agreement, which takes effect March 1, 2018 through February 28, 2023, Keck Observatory will support upcoming NASA missions, including:

    James Webb Space Telescope
    Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS)
    Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST)
    Euclid (ESA)
    Mars 2020
    Explorers Program: Medium-Class Explorers (MIDEX), Small Explorers (SMEX)
    Planetary Missions: Discovery, New Frontiers

    VIRGO --- ---
    HARPS data release #3, independent analyzes & more – Red Dots

    This unusual Picture of the Week showcases the latest data gathered by ESO’s exoplanet hunter, the High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS),
    during the ongoing Red Dots campaign, a search for terrestrial planets around our nearest three red dwarf stars: Proxima Centauri, Barnard’s Star, and Ross 154.
    The campaign was launched earlier in 2017 to build on the 2016 discovery of Proxima b around our nearest stellar neighbour, Proxima Centauri. Red Dots is designed
    as an open notebook science experiment, meaning the public has access to the data and can even contribute observations. Can you see a new exoplanet in these data
    of Proxima Centauri?

    VIRGO --- ---

    This bunny-suited technician is performing the important task of ensuring no unwanted infrared light interferes
    with the optical testing of NASA’s JWST inside of Chamber A at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston.

    Because of the Webb telescope’s extreme sensitivity to infrared light, the shroud was made nearly impervious
    to outside light sources that could contaminate the testing.

    VIRGO --- ---
    The WTF Star Strikes Again

    Boyajian’s star loves the limelight. It splashed onto the astronomical scene in 2015 by dimming dramatically and messily, much more messily than can be
    explained by a transiting planet. In 2016, astronomers realized that this sensational debut was only the latest act in a century-long fade, confirmed by
    exquisite observations from the Kepler mission. And the drama keeps building — just this summer, Boyajian’s star has undergone (and is still undergoing!)
    three more dimmings, similar in shape to the dimmings reported in 2015.

    This week, Boyajian’s star is back in the news again, the subject of two new studies. The first confirms that the slow fade observed by Kepler is happening
    across a broad range of colors. The second, which we’ll explore in today’s bite, points out that this consistent fade might not be so consistent after all...

    VIRGO --- ---
    Observatoř Arecibo přežila hurikán Irma bez úhony!
    Arecibo Survives Hurricane Irma: 2nd-Largest Radio Telescope Still Standing

    Na snímcích přípravné práce před úderem bouře z min. týdne.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Třímetrový teleskop infračervené observatoře NASA a Keckova observatoř (jsou vedle sebe na Mauna Kea) budou v pátek pozorovat zánik sondy Cassini.


    VIRGO --- ---
    Časová linka událostí posledních dnů a hodin od Emily:

    What to expect during Cassini's final hours | The Planetary Society

    Článek o pondělním grav. manévru u Titanu:


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