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    ztracené heslo?
    ELDOUGOArmored Warfare
    PRAASHEK --- ---
    celej víkend trojnásobky za každou bitku jfyi
    FRK_R23 --- ---
    You see Vladimir, T90 is z best tank!

    Status Report: Vladimir Putin praises Armored Warfare
    PRAASHEK --- ---
    LIQUIDFREAK: jj, nejlepší je tohle
    * Removed the telephone number from the pipeline textures in the Quarterback PvE mission
    LIQUIDFREAK --- ---

    https://aw.my.com/us/news/general/maintenance-hotfix-0121693 pro zhnilaky seznam :)


    Temporarily removed the PvE mission "Cavalry" from the mission pool due to a critical issue
    Fixed the issue with Artillery vehicles firing too fast due to incorrect stacking of crew bonuses
    Fixed the issues with vehicle textures (certain non-ICE vehicle model textures were influencenced by the ICE tank implementation and their textures displayed incorrectly)
    Fixed the critical performance drops on multiple maps that appeared in Update 0.12
    Fixed the bug where the composition modifiers of ERA were significantly increasing effective armor thickness vs. kinetic rounds
    Fixed the issue where AI artillery in PvE was shooting even at players who were not spotted yet by the enemy
    Fixed a bug that prevented the mini-client from launching
    Fixed the bug where a player who left the battle prematurely was not properly penalized
    Fixed the bug where incorrect resolutions would sometimes appear in the resolution window
    Adjusted some of the camouflage changes introduced by Update 0.12: the excessive camouflage penalty for firing ATGM's was reduced by 50 percent for gun-launched missiles and for 75 percent for missiles launched by other means
    Each class now has specific penalty multipliers - as a result, the penalties for tank destroyers will be smaller than for (for example) main battle tanks
    Fixed several UI issues (Battalion window, loader name on the XM800T AFV not displaying correctly, certain Battle-Hardened status messages)
    Fixed the bug where the 3VOF81 shell was not displayed as "best ammunition" on the Gvozdika ammunition loading screen
    Removed the telephone number from the pipeline textures in the Quarterback PvE mission
    Fixed the Maximum Kill database number (for Dossier Userbar purposes)
    Fixed the bug where it is impossible to leave custom battle if the player reconnects to it after a crash
    Fixed the bug where the Mission (PvE) button did not work after finishing the Tutorial mission (Royalty)
    LIQUIDFREAK --- ---
    DZODZO: nemam ete vymaxovany vse, ignoroval sem cenu premiaku a free xp..
    WOJTYLA: gratz

    To nic nemeni na tom, ze stale neznam odpoved na moji otazku :)
    PRAASHEK --- ---
    DZODZO: budou další budovy určitě
    DZODZO --- ---
    a ked uz mas vymaxovanu bazu tak naco to pouzijes?
    WOJTYLA --- ---
    LIQUIDFREAK: huh vidis já se nelog asi měsíc:-)
    PRAASHEK --- ---
    já zas dostal dvakrát po sobě 200, jestli se nepletu :) asi mi posílají tvoje uhlí
    LIQUIDFREAK --- ---

    Hele, jeste nedavno sem treba tri dny nelog a dostal sem raw materials za tri dny, ted dostavam jen za den. Oni to zmenili?
    PRAASHEK --- ---
    když prodám stroj a pak ho koupím zpátky, budu tam mít doufám posádku vyškolenou stejně, jako v době prodeje..?
    PRAASHEK --- ---
    mělo by se kumulovat :) *doufám*
    DZODZO --- ---
    vcera som skusal tu type59 a niezle niezle dost som toho aj podingal az som bol prekvapeny, ale ako funguje ta posadka? oni uz nejake vlastnosti mali a ja som im pridal dalsie 2 pomocou tych + to sa k tomu este nejako znasobuje? napr. ked uz ma loader -5% reload a ja som mu zaklikol znova -5% reload, tak bude mat teraz -10% alebo to bude v podstate neucinne a lepsie je dat retrain na iny skill?
    PRAASHEK --- ---
    no já si pěkně vyjíždím všechny pětky a šestku zatím žádnou nekoupil, mám jenom tři premiáky v šestce a budu je hrát až si šestky trochu oťukám :)
    MADDOGCZ --- ---
    PRAASHEK: Zatím po jednom, protože jsem ho ještě nehrál.
    Klasiku - rychlejší točení, zaměřování a nabíjení.
    MADDOGCZ --- ---
    PRAASHEK: žádný, nemám prachy. :-) Už ani nekupuju všechny moduly na expený tanky :-(
    PRAASHEK --- ---
    a skilly posádce..?
    PRAASHEK --- ---
    cos mu dal za retrofity? HPček má habaděj :)
    MADDOGCZ --- ---
    PRAASHEK: jj, už mám
    PRAASHEK --- ---
    MADDOGCZ: a hlavně odedneška je Type 59 (tier 3) po lognutí v garáži .) premium a s pětkovou posádkou od začátku. voní hezky
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam