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    ztracené heslo?
    ASYDThe Rumour Mill - moneyball
    ASYD --- ---
    Manchester United are interested in signing Bayern Munich midfielder Leon Goretzka. (Bild)
    ASYD --- ---
    Frank Ribery leaves Fiorentina as a free agent. Fiorentina have decided not to extend his contract. The french player has been offered to Lazio in the last hours, but Lotito and Tare have other plans as new wingers
    ASYD --- ---
    Ryan Bertrand will undergo medical today ahead of completing transfer to Leicester City. Deal agreed but not signed yet. 2y contract with option for a 3rd. 31yo a free agent after leaving Southampton.
    ASYD --- ---
    Arsenal have offered Reiss Nelson a new contract until 2024 to send him on loan immediatly after (current one expires in 11 months). Nelson has not accepted yet as he’s looking for other options.
    Olympiacos and three English clubs already contacted Nelson to sign him.
    ASYD --- ---
    RTL confirm: Kylian Mbappé has formally rejected PSG's contract extension offer but has not asked to leave the club. PSG still hope to convince him to stay.
    ASYD --- ---
    Nuno Tavares to Arsenal, done deal.
    Paperworks to be signed today between #AFC and Benfica board for €8m + add ons. Red circleFlag of Portugal
    Interest started during Guendouzi talks with Benfica - Tavares was part of potential swap deal... but Mattéo wants to join OM.
    ASYD --- ---
    Arsenal defender Daniel Ballard is undergoing a medical at Millwall ahead of joining the Lions on loan
    ASYD --- ---
    HAVANA --- ---
    only at arsenal

    prodat hvezdu EURA v primu za 12+3mega...jakoze wtf fakt
    ASYD --- ---
    hehe, sme si vcerejskem trochu privydelali ;-)

    Roma are still confident of signing Xhaka despite rumoured interest from Juventus. Xhaka has already agreed personal terms with Roma, but they haven’t increased their offer from €12M + €3M add ons. [@ChrisWheatley_]
    ASYD --- ---
    O_THREE --- ---
    Patrick Vieira has agreed to become the new Crystal Palace manager.
    ASYD --- ---
    ASYD: @FabrizioRomano
    Arsenal and Benfica have an agreement in principle for Nuno Tavares - LB target revelead two days ago. Deal set to be completed for €8m as guaranteed fee + add ons.
    Personal terms [until June 2026] and agents fee agreed. Paperworks still to be signed/completed.
    ASYD --- ---
    LYNCH: Cywe ale za 8m no brainer
    ASYD --- ---
    Arsenal have made an official bid of €17.5m + add-ons of potentially around €4m for Anderlecht midfielder Albert Sambi Lokonga. The player has already agreed personal terms with the club. Anderlecht want a 15% future sale percentage on the deal. [@FabrizioRomano]
    ASYD --- ---
    ASYD: mi
    ASYD --- ---
    LYNCH: same here...ma to ale catch... na twitteru fanousci Benficy jasaji ze jde do prdele...coz my ale moc nestymuje s tim ze to je maldej hrac - kdo si muze vytvorit averzi na tak mladeho hrace (anebo treba Nketiah? ... me treba nevadi, ale jsou lidi co by mu i priplatili aby odesel)
    LYNCH --- ---
    HAVANA: jak pise ASYD KT je fakt sklenenej a pokud za nej bude jen nahrada v podobe nejaky staryho typkacoz nam nevychazi uz vubec viz ten svycar, Willian atd..ja uz tem.zkusenostem moc neverim))
    Mlady ted hrajou prim
    LYNCH --- ---
    ASYD: provedl jsem lehky youtube scouting a za me uplne v poradku, mladej rychlej, technika jak prase, to bude skvely
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam