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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Galaxy Orbits in the Local Supercluster

    A team of astronomers from Maryland, Hawaii, Israel, and France has produced the most detailed map ever of the orbits of galaxies in
    our extended local neighborhood, showing the past motions of almost 1400 galaxies within 100 million light years of the Milky Way.

    The team reconstructed the galaxies' motions from 13 billion years in the past to the present day. The main gravitational attractor
    in the mapped area is the Virgo Cluster, with 600 trillion times the mass of the Sun, 50 million light years from us. Over a thousand
    galaxies have already fallen into the Virgo Cluster, while in the future all galaxies that are currently within 40 million light years
    of the cluster will be captured. Our Milky Way galaxy lies just outside this capture zone. However the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies,
    each with 2 trillion times the mass of the Sun, are destined to collide and merge in 5 billion years.

    PANAAK --- ---
    2017 Nobel Lectures in Physics
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    The PI’s Perspective: Wrapping up 2017 En Route to Our Next Flyby – Pluto New Horizons

    New Horizons is in good health and cruising closer each day to its next encounter: a flyby of the Kuiper Belt object (KBO) 2014 MU69 (or “MU69” for short).
    If you follow our mission, you likely know that flyby will occur on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day 2019, which is just barely over a year from now!

    As I write this, New Horizons is wrapping up an active period that began when the spacecraft emerged from hibernation mode in September. But soon, on Dec. 21,
    we’ll put the spacecraft back in hibernation, where it will remain until June 4, 2018. After June 4 the spacecraft will stay “awake” until late in 2020, long
    after the MU69 flyby, when all of the data from that flyby have reached Earth.

    But before we put New Horizons into hibernation this month, we have some important work ahead. We’ll observe five more KBOs with the onboard LORRI telescope/
    imager to learn about their surface properties, satellite systems and rotation periods. This work is part of a larger set of observations of 25-35 Kuiper Belt
    objects from 2016 to 2020 on this extended mission. Learning about these KBOs from close range and at angles that we cannot observe from Earth makes will give
    us key context for the more detailed studies we’ll make of MU69 from a thousand times closer than we can study any other KBO. In addition to that LORRI imaging
    of these objects, we’re continuing our nearly round-the-clock observations of the charged particle and dust environment of the Kuiper Belt—both before and while
    New Horizons hibernates.

    Also right ahead is a 2.5-minute engine burn planned for Dec. 9 (yes, a Saturday). This maneuver will both refine our course and optimize our flyby arrival time
    at MU69, by setting closest approach to 5:33 Universal Time (12:33 a.m. Eastern Standard Time) on Jan. 1, 2019. Flying by at that time provides better visibility
    by the antennas of NASA’s Deep Space Network, which will attempt to reflect radar waves off the surface of MU69 for New Horizons to receive. If it succeeds, that
    difficult experiment will help us determine the surface reflectivity and roughness of MU69 at radar wavelengths—something that has been successfully applied to
    study asteroids, comets, planetary satellites and even some planets, including Pluto, which New Horizons observed the same way in 2015.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Heavy Metal: How First Supernovae Altered Early Star Formation

    New Research Bridges Scaling Gap Between Astrophysics and Cosmology

    In their respective efforts to understand the universe and all it comprises, there is a telling gap between what cosmologists and astrophysicists
    study and how they study it: scale. Cosmologists typically focus on the large-scale properties of the universe as a whole, such as galaxies and
    intergalactic medium; while astrophysicists are more interested in testing physical theories of small- to medium-sized objects, such as stars,
    supernovae and interstellar medium.

    And yet the two fields are more closely aligned than it might seem at first glance, especially when looking at how the early universe was formed.

    How First Supernovae Altered Early Star Formation
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    VIRGO --- ---
    Poetická Labuť za svítání
    (Ne že bych musel pastovat každý nosič či modul, někdy je to ale skutečná nádhera.)

    VIRGO --- ---
    Research on clay formation could have implications for how to search for life on Mars

    Today Mars has only a thin atmosphere, and its surface is very dry with the possible exception of some localised and temporary water seeps. However, ancient
    eroded valley networks that were discovered by orbiting spacecraft in the early days of exploration prove that water flowed across the surface in the remote past.

    Clay minerals cannot form unless there is water available – it is an essential ingredient in their microscopic crystalline structure. Clays are found virtually
    nowhere on the red planet except in Mars’s most ancient terrains, dating back to an epoch about 3.7-4.1 billion years ago, called the Noachian.

    On Earth, clay forms by weathering of mineral grains chemically attacked by water. Most scientists believe that a similar process took place on Mars during its wet,
    Noachian period. However, some researchers have suggested that most of the detected clay was not formed in this way at all. They argue instead it formed prior
    to that, while warm water was circulating through the bedrock in response to nearby volcanic and intrusive activity.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Discovery about rare nitrogen molecules offers clues to makeup of other life-supporting planets | UCLA

    team of scientists using a state-of-the-art UCLA instrument reports the discovery of a planetary-scale “tug-of-war” of life,
    deep Earth and the upper atmosphere that is expressed in atmospheric nitrogen.

    The Earth’s atmosphere differs from the atmospheres of most other rocky planets and moons in our solar system in that it is rich
    in nitrogen gas, or N2; the Earth’s atmosphere is 78 percent nitrogen gas. Titan, the largest of Saturn’s more than 60 moons, is
    the other body in our solar system with a nitrogen-rich atmosphere that resembles ours.

    Compared with other key elements of life — such as oxygen, hydrogen and carbon — molecular nitrogen is very stable. Two nitrogen
    atoms combine to form N2 molecules that stay in the atmosphere for millions of years.

    The majority of nitrogen has an atomic mass of 14. Less than one percent of nitrogen has an extra neutron. While this heavy isotope,
    nitrogen-15, is rare, N2 molecules that contain two nitrogen-15s — which chemists call 15N15N — are the rarest of all N2 molecules.

    The team of scientists measured the amount of 15N15N in air and discovered that this rare form of nitrogen gas is far more abundant
    than scientists had expected. The Earth’s atmosphere contains about two percent more 15N15N than can be accounted for by geochemical
    processes occurring near the Earth’s surface.

    “This excess was not known before because nobody could measure it,” said senior author Edward Young, a UCLA professor of geochemistry
    and cosmochemistry. “Our one-of-a-kind Panorama mass spectrometer allows us to see this for the first time. We conducted experiments
    showing that the only way for this excess of 15N15N to occur is by rare reactions in the upper atmosphere. Two percent is a huge excess.”

    Young said the enrichment of 15N15N in Earth’s atmosphere is a signature that’s unique to our planet. “But it also gives us a clue about
    what signatures of other planets might look like, especially if they are capable of supporting life as we know it.”
    VIRGO --- ---
    Scientists observe supermassive black hole in infant universe | MIT News

    A team of astronomers, including two from MIT, has detected the most distant supermassive black hole ever observed.
    The black hole sits in the center of an ultrabright quasar, the light of which was emitted just 690 million years
    after the Big Bang. That light has taken about 13 billion years to reach us — a span of time that is nearly equal
    to the age of the universe.

    The black hole is measured to be about 800 million times as massive as our sun — a Goliath by modern-day standards
    and a relative anomaly in the early universe.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Massive Primordial Galaxies Found Swimming in Vast Ocean of Dark Matter - National Radio Astronomy Observatory

    Astronomers expect that the first galaxies, those that formed just a few hundred million years after the Big Bang, would share many similarities with some of the dwarf
    galaxies we see in the nearby universe today. These early agglomerations of a few billion stars would then become the building blocks of the larger galaxies that came
    to dominate the universe after the first few billion years.

    Ongoing observations with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), however, have discovered surprising examples of massive, star-filled galaxies
    seen when the cosmos was less than a billion years old. This suggests that smaller galactic building blocks were able to assemble into large galaxies quite quickly.

    The latest ALMA observations push back this epoch of massive-galaxy formation even further by identifying two giant galaxies seen when the universe was only 780 million
    years old, or about 5 percent its current age. ALMA also revealed that these uncommonly large galaxies are nestled inside an even-more-massive cosmic structure, a halo
    of dark matter several trillion times more massive than the sun.

    The two galaxies are in such close proximity — less than the distance from the Earth to the center of our galaxy — that they will shortly merge to form the largest galaxy
    ever observed at that period in cosmic history. This discovery provides new details about the emergence of large galaxies and the role that dark matter plays in assembling
    the most massive structures in the universe.

    The researchers report their findings in the journal Nature.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Clay minerals on Mars may have formed in primordial steam bath | News from Brown

    New research suggests that the bulk of clay minerals on Mars could have been formed as the planet’s crust
    cooled and solidified, not by later interactions with water on the surface as has long been assumed.

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    Why is Earth Magnetized and Venus Not? - Sky & Telescope

    A new analysis reveals that the gigantic impact that led to the Moon's formation might have also switched on Earth's magnetic field.

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    První světlo pro ESPRESSO – lovce exoplanet nové generace | ESO Česko

    Spektrograf ESPRESSO úspěšně provedl svá první pozorování. Nový přístroj instalovaný na dalekohledu ESO/VLT v Chile bude díky dosud nedosažitelné
    přesnosti měření změn ve spektrech hvězd pátrat po jejich extrasolárních planetách. Zařízení bude navíc schopné získávat záření ze všech čtyř
    hlavních dalekohledů systému VLT najednou a tímto způsobem sesbírá tolik světla, jako jeden teleskop se zrcadlem o průměru 16 m.

    Přístrojem ESPRESSO (SPectrograph for Rocky Exoplanet and Stable Spectroscopic Observations), který byl nedávno instalován na dalekohled ESO/VLT
    na observatoři Paranal v severním Chile [1], prošlo první světlo. Tento nový echelletový spektrograf třetí generace je nástupcem úspěšného zařízení
    HARPS, které je stále v provozu na observatoři ESO/La Silla. Zatímco spektrograf HARPS je při měření rychlosti pomocí Dopplerova jevu schopen
    dosáhnout přesnosti kolem 1 m/s, ESPRESSO by mělo – díky technologickému vývoji a využití na dalekohledu s mnohem větším zrcadlem –
    provádět stejná měření s přesností v řádu několika centimetrů za sekundu.

    ESOcast 141 Light: ESPRESSO — the Next Generation Planet Hunter

    ESPRESSO achieves First Light

    VIRGO --- ---
    What If the Big Bang Wasn't the Beginning? New Study Proposes Alternative

    ..."The Big Bang as the initial singularity is only a speculation," Silva Neves told Space.com.
    He said that "there are many observations in cosmology" that support the hypothesis that the
    universe went through a period of rapid expansion, but that there is no direct evidence that
    this expansion started with a singularity.

    In a paper published Aug. 29 in the journal General Relativity and Gravitation, Silva Neves,
    a researcher at the Mathematics, Statistics & Scientific Computation Institute (IMECC-UNICAMP)
    of the University of Campinas, in Brazil, proposes an alternative cosmological model that does
    away with the necessity of this original singularity. His model includes a concept known as
    bouncing cosmology.

    VIRGO --- ---

    Southwest Research Institute scientists recently modeled the protracted period of bombardment following the Moon’s formation, when leftover planetesimals
    pounded the Earth. Based on these simulations, scientists theorize that moon-sized objects delivered more mass to the Earth than previously thought.

    Early in its evolution, Earth sustained an impact with another large object, and the Moon formed from the resulting debris ejected into an Earth-orbiting
    disk. A long period of bombardment followed, the so-called “late accretion,” when large bodies impacted the Earth delivering materials that were accreted
    or integrated into the young planet.

    “We modeled the massive collisions and how metals and silicates were integrated into Earth during this ‘late accretion stage,’ which lasted for hundreds
    of millions of years after the Moon formed,” said SwRI’s Dr. Simone Marchi, lead author of a Nature Geoscience paper outlining these results. “Based on
    our simulations, the late accretion mass delivered to Earth may be significantly greater than previously thought, with important consequences for
    the earliest evolution of our planet.”

    Previously, scientists estimated that materials from planetesimals integrated during the final stage of terrestrial planet formation made up about half
    a percent of the Earth’s present mass. This is based on the concentration of highly “siderophile” elements — metals such as gold, platinum and iridium,
    which have an affinity for iron — in the Earth’s mantle. The relative abundance of these elements in the mantle points to late accretion, after Earth’s
    core had formed. But the estimate assumes that all highly siderophile elements delivered by the later impacts were retained in the mantle.

    BLACKHEAD --- ---
    VIRGO: Measured in the time domain? Or how?
    VIRGO --- ---
    Strejda Albert o5 bez ztráty kytičky
    In a first, Galileo’s gravity experiment is re-created in space | Science News

    Galileo’s most famous experiment has taken a trip to outer space. The result? Einstein was right yet again.
    The experiment confirms a tenet of Einstein’s theory of gravity with greater precision than ever before.

    According to science lore, Galileo dropped two balls from the Leaning Tower of Pisa to show that they fell at the same rate no matter their composition.
    Although it seems unlikely that Galileo actually carried out this experiment, scientists have performed a similar, but much more sensitive experiment in
    a satellite orbiting Earth. Two hollow cylinders within the satellite fell at the same rate over 120 orbits, or about eight days’ worth of free-fall time,
    researchers with the MICROSCOPE experiment report Dec 4 in Physical Review Letters. The cylinders’ accelerations match within two-trillionths of a percent.

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    Snellen - Exoplanets and the search for extraterrestrial life
    VIRGO --- ---
    VLT’s SPHERE spies rocky worlds | ESO United Kingdom

    These images were taken by ESO’s SPHERE (Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet REsearch) instrument, installed on ESO’s Very Large Telescope
    (VLT) at the Paranal Observatory, Chile. These strikingly-detailed views reveal four of the millions of rocky bodies in the main asteroid belt,
    a ring of asteroids between Mars and Jupiter that separates the rocky inner planets of the Solar System from the gaseous and icy outer planets.

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