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    PLNTJolla, Sailfish
    PLNT --- ---
    Sailfish for Android devices release! - xda-developers

    Dear early adopter of SailfishOS for Android devices.

    We're kicking off today by publishing the first Early Adopter Release of SailfishOS ( for Nexus 4 (mako) to early adopters. Please make sure to read this whole e-mail through.

    Later we'll be publishing images for Samsung Galaxy S III LTE (i9305) and we'll be delivering updated images as we go along for each device as hardware support improves. This is just the beginning.

    We are also working on the SailfishOS hardware adaptation development kit, which describes how to port SailfishOS to existing CyanogenMod 10.1 devices. Later versions of CM will be supported eventually. We'll publish the HADK in the next few weeks if everything goes well.

    This installation image is for early adopters only, meaning we know that some things are not functional or perhaps even broken -- please see release notes below. We think it's worth sharing already now to get all of you properly included in the early stages of the project.

    We want to build a community around SailfishOS for Android devices that is based on mutual trust and respect for what we are all doing. Hence -- we ask that whenever you do screenshots, videos, forum or blog posts (and we're happy if you do!) or the like, you emphasise that this is an under-development snapshot and not a final product release.

    It is important for Jolla that the correct expectations are set for those who might be users of the final product -- and that they understand what they see is not a released product.

    WARNING: Modifying or replacing your device’s software may void your device’s warranty, lead to data loss, hearing loss, hair loss, financial loss, privacy loss, security breaches, or other damage, and therefore must be done entirely at your own risk. No one affiliated with this project is responsible for your actions but yourself. Good luck.

    NOTE: You will lose your on-device data, so make a proper backup.

    To install this release of SailfishOS on a Nexus 4 device:

    * Install adb and fastboot
    a. Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot
    b. Fedora: yum install android-tools
    c. Mac OS X: Install Homebrew from http://brew.sh/, then: brew install android-platform-tools
    d. Windows: See http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Doc:_fastboot_intro for instructions

    * Install Android 4.2.2 (JDQ39) to your Nexus 4
    a. Instructions here: https://developers.google.com/androi...s#instructions
    b. Download links can be found here: https://developers.google.com/androi...ges#occamjdq39

    * Download CyanogenMod 10.1.3 for your Nexus 4
    a. The file you want to download is cm-10.1.3-mako.zip
    b. Download links can be found here: http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Install_CM_for_mako

    * Download the SailfishOS for Android image for "mako"
    a. The file you want to download is http://releases.sailfishos.org/sfa-e...0.4.20-EA1.zip

    * Install CyanogenMod 10.1.3 on your Nexus 4
    a. Follow the instructions at: http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Install_CM_for_mako

    * After flashing the "cm-10.1.3-mako.zip" file, flash the SailfishOS .zip file in the same way ("on top of it")
    * Reboot bootloader, SailfishOS should boot and be visible

    We can recommend reading through http://jolla.com/guide/ -- some parts may not apply to Nexus 4

    If you want to go back to normal CyanogenMod:
    a. Boot into recovery mode
    b. Choose "Wipe data / factory reset"
    c. Flash cm-10.1.3-mako.zip
    d. (to go back to SailfishOS, flash the SailfishOS .zip on top of it)

    To SSH into your device via USB (Linux)
    1. Enable remote connection in Settings->System->Developer mode
    2. Set your USB interface on host machine to IP
    3. ssh nemo@
    4. Use the password from developer mode to log in
    5. Use the 'devel-su' command with the same password in order to gain root
    6. To SSH over WLAN, use IP listed in developer mode under "WLAN IP address"

    Release notes and Known issues for Early Adopter Release 1 for mako/Nexus 4:
    * We have a subtle watermark underneath the UI at all times stating "SailfishOS development software" "This is not production quality". Developer mode is activated at all times.
    * Modem and related functionality works, 3G data, SMS but no call audio (comes in next release). There has been no throughout testing of telephony related functionality (roaming, airplane mode, data counters, etc) and any use of this functionality is at your own risk.
    * Sensors, Device clock/alarms, Reset device, Bluetooth, USB control + MTP, Bluetooth, WLAN hotspot, Camera (photography, video recording), and video playback is not supported in this release.
    * Jolla account / Store is removed from the image due to problems with registering with Jolla infrastructure.
    * The image SW is not currently upgradeable, nor is any typically licensed multimedia codecs (MP3, etc), HERE maps, Android application compatibility layer, or word prediction for virtual keyboard preinstalled.
    * After returning from suspend, UI may be slow for a moment. It is not possible to double-tap to wake up the device. Power button may fail to wake device at times, check if you are covering the proximity sensor. Powering off device puts it into a state of deep slumber; possible to get out of by holding power button and volume down key with a bit of persistence.
    * Fingerterm applications may fail to launch during first attempts.
    * FPS drop while scrolling in homescreen due to non-batching when rendering of application icon grid
    * Icons/graphics appear unproportionally small in browser toolbar, time select widget, and Settings favourite icons
    * Multiboot / multirom is not supported currently

    We will all meet in #sailfishos on irc.freenode.net and please use us (thp, alterego, Stskeeps, lbt, sledges) to work together, report any bugs, graphical glitches or missing functionality that you find, which are not included in the release notes above. You can also find the hardware adaptation source code at http://github.com/mer-hybris .

    You are also welcome to participate in threads at http://forum.xda-developers.com/nexus-4/general about Nexus 4 and SailfishOS as well as for more general SailfishOS topics at http://forum.xda-developers.com/jolla-sailfish/general

    Best regards,
    Carsten Munk (Stskeeps) on behalf of the SailfishOS for Android devices team
    Chief Research Engineer @ Jolla

    PLNT --- ---
    na transifex začal vznikat komunitní překlad pro jolla. už teď je všechno přeloženo. kvalita zatím není stoprocentní, ale je to na velice dobré cestě.


    rpm ke stažení:
    Index of /obs/home:/xmlich02/sailfish_1.0.3.8_armv7hl/noarch
    PLNT --- ---
    založil jsem na freenode irc kanál #jolla.cz a tweetnul na @Jolla_CZ_SK. uvidíme kolik lidí se sejde :)
    PLNT --- ---
    [Release Notes] Software version, Ohijärvi - together.jolla.com

    PLNT --- ---
    Sailfish OS Running on Various Android Devices, Otherhalves and more
    PLNT --- ---
    TOMAS3333: každej má trochu jiný požadavky, takže těžko hádat, co bude chybět tobě. co doporučuju je navštívit tjc a seřadit si dotazy / feature requesty podle toho, co nejvíc lidi upvotujou. dost z těch věcí už je implementovanejch v současnejch updatech (to poznáš z popisku). tady je link na seznam:

    Questions - together.jolla.com
    TOMAS3333 --- ---
    PLNT: tak momentalne som na symbiane, takze... mozes trochu rozviest "je tam zatím celkem dost poměrně důležitých chybějících funkcí"?
    PLNT --- ---
    TOMAS3333: záleží, co od telefonu potřebuješ. já jollu používám jako primární telefon, ale je tam zatím celkem dost poměrně důležitých chybějících funkcí.
    TOMAS3333 --- ---
    jak je na tom momentalne jolla? da sa pouzivat ako primarny a jediny telefon v pohode alebo este radsej pockat?
    PLNT --- ---
    SAMGARR: já doufám, že tu klávesnici začne časem vyrábět někdo víc profi. tohle mi přijde jako dost velkej bastl, protože to je klávesnice vykuchaná z jinýho mobilu upevněná do toh.
    SAMGARR --- ---
    PLNT: docela me prekvapilo, jak moc se ta klavesnice prohyba, doufam, ze je to pouze neduh prototypu.
    PLNT --- ---
    PLNT --- ---
    REDTIME --- ---
    PLNT: Tak napsal jsem jim email a uvidim, co mi odpovi. Zatim, co jsem sondoval, tak oprava v optima / dna vyjde kolem 210E a jelikoz nejsem z finska, tak jeste postovne tam a zpet. Takze bych to realne videl tak na 300E. To uz se skoro vyplati koupit rovnou novej telefon. Zkousel jsem napsat i sem http://www.huoltokukko.fi/hinnasto/ , ale ocekavam spis neuspech nebo podobne ceny jako u optima / dna.
    PLNT --- ---
    REDTIME: au :( .. na together.jolla.com už se taky někdo před časem našel. bohužel tam není moc info, jak to řešit.

    Repair service, Europe (How to repair my broken screen?) - together.jolla.com

    zkus napsat na care@jolla.com nebo se zeptat na #jollamobile na irc na freenode. třeba něco rozumnýho napíšou. mně většinou odpověděli do pár hodin nebo dnů.
    REDTIME --- ---
    Tak jsem jollu opustil... teda pardon upustil na zem :( Nema nekdo displej navic?
    SAMGARR --- ---
    Narazil jsem na web, kde byla jakasi roadmapa portovani Sailfish OS na ruzny zarizeni, ted to ale nemuzu zpetne dohledat, nemate nekdo link?
    SATAI --- ---
    Jolla Releases Sailfish OS 1.0 and is Now Ready to Scale up Globally
    SAMGARR --- ---
    Twitter / zlatkoe: #Jolla extended battery TOH ...
    SAMGARR --- ---
    SAMGARR: presale cena 100e, to se mi ten telefon prodrazi:(
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam