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    TRAGEDDestiny - May the light of awoken Traveler reach and guide you even in the Reef! For the Cayde! [PC|PS4|XO]
    Destiny 2

    Spoiler tag: <span class="spoiler"> Vas prispevek obsahujici spoiler </span>

    Destiny 2: Forsaken leveling guide

    Asist app: Ishtar Commander‏
    Links: Vital Information and Known Issues | Xûr's Twitter | Where is XÛR | CZ Komunitni clany
    Reddit: Destiny The Game | Destiny Lore 

    Destiny links: Bungie | Ghosts Locations | Seraphim Archive

    I'll be your light, your match, your burning sun,
    I'll be the bright, in black that's makin' you run.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    OTAKAR --- ---
    TRAGED: Hm, a to dává nějaký smysl? Mně přijde, že by měli chtít co nejvíc lidí pohdromadě, ne?
    TRAGED --- ---
    OTAKAR: Ano.
    TRAGED --- ---
    OMG! Materialy u limitky jsou plne zakryptovanych Bonus kodu!

    This was CRAZY. I took the work of /u/vinylshrapnel and expanded it into the freakin' third dimension. It turns out there was ANOTHER code on Page 81 of the Arms and Armament book.
    Check out the progression of my deciphering here: http://imgur.com/a/cV8D1
    The code is good for: "Emblem: Flames of Forgotten Truth" The code is A7L-FYC-44X
    EDIT: Just want to share this post which got everyone going in the right direction. (S)he noticed the 22 line segments correlating to the 22 viable code characters, as well as the 9 planets. http://www.reddit.com/...stinyTheGame/comments/2g8dyt/has_anybody_found_any_codes_hidden_within_the/

    Desifrovaci "tabulka"

    A postup jak na to :)
    Destiny LE Page 81 - Imgur

    OTAKAR --- ---
    Mimochodem, PS3 a PS4 hrajou odděleně?
    KENZO --- ---
    Ja dam dnes večer PS4?
    _KOFILA_ --- ---
    OTAKAR: Tak si pridej "traktoristka"
    OTAKAR --- ---
    _KOFILA_: jj PS3
    _KOFILA_ --- ---
    Vyhazuje to z misi na orbit... Docela neprijemne;)
    Tak vecer, resp. v noci... Jedenacta. Projdem cely mesic s tvym hunterem;)
    TRAGED --- ---
    _KOFILA_: Zas az v noci, holt s rodinou je to narocnejsi :)
    _KOFILA_ --- ---
    TRAGED: Pojd dat radsi moon;)
    _KOFILA_ --- ---
    OTAKAR: Ps3?
    MARLLONE --- ---
    TRAGED: Nejlepší je pošťačka Kadí :)
    TRAGED --- ---

    Destiny Strange Coin Vendor, Xûr, will sell you... | GameZone
    TRAGED --- ---
    _KOFILA_: Nejsem si uplne jistej co si predstavit pod " f2p mobilovka"
    _KOFILA_ --- ---
    Uz chapu proc o tom nikdo nechce psat jako prvni. Je treba mit odvahu napsat ze je to f2p mobilovka v setupu strilecky (tu nehodnotim, nejsem ftp hrac). Kazdopadne pokud budou zasobovat obsahem verim ze to bude pro fps fandy svezi a instantni zabava!
    OTAKAR --- ---
    teďka někdo kolem lvl15 nehraje?
    TRAGED --- ---
    Slusna prace, Sjeli jsme vcera s Kofilou celej kosmodrom az na strike. Takze uz mam i Huntra na 7lvl :)
    TRAGED --- ---
    _KOFILA_: OOK. Du online.
    SUBTITLES017 --- ---
    hrajete? jak vam to jde, jaky to je? ;)
    _KOFILA_ --- ---
    TRAGED: Vemu si klidne uplne novou postavu taky...
    TRAGED --- ---
    _KOFILA_: A mam si kuli tobe udelal lowlvl Huntera, nebo ti nebude vadit o 8lvl vyssi Warlock?
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam