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    ztracené heslo?
    GENTIANAAštar akbar!
    Diskuse věnující se mapování a výzkumu náboženských kutilů všeho druhu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    ARGANNAH --- ---
    ZUZKAOU: Nečetla
    ZUZKAOU --- ---
    Tohle je hodně zajímavý rozhovor o knize co vypadá skvěle -

    Podcast | Liz Bucar, "Stealing My Religion: Not Just Any Cultural…

    Expertka na náboženskou etiku (bezvěrec) zkoumá na případné studii, kdy jako členak feminitického hnutí vyzývali muslimky k tomu, aby odložily závoj, camino pro nevěřící a poukaz na to, že teda ta pouť vznikla během rekonquisty a nebohému Jakubovi se přidalo přízvizko zabiječ Maurů a monetizaci jógy.

    V rozhovoru není woke alarmismus, není fundamentální hlídání správnosti víry. ARGANNAH: nečetla si to?
    ZUZKAOU --- ---
    Přední český breatharián pod palbou kritiky – Náboženský infoservis
    ZUZKAOU --- ---
    Anima Noira

    Magicians, Witches and Conjure Doctors have been performing magic for hire since the dawn of time. The modern miracles of the Internet have allowed connecting prospective clients with Magicians from literally all across the world.
    Much can be done this way, and when the exchange of physical objects is needed, this can be accomplished by mail. Magic done this way actually works, and can do the exact same things as seeing your village Witch Doctor. That will not always be viable, and frankly, the chances that you know one locally are slim anyway.
    I have done magic for living for fifteen years in my magical medieval city of Prague before I came to the USA where do it mostly online.
    My magical services are strictly confidential, I keep no records, I don’t name my clients, and you will never be asked for a review unless you yourself choose to come out.
    I do all types of magic. Cord-cutting, healing, beauty and glamour, prosperity, mental health and wellness, love magic, reconciliation, domestic peace, protection, bindings, fertility, sexual magic, you name it…
    ~~Do you perform curses? Asking for a friend…~~
    I will come out openly and say that yes, I do curse. I perform maledictions, justice, and vengeance types of workings. I do them gladly. I can also work White Magick for you, by conjuring the Angels or Elemental Forces. I work with Haitian Voudon, my inherent power, and many Demons who are allied with me.
    One word of warning
    As our culture has degenerated into atheistic consumerist decadence, most people do not realize that Magic is real and that Spirits are real, and sorcerers were feared for a good reason. If you show disrespect and treat me with an attitude, you’ll reap the consequences. This includes lying, breaking the terms we agreed upon, not doing what you promised to do, entitlement, making demands, et cetera. All of these choices may have very serious consequences for your well-being.
    People will assume it is in poor taste for me to say this, but would you be sure you are dealing with an actual Black Magician if this was not understood? Do realize that this is the Black Arts. This is dangerous territory, and I take it very seriously. I advise you to take it seriously as well. Now, if you are not deterred, continue reading…
    All magic ritual services I do are personalized. Therefore, I need to talk to you about your situation to determine viable options and present them to you. Then, we agree to execute the chosen strategy. This preliminary consultation is short (30 mins) and priced symbolically at $40 to compensate for my energy in case we choose not to proceed together with the magical work for whatever reason.
    I will present to you with my expert opinion of the situation, what can be done magically to better it, how I would do it, what you can do about it, what cooperation is needed on your part, how much will it cost, and you decide whether this is what you actually want – or, perhaps, you will choose a different solution. Which is fine.
    I find this to be fair for both sides. There really is no shortcut, and I will not commit to performing Black Magic for someone based on exchanging a few instant messages. And I won’t spend time on your case for free. I am making it easy for you by charging the least amount that I do which is $40. I understand that you are not seeking a Tarot reading, or to learn magic from me.
    What magic ritual solutions are available for your specific situation depends on many factors. Suffice to say, situations where the client has a spiritual life of their own and is willing to cooperate actively always offer better prospects than those where they don’t. In those other situations, magic can still be performed on their behalf effectively but the question of how much they are willing to spend comes to the forefront.
    ~~Prices of Custom Ritual Magic~~
    Black Magick on demand is generally expensive, for a good reason. We risk our well-being in performing it and need to compensate for a dangerous lifestyle that comes with many downsides. The pricing reflects the dangers undertaken by the magician.
    Magic with me starts at $150, usual price varies between $150-$250, with one exception and that is Baneful Magick.
    Minor Hexes are for $300-$400, the more lethal curses I will only perform for a price that reflects the seriousness of this endeavor which derail a human life in terrible ways or end it prematurely ($800+). The same goes for Reversals of Curses back on your enemies, especially if they employed Black Magicians.
    Rituals that are merely defensive and protective in nature, cleansing, and purifications go for $120-$250. Heath-focused magic falls into this category too, likewise glamour, attraction and abundance drawing work.
    Love magic usually require a number of steps to adress everybody involved, so let’s say you will need three rituals to break off enemy infuence, bind rivals, restore love and bless the new relationship. These rituals require you listen and do exactly as we say, no exceptions.
    KAMAHL --- ---
    Helena Houdová - EZO Kněžna Posvátného Podvodu - YouTube
    ARGANNAH --- ---
    KAMAHL: Ó, Kefeři jedenadvacátého století, to je nejvíc :)))))
    KAMAHL --- ---
    KAMAHL --- ---
    ZUZKAOU: Tady je o nich video:

    Siberian Cult Leader Thinks He's Jesus
    SLAVIDAN --- ---
    ZUZKAOU: Tak doufám, že se osvobodí od toho manipulátora hrajícího si na Ježíše. Pravoslavné církvi museli dost vadit.
    ZUZKAOU --- ---
    Fotoreportáž Soudný den sibiřského Ježíše - Reportermagazin.cz

    Devadesátkový jurodivý mesiáš odvede svoje ovečky na Sibiř. Konec světa nepřijde, ale komunita se promění v jedny z mála funkčních vesnickcýh komunit v Rusku. Podporovali Putina. Ale tak nějak zkusili překážet tomu, aby se v jejich oblasti rozhela těžba pro čínské a ruské firmy .... pak loni přiletěl SPECNAZ, mesiáš je ve vězení, lidi vyhnaní z domovů a proti komunitě jede kampaň.
    ZUZKAOU --- ---
    pan věštec Baudyš 21.2. věštil Putinovské lži

    ZUZKAOU --- ---
    VAGABUND: hele to bude hraniční porucha s občanskýma psychotickýma fázema. A nějaké to týrání a zneužívání v dětství.
    VAGABUND --- ---
    ZUZKAOU: šikovná holka, tam cejtim toxickou psychózičku před dvacítkou

    GENTIANA --- ---
    ZUZKAOU: vypada to tak.
    A taky ji fakt docista jeblo.
    ZUZKAOU --- ---
    čtu dobře že si vydělávala psaním pro dezinfo weby?

    ZUZKAOU --- ---
    ZUZKAOU --- ---
    No tak ani třetí manželství s američanem Animě Noiře neudělalo úplně dobře...

    Přihlásit se k Facebooku

    So my husband, Ian Ferguson, wants me to 'issue a public retraction' on any claims that he has abused me'. Were he to stop his bullshit threats and coercion tactics perhaps there would have been a way, but don't look for a way where there is none.
    All I did was I published a poem about post-traumatic stress disorder, and in it, I mentioned that my PTSD has gotten worse ever since I got thrown onto the street by my own husband with no money, no income, no work permit, no means of transportation, no bank account, no Social Security, and no visas.
    I am literally worse off than the homeless of this country, as a result of my marriage. I am applying for residency under the Violence Against Women Act.
    Did I claim he ever hit me? No. There is much worse you can do to a woman to enslave her, and brainwash her into submission. It didn't fully dawn on me what I went through until I was gone, in a safe place.
    The sad thing is that I was always aware of these stories, but you just think it cannot happen to you, that you are not Juana from Tijuana. In the end, all of these love stories end the same, with the American man threatening you and mocking you with deportation "I will put you on a plane" and "good luck back in Eastern Europe". Once he said this on December 26th, I knew it was over. Everything that's happened since has been just events put into motion unfolding at their own pace.
    The reason I am choosing to air this publicly is that I finally feel that I am safe & that I can stand by my own story.
    I also realized that this was perhaps bound to happen because I made a mistake in the past, I found myself in a similar situation twice and I let it slip. Out of fear and due to embarrassment I never said a word, in public or at court, against my first husband Bobby Skinner, and the second one, William Est (that marriage was legally void). I acted cowardly out of fear of black magic, and being endlessly stalked by men who got nothing to lose.
    William was almost the reason I married Ian for protection because he was still after me when I came to the USA last summer, stalking and plotting against me with despicable people like Zeraphina Angelus who unsurprisingly surfaced again to try to back abusive men in her inglorious campaign of conquest by slandering every woman that she feels threatened by in her insecurity.
    It was so bad I got sick twice last year from William's black magic. I only ever wanted that horror to stop, once I realized I married a conman who was badly addicted to such cocktail of chemicals that it frankly makes EA Koetting look sober. Ask yourself, just how much drinking does it take for a man to develop gout by age twenty-five?
    William has it. He doesn't know if it is day or night, he suffers from delusions that I am his Infernal Queen in another dimension and he has been on SSI for mental illness his whole adult life. I didn't even want to see him in person in Montana last year, I was so stressed that I had a migraine and vomited all night while transferring on my flight in Seattle. I had nowhere else to go, so I went to Montana where I witnessed some very disturbing stuff. Him being lewd to his parents, threatening violence, everybody was drunk and beating each other up. I tried to file a petition for residency as an abused spouse, but my attorney explained to me the marriage was never legally valid. William has threatened to kill me a bunch of times, sending gangs, his criminal buddies, contractors etc.
    Now being accused that I am the domestic abuser in that situation was so traumatizing for me that I tried not to look at all the slander that people were bringing to me from Zeraphina last year in August and September. I thought that I was safe in a benign marriage to Ian, and starting a new life finally, that was all that mattered to me.
    William is not the only Black Magician guilty of criminal-level stalking of women. This type of possessiveness runs rampant in our circles. I have learned in recent weeks that my sympathy for Elric Ragoczy of the Order of Defiant Darkness has been misplaced. Instead of using his publicity to revive his Order and give back to the community, he used it to air his twisted story of a runaway soulmate bride. That is not how it happened, and Elric refused to take advice from any of us and start acting reasonably. Women are not possession! We have the right to say no.
    I wrote about how sometimes we are asked to 'get out of the way of magic' and what I was secretly referencing was him, Lucifer told me last summer to let Elric fall but I did not listen. I now believe that the public character assassination of Elric in 2020 came from a justified place. He is obsessive around women, and he truly doesn't get it.
    I have realized that I cannot honestly back Sisters like Barbie Garrett and Orlee Stewart with their histories of abuse without standing up to myself, regardless of how unpleasant it is. I've let this stuff get very far, always seeking protection from one man in the hands of another, always being afraid to draw more hostilities, more black magic, not wanting to look like I am stirring up drama.
    I don't care anymore. All men must learn to recognize right from wrong. All men. Not only the Black Magicians, even though they are in many ways the worst.
    I married a man who acted as White Knight in good will, and look how I ended up. He didn't even put me on his health insurance or his phone plan! My business and my prospect of citizenship were utterly sabotaged, and I was receiving a monthly allowance of $200.
    That is one hell of a discount trophy wife, to lure in to live with you at your mother's at forty-five. In the end, the White Knights are even worse, because you don't see it coming.
    This experience made me think about all the notorious men in my past who I thought were the Devil Himself but I swear they would never do this kind of thing to me.
    Having to keep the curtains closed during daylight because my husband was accusing me of 'parading myself sexually in front of neighbors' is just a snapshot of what my life was like in Oregon under his pathological jealousy.
    I was told I cannot wear my beloved Killstar clothes because 'people would attack me' and not just verbally, he wanted me to believe I was painting a target on myself for lynching! In Oregon, in 2021!
    I was also never given a functional phone charger. Instead, he tried to brainwash me that 'all are faulty' and 'they don't sell them' so I had to borrow his. I had to steal it when I fled just so that I had means of communication.
    Trying to constantly defy his insanity took a lot from me, in the end, I didn't even have the energy to work anymore. I still don't.
    This is an example of the kind of fucked up shit that he covers up now by making it look like I am a 'poor deluded victim of other men' who is just projecting her trauma on him.
    No, I know exactly who did what to me, and this year the butcher's bills are going to get paid. We need to put an end to this whole philosophy that 'Might makes right', the ways of coercion and violence, and break the fear spell that has permeated the occult community. We are headed in the right direction as a collective, I feel it strongly.
    I very much prefer to make art such as poetry or writing channeled messages, and taking photographs to posting shit like this, but unfortunately, no amount of pictures and poems are going to set the record straight. The only retraction I want to issue is that I am ashamed of myself where I left both of my previous husbands walk away for free without as much as mumbling a word, out of fear of their Black Magic.
    My third husband, I don't care about his virtue-signaling and low-key threats. Everything he could he already did to me *when* I was his wife. If I had stayed any longer, I would have developed an even worse Stockholm Syndrome. He is an Oath Breaker of the worst kind, he swore to provide for me, and protect me and failed in all of that, put me in harm's way, and made me desolate.
    Not even his Patrons stand for this, for the Angels protect the innocent, snd not the guilty. I will repeat all of this in my sworn statement and in front of the divorce court and to the immigration service.
    #domesticviolenceawareness #spiritualabuse #magicdefense
    GENTIANA --- ---
    VAGABUND: What the everfucking fuck?
    ZUZKAOU --- ---
    VAGABUND: budou mít on-line konferenci, za 2 tácy to můžeš zjistit a reportovat :-D
    VAGABUND --- ---
    ZUZKAOU: kolik tam můžou mít členů? dyk to musí být maximálně jednotky ezohejlů (?)

    VAGABUND --- ---
    ZUZKAOU: Astromukus®

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