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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Sunlight holds the key to planet’s shine | University of Oxford

    Changes in solar activity influence the colour and formation of clouds around the planet, researchers at Oxford and Reading universities found.

    The icy planet is second furthest from the sun in the solar system and takes 84 Earth years to complete a full orbit – one Uranian year.

    The researchers found that, once the planet’s long and strange seasons are taken into account, it appears brighter and dimmer over a cycle of 11 years.
    This is the regular cycle of solar activity which also affects sun spots.

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    Cosmic Filament Probes Our Galaxy’s Giant Black Hole2017-35 | www.cfa.harvard.edu/

    The center of our Galaxy has been intensely studied for many years, but it still harbors surprises for scientists.
    A snake-like structure lurking near our galaxy’s supermassive black hole is the latest discovery to tantalize astronomers.

    In 2016, Farhad Yusef-Zadeh of Northwestern University reported the discovery of an unusual filament near the center of
    the Milky Way Galaxy using the NSF’s Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA). The filament is about 2.3 light years long and
    curves around to point at the supermassive black hole, called Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), located in the Galactic center.

    Now, another team of astronomers has employed a pioneering technique to produce the highest-quality image yet obtained
    of this curved object.

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    Astronomers Shed Light on Formation of Black Holes and Galaxies W. M. Keck Observatory

    Stars forming in galaxies appear to be influenced by the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy,
    but the mechanism of how that happens has not been clear to astronomers until now.

    In a study published today in The Astrophysical Journal, Wright, graduate student Andrey Vayner, and their colleagues
    examined the energetics surrounding the powerful winds generated by the bright, vigorous supermassive black hole
    (known as a “quasar”) at the center of the 3C 298 host galaxy, located approximately 9.3 billion light years away.

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    James Webb Emerging From Chamber A

    Like in the classic holiday song, Webb’s “silver” sunshield and “gold” mirrors shimmer brightly in this image mashup.
    These are more than decorations for Webb, and their worth is measured by the scientific discoveries the telescope will make.

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    A century of galaxy discrimination revealed by giant European astronomy survey - News - Cardiff University

    A huge European astronomy survey, whose results are released today (21 December 2017), has revealed that the view of the Universe
    provided by traditional optical telescopes is seriously biased.

    The Herschel ATLAS (H-ATLAS) was a survey carried out by an international team led by researchers at Cardiff University with European Herschel
    Space Observatory in the far-infrared waveband, which consists of electromagnetic waves with wavelengths 200 times greater than optical light.

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    A team of U.S. astronomers studying the star RZ Piscium has found evidence suggesting its strange, unpredictable
    dimming episodes may be caused by vast orbiting clouds of gas and dust, the remains of one or more destroyed planets.

    "Our observations show there are massive blobs of dust and gas that occasionally block the star's light and are probably
    spiraling into it," said Kristina Punzi, a doctoral student at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) in New York
    and lead author of a paper describing the findings. "Although there could be other explanations, we suggest this material
    may have been produced by the break-up of massive orbiting bodies near the star."

    ‘Winking’ Star May Be Devouring Wrecked Planets
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    Tak je to tu: Two finalists were just selected to further develop their mission concepts through 2018

    CAESAR – A mission to return a sample from the nucleus of a comet.
    Dragonfly – A drone-like rotorcraft to explore the prebiotic chemistry of Saturn’s moon Titan.


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    Gigantické bubliny na povrchu rudého obra | ESO Česko

    Astronomové využívající dalekohled ESO/VLT poprvé v historii pozorovali strukturu granulace na povrchu vzdálené hvězdy – stárnoucího rudého obra
    π1 Gruis. Tento pozoruhodný nový snímek byl pořízen pomocí přístroje PIONIER. Odhaluje konvektivní buňky o průměru asi 120 milionů kilometrů tvořící
    povrchovou vrstvu mohutné hvězdy, která svou velikostí 350krát převyšuje Slunce. Výsledky byly publikovány v prestižním vědeckém časopise Nature.

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    Mars: Not as dry as it seems | University of Oxford

    Two new Oxford University papers have shed light on why there is no life on Mars.

    When searching for life, scientists first look for an element key to sustaining it: fresh water.

    Although today’s Martian surface is barren, frozen and inhabitable, a trail of evidence points to a once warmer, wetter planet, where water flowed freely.
    The conundrum of what happened to this water is long standing and unsolved. However, new research published in Nature suggests that this water is now locked
    in the Martian rocks.

    Scientists at Oxford’s Department of Earth Sciences, propose that the Martian surface reacted with the water and then absorbed it, increasing the rocks
    oxidation in the process, making the planet uninhabitable.

    Previous research has suggested that the majority of the water was lost to space as a result of the collapse of the planet’s magnetic field, when it was
    either swept away by high intensity solar winds or locked up as sub-surface ice. However, these theories do not explain where all of the water has gone.

    Convinced that the planet’s minerology held the answer to this puzzling question, a team led by Dr Jon Wade, NERC Research Fellow in Oxford’s Department
    of Earth Sciences, applied modelling methods used to understand the composition of Earth rocks to calculate how much water could be removed from the Martian
    surface through reactions with rock. The team assessed the role that rock temperature, sub-surface pressure and general Martian make-up, have on the planetary
    surfaces. The results revealed that the basalt rocks on Mars can hold approximately 25 per cent more water than those on Earth, and as a result drew the water
    from the Martian surface into its interior.

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    Powerful New Tool for Looking for Life Beyond Earth | News Releases | The Optical Society

    NASA has developed an innovative new spectroscopy instrument to aid the search for extraterrestrial life. The new instrument is designed to detect compounds and
    minerals associated with biological activity more quickly and with greater sensitivity than previous instruments. Although no evidence of life outside of Earth
    has yet been found, looking for evidence of present or past life on other planets continues to be an important part of the NASA Planetary Exploration Program.

    Researchers at NASA Langley Research Center and the University of Hawaii developed the new instrument, which improves on an analytical technique known as micro
    Raman spectroscopy. This technique uses the interaction between laser light and a sample to provide chemical composition information on a microscopic scale. It
    can detect organic compounds such as the amino acids found in living things and identify minerals formed by biochemical processes on Earth that might indicate
    life on other planets.

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    ‘Cosmic lantern’ could help us further understand the fate of the Universe | UoP News

    New research has provided a deeper insight into emission line galaxies, used in several ongoing and upcoming surveys,
    to help us further understand the composition and fate of the Universe.

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    Tak konečně první skutečné fotky!
    SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket sets up at Cape Canaveral ahead of launch | TechCrunch

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    Poptávám: elixír nesmrtelnosti. Zn: nespěchám...

    Nasa planning 2069 mission to look for life on newly discovered Earth-like planets | The Independent

    Mission is as yet unnamed and the technology required to get a craft there does not exist yet

    Nasa is reportedly planning an interstellar mission to search for life outside our solar system in the three-star Alpha Centauri system.

    The mission is as yet unnamed and the technology required to get a craft there does not exist yet, but the projected launch date would coincide with the 100th
    anniversary of the first moon landing. The ambitious mission would require a craft that would need to travel at a minimum of 10 per cent of the speed of light.

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    Exoplanet Exploration: Planets Beyond our Solar System: Holiday Special: Eight nights of exoplanet light

    NASA bringing you eight examples of light from real planets beyond our solar system. These real images show exoplanets light-years (aka trillions of miles)
    away from Earth. Exoplanets are far away, and they are millions of times dimmer than the stars they orbit. So, unsurprisingly, taking pictures of them
    the same way you'd take pictures of, say Jupiter or Venus, is exceedingly hard. But new techniques and rapidly-advancing technology are making it happen.

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    Habitable planets around pulsars theoretically possible

    It is theoretically possible that habitable planets exist around pulsars. Such planets must have an enormous atmosphere that convert the deadly X-rays
    and high energy particles of the pulsar into heat. This is the conclusion of a paper by astronomers Alessandro Patruno and Mihkel Kama, working in
    the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The paper appears today in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.

    The astronomers studied the pulsar PSR B1257+12 about 2300 light-years away in the constellation Virgo. They used the Chandra Space Telescope, which is
    specially made to observe X-rays. Three planets orbit the pulsar. Two of them are super-Earths with a mass of four to five times the Earth. The planets
    orbit close enough around the pulsar to warm up. Patruno says, "According to our calculations, the temperature of the planets might be suitable for
    the presence of liquid water on their surface. Though we don't know yet if the two super-Earths have the right, extremely dense atmosphere."

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    A New Twist in the Dark Matter Tale | NASA

    An innovative interpretation of X-ray data from a cluster of galaxies could help scientists fulfill a quest they have been on for decades: determining the nature of dark matter.

    The finding involves a new explanation for a set of results made with NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, ESA’s XMM-Newton and Hitomi, a Japanese-led X-ray telescope. If confirmed
    with future observations, this may represent a major step forward in understanding the nature of the mysterious, invisible substance that makes up about 85% of matter in the universe.

    The story of this work started in 2014 when a team of astronomers led by Esra Bulbul (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass.) found a spike of intensity
    at a very specific energy in Chandra and XMM-Newton observations of the hot gas in the Perseus galaxy cluster.

    This spike, or emission line, is at an energy of 3.5 kiloelectron volts (keV). The intensity of the 3.5 keV emission line is very difficult if not impossible to explain in terms
    of previously observed or predicted features from astronomical objects, and therefore a dark matter origin was suggested. Bulbul and colleagues also reported the existence of the
    3.5 keV line in a study of 73 other galaxy clusters using XMM-Newton.

    The plot of this dark matter tale thickened when only a week after Bulbul’s team submitted their paper a different group, led by Alexey Boyarsky of Leiden University in the Netherlands,
    reported evidence for an emission line at 3.5 keV in XMM-Newton observations of the galaxy M31 and the outskirts of the Perseus cluster, confirming the Bulbul et al. result.

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    Life may have originated on Earth 4 billion years ago, study of controversial fossils suggests | Science | AAAS

    The new work indicates these early microorganisms were surprisingly sophisticated, capable of photosynthesis and of using other chemical processes to get energy,
    says Birger Rasmussen, a geobiologist at Curtin University in Perth, Australia, who was not involved with the work. The study “will probably touch off a flurry
    of new research into these rocks as other researchers look for data that either support or disprove this new assertion,” adds Alison Olcott Marshall,
    a geobiologist at the University of Kansas in Lawrence who was not involved in the effort.

    3.5 billion-year-old fossil is oldest ever sign of life identified by scientists | The Independent

    Critics had previously argued microfossils were just unusual shapes in the rock

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    Santa’s workshop could be on snowy moon

    University of Warwick researchers are exploring whether snowy moons over a billion kilometres away from Earth are potentially habitable.

    According to Dr David Brown, and colleagues at Warwick’s Centre for Exoplanets and Habitability, life could be supported on moons of ice
    and snow with vast oceans under their frozen surfaces, orbiting Jupiter and Saturn.

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    'Oumuamua update za poslední 2 dny

    Astronomers' recent observations of our first-known interstellar visitor reveal that it is very strange indeed.

    Right now ‘Oumuamua (or 1I/2017 U1), as it's now known, is some 350 million km (2.3 astronomical units) from Earth, has dimmed to only 27th magnitude, and is receding
    at another 5½ million km (15 Earth-Moon distances) each day. But the flurry of observations made weeks ago, when it was closer and brighter, have fueled a second flurry
    of activity — writing scientific papers — to detail what we've learned. Here are three highlights that have come to light since S&T's previous update.

    Some of the first observations of 1I/2017 U1 showed that it had a slightly reddish color, not unlike a class of red-tinged bodies (called D types) found in the outer
    asteroid belt. Careful spectral measurements made by Alan Fitzsimmons (Queens University Belfast) and others using the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope and the 8.2-m
    Very Large Telescope bear out this initial assessment.

    ‘Oumuamua Update: Red, Tumbling, and Silent - Sky & Telescope

    No sign of alien life 'so far' on the mystery visitor from space, but we're still looking

    All news | Alien object ‘Oumuamua was a natural body visiting from another solar system | News | Queen's University Belfast

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    Star mergers: A new test of gravity, dark energy theories | EurekAlert! Science News

    Observations of neutron star collision challenge some existing theories

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