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    ztracené heslo?
    MOR23Security, Privacy, Anonymity (ENGLISH)
    DAWEIS --- ---
    Prosím vás mám takové osobní dilema , nejspíš mám kompromitován telefon , určitě jsou na baráku štěnice ( skryté audiovizuální zařízení) akorát moc nevím kde sehnat pomoc a kde se poradit jak se s tím vypořádat . Aktuálně se snažím intercepnout feed abych je lokalizoval a to bych věděl jak na to ale potřeboval bych trochu rozšířit vědomostí obzor v této oblasti . Můžete mě nasměrovat na správné auditko bo seženu radu zde?
    SRNECEK --- ---
    Ahoj, nejaky nazor na CyberGhost? Maji nyni nejakou akci.

    Rychlá, bezpečná a anonymní VPN | CyberGhost VPN
    OTAZKAKONCE --- ---
    How to Install WireGuard VPN Server on Ubuntu 18.04 | 20.04 - Website for Students

    Tak asi ne, tohle vypadá hodně přístupné.
    VYHULENY_UFO --- ---
    OTAZKAKONCE: to nevim, to spis zalezi na tobe s cim se budes chtit ucit. zdokumentovany je oboje dobre. jak openvpn tak wireguard
    OTAZKAKONCE --- ---
    VYHULENY_UFO: jj, na to jsem koukal a prislo mi to složitější než openvpn, ne?
    VYHULENY_UFO --- ---
    OTAZKAKONCE: wireguard...

    Instalujeme WireGuard: návod pro VPN na distribuci Debian - Root.cz
    OTAZKAKONCE --- ---
    Omg. Havent noticed the english rule, nyx surprises!

    Hi, have anyone tried to run VPN on their own run remote ubuntu 18.04? I have a DO droplet and preparing to do it, so any recommendations or warnings are very welcome.

    OTAZKAKONCE --- ---

    Zkoušeli jste si někdy rozběhnout vlastní vpn na Ubuntu 18.04? Chystám se na to a každá rada cenná...
    MOR23 --- ---
    So, i will repost that message, Anyone who wants a RiseUP (www.riseup.net) account for free secure email, vpn etc let me know. :)
    MOR23 --- ---
    TRYL: Check your PM, i send you the invites to sign up. Have fun :)
    TRYL --- ---
    MOR23, i'd love a riseup account if you still have spare! :)
    MOR23 --- ---
    FRANCIMOR: You could by the way also use KODI and some plugins to watch Czech series from anywhere, i have tested it for a friend. If you need more information on what plugins you need or how to install them, let me know.
    MOR23 --- ---
    FRANCIMOR: To be honest, i would not recommend trying any free proxy for that, you KNOW it will be slow/not working. However there are tons of free proxy lists available around the web. It wouldnt be so hard to find any i think.
    FRANCIMOR --- ---
    hi guys. Im in Australia and need Czech ip to watch sone czech series. All free vpn are slow to stream video. any sugestion?
    MOR23 --- ---
    Looking for a secure way to communicate on your Desktop PC or Laptop? Try Cryptocat! The most simple way to have a secure conversation on your desktop. Download Cryptocat at http://crypto.cat

    HASHEM --- ---
    HASHEM --- ---
    MOR23: As for the host, it's ok. Even Drupal (7.x) ! is working nicely there due enough memory limit etc. ;-)
    Due security or privacy reasons you cannot set a webosting on Czech domains servers.
    It's possibly anonymously and paying by an virtual pay card, btw ;-)
    MOR23 --- ---
    HASHEM: To be honest i have never had the problem that Tor was blocked anywhere, i use it even to bypass most captive portals which require you to login using some credentials.

    However, if you use Whonix it's also possible to do Tor over a VPN or SSH Tunnel to unblock it or to hide Tor usage from your ISP.
    Tails is nice too but because it's amnesic it's not always as useful for daily usage as Whonix might be.

    I will check out that host, however, i am very curious howhigh they value security, from experience I know that a lot of times shared and free hosts are not that secure and your nice website could be full of viagra ads installing malware in no time. :)
    HASHEM --- ---
    P.S. It could be hard to find the free-hosting link on the mentioned site. Try it here :)
    Free Hosting, Free Web Hosting
    HASHEM --- ---
    BTW, you can find another provider of some services like mail or VPN.
    Try out this list:
    A/I :: Links and friends

    As for free hosting, the byethost.org is quit fine, try it out (and let us know your experiences :))
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