Tak jsem si rpecetla navrh ustavy
A docela dobry, libertarianistat to nebude, ale v ramci minarchismu to zatim vypada na nejlepsi moznosti na celem svete.
Ve zkratce, bude dvacet neco jako poslancu co se budou volit. Ti voli kanclere.
Bude pet ministerstev, tri urovne soudu.
Neni mozne delat deficitni rozpocet, a danove zakony podlehaji povinnemu schvaleni v referendu.
nejzajimavejsi cast je PART II: LEGISLATIVE RESTRICTIONS kterou doporucuju precist, vypichla bych
§6. No law shall abridge the right of each person to do as he or she chooses with his or her own person and property, so long as he or she does not interfere, by force or fraud, or the threat thereof, with the equal right of others to do as they choose with their own persons and property.
§7. No law shall abridge the right of persons to the control of their own bodies, nor interfere with voluntary consensual or contractual relations among adult persons, or the right to form cooperative ventures of any kind.