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    ztracené heslo?
    TRAGEDDestiny - May the light of awoken Traveler reach and guide you even in the Reef! For the Cayde! [PC|PS4|XO]
    MAESTRO_007 --- ---
    jo, ja mel pauzu a jak vyrostla max power tak mam proc hrat a je to fakt dobra hra :-)
    TRAGED --- ---
    Ta hra je proste dobra! :-) Chvilku mi trvalo se zorientovat ve zmenach, ale uz jsem zpet :-)
    TRAGED --- ---
    Fall Eververse Changes > News | Bungie.net
    TRAGED --- ---
    Q: What Forsaken and Forsaken Annual Pass content will be included in New Light?
    A: Forsaken content available in Destiny 2: New Light includes:
    Free Roam on all Destinations
    Strikes Playlists
    Crucible Playlists
    Gambit and Gambit Prime Playlists
    Select Annual Pass content

    Q: What Forsaken and Forsaken Annual Pass content will NOT be included in New Light?
    A: Forsaken content available only with purchase includes:
    The Forsaken campaign
    Year 2 Raids and Dungeons
    Exotic Quests

    Help: Destiny 2: Fall 2019 FAQ | Bungie.net
    TRAGED --- ---
    Cross Save is Coming
    Sign up to be notified when Cross Save is live later this year.

    Announcing Cross Save
    Later this summer this exciting new feature will arrive in Destiny 2.

    We believe that Destiny is better with friends and that you should be able to play with them anywhere. Cross Save will enable you to select an active group of characters and play them on any of your connected accounts. You will be able to set up your Cross Save later this summer.

    Right now, sign up for email updates about the next steps you can take to benefit from Cross Save.

    More information coming soon!
    Click above to sign up for updates.

    Q: Do players need to repurchase Destiny 2 on each Cross Save platform separately?
    A: No. New Light will be available for Free on Steam, Xbox, and PlayStation.
    Cross-Save will preserve all gear, character, and items across all platforms regardless of entitlements.
    Expansion ownership (Forsaken, Shadowkeep) is tied to the platform's store it was purchased on. Players will need to purchase expansions on each platform that they wish to play that expansion content on.

    Q: Can players merge different characters, items, or triumphs from different accounts?
    A: Cross Save does not feature account, character, or progress merging. Selecting a primary account for Cross Save does not delete or alter the data of any other accounts.

    Q: Will Destiny 2 support cross-play matchmaking between different platforms?
    A: No. Each platform will have its own matchmaking pool.

    TRAGED --- ---
    LION_DON: Cross platform charkter a pridani Destiny1 map!!!
    MAESTRO_007 --- ---
    MATHES: ja to vnimam z opacne strany, v chrome to hrat nebudu, ale znamena to ze i po rozchodu s Activision Bungie zije a pracuji na tom, spoluprace s googlem (penize) a dalsi moznosti. Viz nov. Shadowkeep oznameny atd.

    Informace o budoucnosti Destiny 2 - Hrej.cz
    LION_DON --- ---
    Bungie ViDoc - Out of the Shadows
    LION_DON --- ---
    Welcome back, crazy lady. We missed you.

    Destiny 2: Shadowkeep - Reveal Trailer
    MATHES --- ---
    TRAGED --- ---
    MAESTRO_007: No nevim. Kompetitivni FPS v cloudu? :-]
    MAESTRO_007 --- ---
    Destiny 2 bude fungovat na Stadia v prohlížeči | Eurogamer
    MAESTRO_007 --- ---
    TRAGED: tak jsem to vcera zapl a Destiny je dobra hra :-)

    jinak ten novy mod pro 6 lidi je takova kombinace escalation protocolu, striku a raidu.... za me super...

    ale ten zazitek jak na zacatku z toho z proste neni no, pokud nekoho nebavi cely den farmit 100kilu toho a pak zas toho :-)
    LION_DON --- ---
    TRAGED --- ---
    Destiny 2: Forsaken - Season of Opulence Trailer
    MAESTRO_007 --- ---
    WRATA --- ---
    MAESTRO_007: Kupoval sem ho pri launchi, byl soucasti limited edice. Co co jsem za nej dostal rozhodne neodpovidalo cene.
    TRAGED --- ---
    Porad je to min nez AAA cena za expanzi a pak 15 EUR mesicne.
    MAESTRO_007 --- ---
    WRATA: ze sis koupil season pass je tvoje blbost, ten pro hrani komplet destiny vubec mit nemusis...
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam