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    ztracené heslo?
    KLINIKA --- ---
    Memento Mori - Enkláva (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
    DATELON --- ---
    16.08.15 benefit na vodovodní systém na Klinice - spousta hiphopu, ska a mozna neco ostřejšího... muzika venku i vevnitř. stay tuned
    KLINIKA --- ---
    Dnes přednáška + meditace + film

    Doval/doraž/stav se
    _PU --- ---
    tady trochu teoretického pohledu na LEX, PEX a Fénix a tak!
    doporučuju velmi*
    DATELON --- ---
    On May 23rd activists and community members in Stockholm Sweden, unhappy with how their "democracy" had treated the sale and resulting public
    protestation of a state owned school to private developers, occupied a school and turned it into the community center the local population had been asking for.
    The occupiers did not anticipate holding the space for more than a few hours, or maybe a day... but we were able to hold the space for a month.
    We occupied about half of the 9000m2 building, maintaining a disco room, event and exhibition room, meeting rooms, two kitchens, sleeping areas, individual rooms, and a large community and entrance space.
    There were daily/weekly yoga, chi gung, and tango classes, and we produced three meals a day for the 35 plus people sleeping there and multitude of
    visitors and activists that came every day.
    The squat was highly politicized with its visual history of the building and fight to keep it for the public, and every Wednesday and Saturday held open community forums
    to discuss local issues and problems the community faced.
    Toward the later stages of the squat a number of local Roma came to stay in the place, both adding to the community and actionable ideals the activists held.

    Wednesday, July 29th, at 19:00, Klinika will hold an open discussion on this squat in Sweden with an activist/researcher that was involved with the Hogdalens Folkets Hus.
    SALE --- ---
    V blízké době se budou objednávat další k knihy z Londýna od Active distribution ( http://www.activedistributionshop.org/shop/ ). Když někdo bude chtít nějakou knihu, napište do pošty, nebo na sale@riseup.net
    HEINZZ --- ---
    TROJKA: předběžný termín 3/4/5.8, stay tuned.
    a díky všem!
    TROJKA --- ---
    .díky přátelé za hojnou účast na svářecím workshopu , byl jsem nadšen vašimi výsledky, budeme pokračovat příště - tentokrát už k sobě něco konkrétního přivaříme - budou to patrně stoličky do kavárny, nebo zahradní lampa. . .kdož se chystáte společně přiložit ruku k dílu , dejme si vzájemně vědět. . .
    KMINKA --- ---
    demo na podporu vězněných anarchistů, přijďte, sdílejte, ať nás je pořádně slyšet. dík
    [ Demonstrace solidarity s vězněnými anarchisty / ostatniother / 28.7.2015 / CR - Praha - Praha Pankrác, Praha Ruzyně ]
    ATYKIN --- ---
    DNES na programu:

    20:00 - 20:35 Taneční tik
    Pohybové divadelní představení v site-specific prostředí Autonomního sociálního centra Klinika.
    Přijďte s dostatečným předstihem. Začínáme přesně v osm. Na pozdní příchody se nehraje.
    _PU --- ---
    Ostraváci prosí o pomoc. Nácků má bejt moc, jich málo.
    KVIIIK --- ---
    Nenašel by se někdo schopný dopravit během dneška nebo zítřka na barák pár barelů vody? Došla užitkovka, nová jen tak nenaprší a všichni řidiči v trapu...
    ATYKIN --- ---
    Chceme, tady se využije.
    _PU --- ---
    čau píše mi kámoška:
    "ahoj, pisu s nabidkou nadobi pro Kliniku - vyradily jsme se zenou nejake talire a misky (jsou v pohode, sem tam nejaky skrabanec a dostaly jsme ted novej servis) a napadlo mne, jestli by nedosly vyuziti v kuchynce Kliniky. jestli souhlasis, vzala bych je tam pudu na nejakej program. co rikas? zdravim, Lucia"
    BRETONEC --- ---
    MARIA_LA_GORDA: těším se, snad to stihnu včas
    MARIA_LA_GORDA --- ---
    DATELON: a bude to moc dobry, dorazte!
    DATELON --- ---
    SALE: přesně tak :) a proběhne v kavárně Distopia - vchod zepředu z ulice
    SALE --- ---
    Dnesni prednaska o situaci v Brazilii se presouva na pondeli
    DATELON --- ---
    Inbetween: Class struggle in Brazil after the World Cup and before the Olympic games*

    In June of 2013, the world surprised watched brazilian population rise against the bad life conditions in their daily life, that was getting even worse with the World Cup and all the evictions, prisons and human rights violations done in its name. A long time dead culture of mass protests regained strenght int he country and gave to the class struggle a new episode, where urban and rural social movements started to occupy the streets again.

    After the World Cup and all the fear about what would happen during it, the presidential elects showed a country splitted in two: the center-"left" government of the Workers Part no longer sustain the class conciliation that took over the country during 12 years. Right wing demos grew up, and the left got itself in a trap: what to do in this scenario, with Olympic games still to come in 2016?

    However, quietly, direct actions and new forms of organization and struggle emerged into the social movements. Now is time to organize even more.

    The talk pretends to discuss what happened in Brazil and what forms and paths the resistance found to continue the class struggle that June of 2013 brought back to the daily life of all brazilians.

    Rosanegra ADF (Ação Direta e Futebol - Direct Action and Football) is a mixed gender collective that practice the direct action through football. Playing in open spaces, streets, favelas, demos and protests, the collective, composed by some old actvistis from other libertarian and anarchists groups of São Paulo and Santo André and for some young people that thinks in football as a tool to reach freedom, will be over Europe for the first international trip ever, passing by Belgium to play the Alternative World Cup at Antwerp betweem 3rd and 5th of July, arriving on Hamburg after that to a solidarity tournament to Rote Flora squat, and going after to Berlin and Prague.

    29.07. KiniKlinika - Reprise (Norsko, 2006)
    (Erik a Phillip se snaží prosadit jako spisovatelé. Erik je nakladateli odmítnut jako netalentovaný, zato Phillipův rukopis je přijat a mladík se téměř přes noc stává jedním z představitelů norské kulturní scény. Jeden z nejvýraznějších skandinávských talentů si za Truffautem ovlivněný debut odnesl z MFF KV 2006 cenu za režii.)

    Zapruder (Post-Thing Music/ Hardcore, FR)
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