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    ztracené heslo?
    CRACKY_Heroes of the Storm - Deathwing!
    Heroes of the Storm Global Championship: http://us.heroesofthestorm.com/esports/en/ - RIP
    Novinkama a hero guidy https://www.icy-veins.com/heroes//
    Statistiky z replayu: https://www.hotslogs.com/
    Informace o mapach a hrdinech: http://www.nexusmaster.com/
    rozbalit záhlaví
    YASHAMARU: a kde to pisou?
    KORAL --- ---
    YASHAMARU: No a je v tom jasno :-) Deset hrdinu a free herové, maj smulu :-D
    YASHAMARU --- ---
    Right now there are two restrictions for ranked queues. The first is simple—you need to own 10 heroes, because every hero in a ranked match will be unique. Heroes in the free rotation do not count towards that 10. Also, the player account must be level 30 to queue for Hero League, and level 40 to queue for Team League
    YASHAMARU --- ---
    SALUSA_SECUNDUS: Varovnej vystrel, panecku to je roleplayer. :)))
    Salusa streamuje, dil ctvrty: Pokud se objevi na fieldu dve Novy, je vzajemna rivalita velmi intenzivni a jedna te druhe neda vubec nic zadarmo. Staci se jenom na chvilku nechat unest a okamzite prijde potrestani..

    Nova rivalita I.

    A tady si nevaham dojit pro kill enemy Novy pres celou mapu...

    Nova rivalita II.

    A dobrou noc :)
    Salusa streamuje, dil treti: Nova roaming. Tady je videt, v cem je obrovska sila Novy, clovek si jenom tak nenapadne nekam vyrazi a v tom potka osamocenou predchozim bojem vysilenou Jainu, coz je velice snadna korist... A chudak Jaina do posledni chvile netusi, odkud to prileti.

    Nova roaminguje
    Salusa streamuje, dil druhy: Novy bojujou o shrine. Povsimnete si elegantniho varovneho vystrelu do vzduchu na zacatku, to je samozrejme umyslne :)

    Nova souboj o shrine
    Salusa streamuje, dil prvni: Nova na vejlete. Celkem poklidny pobyt na lajne ma necekane rychly konec :)

    Nova na vejlete..
    TRIPLT --- ---
    koukam, ze za tu chvili co jsem nebyl online si s tim trochu pohrali... :) graficke rozliseni na mape atd... :)
    STAROJDA --- ---
    KORAL: nebude banování, ale imho nemůže být stejný hrdina - to usuzuju z toho, jak fungují aktuálně turnaje a taky že potřebuješ 10 hrdinů, abys mohl do ranked.
    kazdopadne na battle.netu primo je clanek, kde je nejak naznaceny jak to bude a je tam, ze mapa bude videt dopredu.. nic zasadnejsiho tam neni, nez ze your teammates and opponents will take turns picking and counter-picking Heroes in real-time, a to je takovy nicnerikajici..

    no asi se bude videt 13.ledna :)
    KORAL --- ---
    Nejsem si jist, ale měl jsem za to, že ?
    1. nebude banování
    2. na obou stranách muže být stejný hrdina

    Takže pak ti stačí těch hrdinu 5 :-D
    DIOM --- ---
    DWAY: 10 hrdinů a level 30, jestli si to dobře vybavuju
    1. Wait for enemy Nova to be a little bit disarrayed and kill her
    2. Enjoy the warm coming through your body
    3. Repeat 1 after enemy Nova resurrects

    DWAY --- ---
    STAROJDA: nebude? To bude docela prdel ovsem. Na ranked tudiz musim mit aspon deset hrdinu ze?
    STAROJDA --- ---
    Na redditu je teď zajímavá diskuze:

    Top 3 Tips for your main Hero! [X-Post Idea from r/Hearthstone and r/Starcraft] : heroesofthestorm

    Napsal jsem tam svoje tipy pro Vallu a Nazeeba, tak je házím i sem :)

    1) Check your enemies at start and choose your tallent route - are there many tanks? Pick single DPS build. Are there invisible and squishy heroes? Take multishot build. Valla offers great variety, so learn your choices and when they work best for you.
    2) Stay behind your team and wait for good position to dish out damage. Then shoot until everybody (or you :)) is dead. Don't run around, shoot! Learn stutter step to chase enemies (attack, move a bit, attack, move a bit).
    3) Save your E (Vault) for escapes early game. Worst death is when you use Vault for faster movement and then enemies ambush you. Later on, you can use Vault for chasing and faster engagement, but always with support of your team.

    1) Pick Death ritual on level 1 and learn to stack it properly - focus on last hitting creeps and always land and attack on a creep which is under fire. Your all skills apply Voodoo ritual, so you can poison more targets at once. With Gidbin (level 7), you have 5 seconds to recieve stack of Death ritual, so last hitting is easier. There is visual and sound effect when your Death ritual is successful - learn to see and hear it.
    2) Use Zombie wall not only for attack, but for defense as well! When you are being chased, hit Alt+W to land zombies directly under you. Before they appear, you are out of the wall and your chasing enemy is trapped. If he is low healt, you can counter kill with your burst! Zombie wall is alse effective even if you dont trap anyone. You can create wall or block pathing in narrow places. What an awesome skill.
    3) Learn the terrain of the map. It is important for your Ravenous Spirit ambushes! Hide behind corner, hide in bushes, hide behind wall, hide behind water (Blackhearts Bay) and throw the Spirit. Remember, that it can travel far away, so you can throw it from safe place and move it to fight. Bonus tip: Pick Specialized toxin on level 16 and see how your Spirit lands sick AOE poison damage to every enemy hero. Penta kill!
    jo tak to sem nevedel.. v tom pripade jo, to budu s mym MMR dycky desatej :)
    STAROJDA --- ---
    SALUSA_SECUNDUS: no tak můžeš bejt poslední v řadě, ne? Tedy desátej. V ranked nebude možné mít v obou týmech stejného hrdinu (tedy že by šla Nova proti Nově atd.)
    zkuste mi napsat nejaky sample prubeh pickovani :) na tom to pochopim
    tak v tom pripade mi neco uniklo :) jak se muze stat, ze budu desatej?
    YASHAMARU --- ---
    SALUSA_SECUNDUS: no, ale co teprv, kdyz jses az 10tej?
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam