k vývoji dronů v rustu, chronologicky, poslední je 1.0
"we don't need to make everything look beat up and rusty, if this is being used by some unseen force to spy on the players it would probably be new
I doubt they would be using metal in its construction either because metal is heavy and the quadrotor needs all the lift it can muster ( Take a look at the DJI phantom, or parrot bebop, it's fiberglass)
I don't mind if it has a metallic look as long as its obvious it's a thin layer of alluminum (i.e. remove the rust)
I like the progress we're making and the variations though, I would avoid it looking cyberpunk/akira/ghost in the shell - we're supposed to be real world military era" -Maurino Berry
(je copypasta interní komunikace, nic učesaného)