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    ztracené heslo?
    SUMIRust - Online PC hra - 7 Days to Die
    SUMI --- ---
    DOKTOR_CHAVEZ: já to teď chvíli nehrál, ale klidně bych zase zahrál...monolit už asi uhnil, já se někde ztratil na serveru a nejsem schopnej najít cestu zpátky :D..
    DOKTOR_CHAVEZ --- ---
    SKY_MAX: ja jsem cekal az ty zopmbies daj do rite a koupil si to az ted :) a zatim spokojenost, docela sranda hra. Mohl bych se pridat k Vam do monolitu?
    XANDERCZ --- ---
    SKY_MAX: Zombie hlavne byly jen placeholder
    SKY_MAX --- ---
    SUMI: shiiiiiiit.. zombie jsou pryc jo? teda to jsem necekal.. v nich bylo hrozne moc důležitýho lootu, to jsem zvědavej jestli to spawny v budovách vybalancujou nějak nebo jaký to bude.. wow
    ale jakoby zdá se mi to krok správnym směrem, zombie nejsou to hlavni na ty hře
    SUMI --- ---
    Btw před pár dny vyšel nový update!
    FEKASON --- ---
    Chci se zeptat, dost me ta hra zajima ale nejsem si uplne jistej jestli mi pobezi. Da se sehnat nejaky demo, nebo pripadne aplikaci na steamu "refundovat" jako treba na Google Play?
    SKY_MAX --- ---
    ZAIL: by bodlo

    jinak tohle je absolutně vynikající video :D skutečně se koukněte

    ZAIL --- ---
    Už hraju, zatím jsem nenašel žádnou cz / sk rust komunitu, možná bychom mohli něco založit
    SUMI --- ---
    ZAIL: imo by ti to mělo jet, ale radši bych se ještě mrknul na rust fóra, jestli ti tam neporadí lépe
    ZAIL --- ---
    Premyslim, ze si Rust koupím, ale mám notebook s temahle specifikacema:

    RAM 6GB DDR3
    NVIDIA GeForce GT630M 2GB
    Intel Core i7 3630QM Ivy Bridge - Quad Core, 2.4 Ghz

    Rozjedu to na 40+ fps? Pri rozlisenice 1376x768?
    DZS --- ---
    SUMI: Hodilo by se zduraznit, ze je ten bytecek az nahore (predposledni patro, to s oknama je pudicka, na ktere se urcite bude skvele susit).. :)
    SUMI --- ---
    Náš panelák alá "Monolit"..teď ubytuje 7 lidí, ale ještě tam je jeden byteček volný..:D

    XANDERCZ --- ---
    SKY_MAX: Spis mi slo o ten Research kit
    SKY_MAX --- ---
    XANDERCZ: ale je to logický, 9mm ammo bylo fatk až moc jednoduchý.. sem ale zvědavej, jak to pozměněj
    SUMI --- ---
    XANDERCZ: Garry trošku přitvrzuje no :D už to nebude taková parádička..ale to je jedině dobře
    XANDERCZ --- ---
    SUMI: Kevlar is harder to produce
    Made ammo much harder to craft
    Research kits are now one time use

    ufff.... to je drsny :D
    SUMI --- ---
    Nový update + wipe všech serverů - 19.12. 2013


    Doors will no longer fly away
    You can’t stand inside doors and shoot out any longer
    Fixed Metal Doors not setting their rotation properly
    Shelters can be placed closer together than they used to be able to
    Resource nodes respawning should no longer cause server-wide lag
    Deployables placed on inside (new) shelters should no longer destroy when the shelter is destroyed
    Added some missing death effects for shelters and doors
    Should be easier to squeeze sleeping bags into shelters now
    Spike walls can be placed closer together, you can overlap them a little bit now to seal gaps easier
    You can now right click to rotate structures for the one guy without a mousewheel :D
    Servers can now specify a minimum amount of players for airdrops to occur – airdrop.min_players ( default 50 )
    Fixed shotguns not damaging deployables
    Fixed some serverside performance issues
    Fixed explosive charges not dealing direct damage to structure components – They will now deal their damage regardless of their position relative to what they are placed directly on
    Fixed explosions doing too much damage to things with compound colliders (shelters namely)
    Fixed weapon animations while aiming for some weapons (Shotgun)
    Fixed exploit allowing you to place deployables in mid-air
    Fixed being able to put wood boxes inside people/yourself
    You can place stuff on the road now
    Kevlar is harder to produce
    Made ammo much harder to craft
    Research kits are now one time use
    Increased headshot damage multiplier
    Added Bolt Action Rifle
    Weapons now play a dry fire sound when you try and fire them empty
    Added aim sway to some weapons, experimental
    Added a small ‘lazy aim’ cone for weapons
    Shotgun and bolt action rifle no longer stay aimed while actioning the weapon
    Small Stash is a default blueprint, and is easier to craft
    Spike wall returns more damage
    Spike wall has more melee armor
    New death screen (WIP)


    Lasersight and Flashlight go off to the left on the Bolt Action Rifle unless a silencer is also added
    Death messages are weird and can tell you a bear killed you with a shotgun or something random like that
    Dry fire sound plays on last shot of pistol
    Nudity and Censoring will display as pants, it’s being worked on.
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