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    ztracené heslo?
    CRACKY_Heroes of the Storm - Deathwing!
    REFLEX --- ---
    YASHAMARU: me prijde ze zadnej nerf jen samej boost
    YASHAMARU --- ---
    uz nekdo napiste konecne dojmy a prujmy z tech patch notes. menil se nekomu oblibenej hrdina? :p

    illidan beze zmen, looks stronk.
    YASHAMARU --- ---
    ZARREMGREGARROK: no jo to mi nedoslo. vecer to vyzkousim. ja jsem hral jednu hru a tam se to illidanovi v teamu stalo 3x. pokazdy u toho chcipl. poprve a podruhe to bylo vtipny, ale potreti uz trochu awkward :D

    kdysi jsem na to nekde cetl vysvetleni, ze v okamziku dokonceni huntu hra provede check dlazdice na kterou te ma posadit a ze kdyz ta obet umre mezitim co letis. tak obet uz je u jejich core a check dlazdice se vyhodnoti tak, ze te to posle za nim.

    tak jsem zvedavej jak je to s tim teleportem.
    YASHAMARU: To je v aktuálním PTR patchi.
    (Resp. tam je, že cleanse nedává unstopable, ale relentless -50% cc duration)
    Zatím by to mělo fungovat.
    YASHAMARU --- ---
    jinak to vecer vyzkousim v customce :D
    YASHAMARU --- ---
    ZARREMGREGARROK: nemenili aji to predcasteni cleanse, aby to uz neslo?
    SALUSA_SECUNDUS: Jak to čtu, tak mě napadá:
    Když Tyrael/Illidan zapne ulti na oběť která se portuje domů.
    (Pokud stunnuje už na začátku letu, tak u oběti sedí někdo, kdo oběti dá Cleanse aby na tu sekundu byla imunní.)
    Oběť se stihne odportit, než Tyrael/Illidan doletí.
    Kde skončí Tyrael/Illidan?
    a este bar bonbonku v bug fixech a dam uz pokoj :)

    Fixed an issue that could allow Abathur to become permanently invulnerable under certain circumstances.
    Illidan will no longer fly to the enemy Hall of Storms if the target of The Hunt is killed before the Ability completes.
    Tyrael will no longer fly to the enemy Hall of Storms if his Judgment target is killed before the Ability completes.
    Malfurion's Tranquility will no longer heal him for double the intended amount.
    Leoric’s Reanimation Talent will no longer allow him to benefit from enemy Regen Globes during Undying.
    Murky can no longer use Pufferfish to permanently reveal parts of the fog of war before the match starts.
    Relentless Onslaught will no longer cause The Butcher to continue searching for the target even after losing vision of that Hero.
    Minions affected by Sylvanas’ Possession will no longer occasionally appear to attack one another.
    Casting Zeratul's Void Prison on Forts or Keeps should no longer cause targeting issues for Blackheart’s cannons.
    ENDER --- ---
    me by stacilo, ze se hra ve woknech zaktivni kdyz se naloaduje... obcas se pripojuju po par minutach, pripadne vubec :/ protoze na to zapomenu :)
    Fixed a rare issue that could sometimes cause matchmade games to start with fewer than 10 players.

    tak to sem este nezazil :)
    procitam konecne ty patchnotes, tak vam sem budu hazet co me zaujalo..

    Battlefield of Eternity
    When Immortals that are battling at the center of the Battleground swap locations for the first time, the Heaven Immortal will now always travel to right, and the Hell Immortal will always travel to the left.

    Tomb of the Spider Queen
    Increased the damage and Health scaling of Webweavers and their minions by 50% past the 15 minute mark.
    DIOM --- ---
    SALUSA_SECUNDUS: a já myslel, že tančí pořád..ty její vrtule.. :)
    DIOM --- ---
    ZARREMGREGARROK: bez toho bych to nehrál! :) /dance
    SALUSA_SECUNDUS: on je v HotS dance? O_o

    Ancients rejoice! Sonya has received a dance animation.
    STAROJDA --- ---
    Solidní Tyrael!

    Custom Build: MG 1/100 Wing Gundam Zero Custom "Diablo Archangel Ver." - Gundam Kits Collection News and Reviews

    BARTUC --- ---
    YASHAMARU: ten patch je imho ted na ptr a bude pristi utery... aspon tak sem to pochopil ja z toho odkazu
    YASHAMARU --- ---
    ja kona chcu, jestli to teda neni fake. vypada trochu jako papez, ale aspon k undead hrdinum se bude docela hodit :)
    YASHAMARU --- ---

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