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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    KOUDY --- ---
    AVATAR: Vymyslel dotykovej smartphone s multitouchem bez stylusu. Gesta apod. Zmenil tim cely odvetvi. Ted mas o 18 let pozdeji. Vsechno to zacal iphone. Nezacala to nokia nebo palm nebo blackberry. Zacal to Iphone, kterej byl vizi Jobse a vsichni ho okopirovali. Stejne jako vsichni okopirovali Ipod. Vizionare z tebe neudela jedna vec, ale to ze dokazes predvidat budoucnost. Zeptej se na to to te chatgpt. Dneska uz ma IQ kolem 150 pokud si ji platis. Vysvetli ti to klidne jako skolakovi. Jakej je rozdil mezi vizionarem a mezi nekym kdo ma jeden napad kterej mu vyjde.

    Musk byl ten komu se to s tema raketama povedlo. Stejne jako se mu povedlo snizit naklady. Chapu ze o nem vis prd a jedes jen klasickej hejt o nekom koho neznas. Na to ses jeden z nyxackejch expertu. Zkus se nicmene podivat treba na jeho Ted talk z roku 2013. Coz je tak dva roky predtim nez se jim povedlo pristat s prvnim stupnem boosteru. Presne tam mluvi o tesle a o jeho vizi s tou firmou a co chce aby ta firma delala za deset let. Typek se ho tam pta jak to dokazali ze SpaceX kdyz Nasa se to nepovedlo 30 let a mela 50x vetsi rozpocet..etc.

    pak si muzes precist komentare typu "Watching this in 2019 6yrs. Later, he achieve most of the stuff he talked about."..
    "Can't believe that this was 12 years ago.. I'm watching it In 2025 and everyone can truly tell the results of his words through his work.."
    "Watching the talk today when TSLA hits 280b $ market cap (July 13 2020). This guy really delivers his genius & huge plan...we need more Elon on earth !!"
    "2021, he's achieved most of the things he talked about"
    abys pochopil co je to bejt vizionar. Predvidat budoucnost a posunovat lidstvo k ni.

    The mind behind Tesla, SpaceX, SolarCity ... | Elon Musk
    KOUDY --- ---
    AVATAR: Zase ses utocnej jako kdybys mel PMS. Nejde o jeho zivotopis. Rikam ze si muzes precist rozhovory s inzenyrama ze spaceX..podivat se na youtube na rozhovory s Muskem z roku 2010 kde presne uslysis tu jeho vizi, ktera se zhmotnila v roce 2020 apod. Vylhany neni nic. Jedes ted jen proste narrativ hejtu, ze nikdy nic nevydelal a nezalozil. Prachy ma od otce a podobny picoviny. Realita je takova, ze kdyz zalozis s kamosema Microsoft kterej uspeje, tak dobry. Trefil si dobu, mas stesti. Gut. Kdyz ale zalozis Microsoft, Apple, Nvidii a vstoupis do Fordu kterej vyrabi srackovy auta a ty z ty firmy udelas nejvetsiho vyrobce elektromobilu, tak uz to neni jen o stesti...Takze klidne se tu s vama shodnu na tom ze Musk zmagoril z drog, ale urcite budu spis na strane id stare_casy a dalsich zde..pripadne toho Jardy Becka a podobnejch lidi, kteri si jsou vedomi co Musk a jeho firmy dokazaly udelat pro svet a lidstvo za poslednich petadvacet let a ver tomu, ze Muskova raketa bude na Marsu driv nez tam bude raketa cinanu nebo rusaku.
    KOUDY --- ---
    Na youtube si muzes pustit ruzny videa s inzenyrama ze spaceX treba z roku 2010. Vsechno uz je dneska dohledatelny a snadno overitelny. Jaky mel Elon vize. Jaky daval rozhovory v roce 2008 a jak se zhmotnily o 10 let pozdeji apod :)

    Elon Musk how we hire engineers

    Elon Musk's Most Important Engineer in SPACEX History: Tom Mueller
    KOUDY --- ---
    HOWKING: Ne to opravdu nenauci. Nebavime se o roce 2025, ale 1980. V tom jeho zivotopisu se treba doctes jak mel rad knizky od Asimova a jak ho ovlivnily. Bez brachy by Zip byl. Zip byl Elonuv napad. Sam jeho bracha to rikal. To samy x.com kterej se pak spojil s Paypalem a kde potkal Elon Thiela a opet se prosadil Elonuv napad na platebni system. SpaceX je opet jeho napad na vynaseni levneho nakladu do vesmiru. To ze mas napad a vizi a najmes si lidi kterejm reknes co maj delat a jak chces aby to fungovalo a oni to delaj. Tak ta hra funguje. Neni to o tom ze mas penize a vis uplny hovno a najmes si lidi a nechas to na nich. Tak se fakt nepodnika :))
    HOWKING --- ---
    KOUDY: Programovat se naučí i havíř za 14 dní. Tolik k programování. Bez bráchy by Zip nebyl. Do Tesly vstoupil svými penězi a názorem v té době veřejně proklamovaným všude. SpaceX je práce cizích mozků a jeho peněz z té rulety. Jeho vyjadřování a veřejné vystupování z posledních 20-ti let ukazuje, že mentální retardace přišla mnohem dřív, než z Trumpem a drogami.
    KOUDY --- ---
    HOWKING: To mas asi dost spatny informace...Uz v deseti se naucil programovat a naprogramoval hru Blastar kterou prodal. S brachou zaozili ve dvaceti Zip2 kterou po par letech prodali za 300 milionu dolaru. O Paypalu urcite vis. Do Tesly vstoupil a zmenil jeji fungovani aby prosperovala, protoze tarpening mel napad ze vezmou lotus, narvou ho baterkama a budou ho prodavat za 100 tisic dolaru, zatimco ELon mel napad ze elektricky auto ma bejt levny aby bylo pro co nejvic lidi...a furt mu to trvalo pres 10 let tuhle vizi naplnit, protoze jeho vize byla moc napred. Se SpaceX to bylo to samy. Kdyz mas za zivot napad treba na sedm firem z nich pet z nich je uspenejch, tak mi to neprijde ze ses nouma co jede podnikatelskou ruletu teda. Docela dobre to tady vysvetlil i stare_casy - [STARE_CASY @ Elon Musk]

    Takze jestli tohle ma bejt to tvoje ze jsem se sekl v nazoru na toho troubu. Tak bych ti mozna doporucil precist si jeho zivotopis..abys pak spis uznal ze ses v nazoru na nej sekl dost ty :)
    KOUDY --- ---
    Jinak i grafarny nvidia ktery mely bejt urceny do Tesly presunul do xAI aby se mohl trenovat Grok. Krasne ty firme diky tomu sla nahoru valuace a ted ma Grok plno uzivatelskejch dat k dalsimu trenovani :)

    Obchod, který Musk oznámil na síti X, konsoliduje dvě z četných firem jeho portfolia společností, mezi něž patří také automobilka Tesla a vesmírná agentura SpaceX, a potenciálně mu může usnadnit trénování jeho modelu umělé inteligence známého jako Grok.

    „Volba částky 45 miliard dolarů není náhodná,“ řekl agentuře Reuters analytik Gil Luria ze společnosti D.A. Davidson & Co. „Je o miliardu dolarů vyšší než stálo převzetí Twitteru do soukromého vlastnictví v roce 2022,“ řekl a dodal, že o hodnotu xAI se Musk nyní může podělit se spoluinvestory Twitteru.

    Musk uvedl, že hodnota spojeného subjektu dosáhne osmdesát miliard dolarů. „Budoucnost xAI a X je vzájemně propojená,“ napsal Musk. „Dnes oficiálně činíme krok k propojení dat, modelů, výpočtů, distribuce a talentu.“
    KOUDY --- ---
    Elon se teď bude muset dělit. Vulcan Centaur dostal zelenou od Pentagonu a naprostá nadvláda SpaceX pomalu končí

    Elon se teď bude muset dělit. Vulcan Centaur dostal zelenou od Pentagonu a naprostá nadvláda SpaceX pomalu končí – VTM.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    Alt National Park Service

    Musk is rapidly pushing forward the privatization of space and satellite operations that have long been managed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Under his leadership, the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) has acquired confidential data from NOAA’s competitors—an alarming development that has further cemented SpaceX’s dominance in the space and satellite industry. Already, this initiative has led to significant layoffs at NOAA and the redirection of critical federal contracts to Musk’s companies, particularly SpaceX and Starlink.

    Our coalition is deeply concerned by the sharp increase in government contracts being awarded to SpaceX. This trend signals a potential monopoly over services that are vital to national safety and public well-being. The privatization of NOAA’s core responsibilities—such as weather forecasting, climate research, and environmental monitoring—poses serious risks to the quality, accessibility, and impartiality of the information we all rely on. Shifting these functions to private hands jeopardizes data transparency, public safety, and the equitable distribution of knowledge that has historically been free and publicly available.
    MAKROUSEK --- ---
    Lide maluji SpaceX rakety na Cybertrucky, na podporu Elona Muska!

    JONY --- ---

    Musk Is Positioned to Profit Off Billions in New Government Contracts

    The boost in federal spending for SpaceX will come in part as a result of actions by President Trump and Elon Musk’s allies and employees who hold government positions. Supporters say he has the best technology.

    Within the Trump administration’s Defense Department, Elon Musk’s SpaceX rocketry is being trumpeted as the nifty new way the Pentagon could move military cargo rapidly around the globe.

    In the Commerce Department, SpaceX’s Starlink satellite internet service will now be fully eligible for the federal government’s $42 billion rural broadband push, after being largely shut out during the Biden era.

    At NASA, after repeated nudges by Mr. Musk, the agency is being squeezed to turn its focus to Mars, allowing SpaceX to pursue federal contracts to deliver the first humans to the distant planet.

    And at the Federal Aviation Administration and the White House itself, Starlink satellite dishes have recently been installed, to expand federal government internet access.

    Mr. Musk, as the architect of a group he called the Department of Government Efficiency, has taken a chain saw to the apparatus of governing, spurring chaos and dread by pushing out some 100,000 federal workers and shutting down various agencies, though the government has not been consistent in explaining the expanse of his power.

    But in selected spots across the government, SpaceX is positioning itself to see billions of dollars in new federal contracts or other support, a dozen current and former federal officials said in interviews with The New York Times.

    The boost in federal spending for SpaceX will come in part as a result of actions by President Trump and Mr. Musk’s allies and employees who now hold government positions. The company will also benefit from policies under the current Trump administration that prioritize hiring commercial space vendors for everything from communications systems to satellite fabrication, areas in which SpaceX now dominates.

    Already, some SpaceX employees, temporarily working at the F.A.A., were given official permission to take actions that might steer new work to Mr. Musk’s company.

    The new contracts across government will come in addition to the billions of dollars in new business that SpaceX could rake in by securing permission from the Trump administration to expand its use of federally owned property.

    SpaceX has at least four pending requests with the F.A.A. and the Pentagon to build new rocket launchpads or to launch more frequently from federal spaceports in Florida and California. The F.A.A. moved this month toward approving one of those deals, more than doubling the annual number of SpaceX launches for its Falcon 9 rocket allowed at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida, to 120.

    And SpaceX is pushing the F.C.C. for more federal radio spectrum — its Starlink satellite service depends on radio spectrum to send signals back and forth to Earth, meaning if it gets more it can increase its profits — a move its cellular provider rivals see as a power grab. The first of those awards was approved this month, after Mr. Trump replaced the head of the F.C.C. with a new chairman, Brendan Carr, who has been supportive of Mr. Musk.

    The potential new revenue stream for Mr. Musk’s company comes after he donated nearly $300 million to support the 2024 campaign of Mr. Trump as he sought a return to the White House.

    Mr. Musk then persuaded President Trump to put him in charge of the cost-cutting effort. From there, as a White House employee and adviser, he can influence policy and eliminate contracts.

    “The odds of Elon getting whatever Elon wants are much higher today,” said Blair Levin, a former F.C.C. official turned market analyst. “He is in the White House and Mar-a-Lago. No one ever anticipated that an industry competitor would have access to those kinds of levers of power.”

    Executives at SpaceX did not respond to requests for comment.

    Karoline Leavitt, the White House press secretary, said in a statement that Mr. Musk, as a so-called special government employee had received briefings on ethics limits including those related to conflicts of interest and would abide by all applicable federal laws.

    SpaceX had built itself into one of the nation’s largest federal contractors before the start of the second Trump administration, securing $3.8 billion in commitments for fiscal year 2024 spread over 344 different contracts, according to a tally by The Times of a federal contracting database.

    Even if Mr. Trump had never given Mr. Musk and his employees a government role — or if former President Joseph R. Biden Jr. had been elected to a second term — SpaceX would have continued to secure new government work. What has changed is the overall value of the work expected to be delivered to SpaceX.

    Douglas Loverro, a former senior NASA and Pentagon official who also served as an adviser to the Trump transition team on space issues, said SpaceX deserved to win many of these additional contracts.

    “He does have the best tech,” Mr. Loverro said of Mr. Musk. “All of this will lift the space industry as a whole, obviously — but it will certainly help SpaceX even more.”

    Other government contracting experts say they remain concerned Mr. Musk is positioned to secure special favors, particularly after Mr. Trump fired officials charged with investigating ethics violations and potential conflicts of interest.

    “We will never know if SpaceX would authentically win competitions for these awards because all of the offices in government intended to prevent corruption and conflicts of interest have been beheaded or defunded,” said Danielle Brian, the executive director of Project on Government Oversight, a nonprofit group that tracks federal contracts.

    “The abuse of power and corruption that is spreading across federal agencies because of Musk’s dual roles is horrifying,” she said.

    Pentagon Rising

    Even before Mr. Trump’s return, SpaceX had been working behind the scenes for several years to expand its business with the Pentagon and intelligence agencies.

    It would hire former military officials who then reached back into the Defense Department to nudge former associates and friends to buy more SpaceX services.

    Gary Henry, a former Air Force space and missile program supervisor, was among them. He joined SpaceX as it was developing Starship, the largest and most powerful spacecraft ever constructed.

    During Mr. Henry’s tenure at SpaceX, the company secured a $102 million Air Force contract to study how Starship could deliver military cargo to points around the world within 90 minutes. Currently, that task is mostly done with the Air Force’s pack mules, C-130 cargo planes, which take much of a day for the trip.

    SpaceX is still having trouble getting Starship operational. The two most recent test flights resulted in explosions that sent debris raining over the Caribbean.

    Nonetheless, Mr. Henry — now back working for the Pentagon as a consultant — is promoting Starship as an option for the military.

    Last month, while speaking on behalf of the Pentagon at a satellite industry conference in California, he described how Starship might be used during the Trump administration to deliver a major piece of military equipment “to any point on the planet very quickly.”

    A few weeks later, the Air Force disclosed plans to build a rocket landing pad on Johnston Atoll, a tiny island in the Pacific Ocean, to test these cargo ship landings. The Pentagon’s initial goal: to move 100 tons of cargo per flight, a total that only Starship, at least according to its design, has the power and size to handle.

    “It’s frustrating,” said Erik Daehler, a vice president at Sierra Space, which also wants to sell cargo services to the Pentagon. “Things can’t just go to SpaceX.”

    Maj. Gen. Steve Butow, the director of the space portfolio at the Pentagon’s Defense Innovation Unit, when asked by The Times about Mr. Henry’s public comments on behalf of the agency for a project he had worked on as a SpaceX employee, said: “The optics were unfortunate.”

    Mr. Henry, in an interview, said the nation would benefit from tools that SpaceX and other commercial space companies like Rocket Lab offer.

    “Commercial space in general is very relevant to to the problems we need to go solve,” he said. “It just turns out that SpaceX is kind of leading — it is the pointy end of the spear.”

    An even bigger boost for SpaceX is likely, current and former Pentagon officials said, through a missile defense project called the Golden Dome.

    For that project, Mr. Trump has ordered the Pentagon to rapidly figure out how to shoot down nuclear missiles headed for the United States, as well as strikes from lower-flying cruise and hypersonic missiles — an effort that could cost $100 billion annually, according to one estimate.

    SpaceX already is positioned to handle a large share of the Pentagon’s military launch jobs in the next several years, along with Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin and United Launch Alliance, a consortium run by Lockheed Martin and Boeing.

    A space-based missile defense system would drive launch spending even higher, as the government would need to purchase more devices to track missile threats and transmit the data to target them, services that SpaceX also provides.

    Ann Stefanek, an Air Force spokeswoman, said in a statement that the Space Force would adhere to all laws and regulations to ensure ethical and effective partnerships, which generally require competitive bidding for new contracts.

    But industry observers said SpaceX would almost certainly secure a large share of this lucrative new work.

    Laura Grego, a senior researcher at the nonprofit Union of Concerned Scientists, said: “Golden Dome is quite an apt name, as it is certainly going to cost a lot of coin.”
    Mars Bound at NASA

    Mr. Trump’s nominee to run NASA, Jared Isaacman, is a billionaire entrepreneur and a space enthusiast. He paid SpaceX hundreds of millions of dollars to fly — twice — into orbit aboard a rocket.

    More importantly, his payment processing company, Shift4 Payments, purchased a stake in SpaceX several years ago, an investment that generated $25 million in gains in recent years, effectively making him and Mr. Musk business partners. That SpaceX stake was recently sold, a Shift4 executive said. In ethics documents released this month, Mr. Isaacman vowed to sever any remaining financial ties he had with SpaceX.

    If confirmed, Mr. Isaacman will join Michael Altenhofen, who in February was named a NASA senior adviser after 15 years at SpaceX.

    NASA has already paid SpaceX more money than even the Pentagon — a total $13 billion in contractual commitments over the past decade. Those deals include hiring SpaceX to deliver cargo and astronauts to orbit and to send NASA’s biggest and most expensive probes into the universe.

    Just last month, NASA awarded SpaceX a contract worth an estimated $100 million to launch a new space telescope that will search for asteroids that might threaten Earth.

    But that is a relatively tiny chunk of how much new money SpaceX could secure from the agency in Mr. Trump’s second term.

    Former NASA officials predict that Mr. Isaacman will quickly push to revamp the space agency’s Artemis project, which intends to return American astronauts to the moon. That move could generate resistance — as the program has many allies in Congress.

    Currently, Boeing has one of the main contracts to build the rockets for Artemis. But Mr. Loverro and other former agency officials said they expect the government to phase out this rocket, as it is years behind schedule and billions of dollars over budget.

    This will allow NASA to turn to commercial space companies such as SpaceX or Blue Origin to lift astronauts into orbit for future missions to the moon or even Mars.

    Mr. Musk boasted this month that SpaceX would launch an uncrewed Starship to Mars by the end of 2026 and then send the first humans there by perhaps 2029 — an effort that he will likely push NASA to help finance. (Mr. Musk’s timeline predictions have been wrong in the past.)

    Executives at Boeing and Blue Origin each declined requests for comment.

    SpaceX “will almost certainly see massive new business,” said Pamela Melroy, a retired astronaut and Air Force officer who served as NASA’s deputy administrator during the Biden administration. “All of the indicators for SpaceX are trending positive.”
    Bringing Broadband to Rural America

    Until recently, Starlink had mostly been on the outside looking in — unable for the most part to tap into federal incentives to provide internet access to remote areas.

    Howard Lutnick, the commerce secretary, vowed in his confirmation hearing in January to change that.

    He promised to end the way the Commerce Department manages $42 billion in funding it is distributing to states to expand broadband access. The Biden administration chose to prioritize systems that wired homes directly to internet networks, rather than satellite-based systems like Starlink.

    “Let’s use satellites, let’s use wireless and let’s use fiber,” Mr. Lutnick said at the hearing. “And let’s do it the cheapest, most efficiently we can.”

    Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, who has often taken up battles with Washington on behalf of Mr. Musk, had already been pressuring the Commerce Department to ease grant rules to allow satellite-based broadband in rural areas, where the cost of running cable can be expensive.

    Now, Mr. Cruz’s former Senate aide, Arielle Roth, who was helping with this push, has been nominated by Mr. Trump to lead the Commerce Department agency that will oversee the grant program.

    The Federal Communications Commission has its own, smaller grant program that also provides funding to deliver broadband to underserved parts of the United States. Starlink had originally been slated to get nearly $1 billion in funding before the F.C.C. withdrew the offer in late 2023, saying that the service did not meet agency requirements.

    The commission’s board chair has now been taken over by Mr. Carr, who had protested the decision to deny SpaceX these funds. Industry analysts and two former F.C.C. members interviewed by The Times said they now expect the agency to once again offer some of these grant funds to Starlink.

    The commission also approved a SpaceX request this month, despite protests from Verizon and AT&T, to boost power on its Starlink satellites so they can provide smartphone service directly from orbit, ending cellphone dead zones for some customers.

    A victory on each of these fights by SpaceX “could be huge — in the tens of billions of dollars,” said Drew Garner, a researcher at the Benton Institute for Broadband & Society.

    But at the same time, there could be long-term costs to consumers nationwide.

    Monthly satellite subscription costs for consumers are higher than wired internet, in most cases. Satellite-based systems also tend to be slower compared to cables wired to the house.

    “Stranding all or part of rural America with worse internet so that we can make the world’s richest man even richer is yet another in a long line of betrayals by Washington,” Evan Feinman, who led the Commerce Department’s rural broadband program during the Biden administration, wrote in an email to his colleagues this month, on the day he left the agency.
    Modernizing Aviation

    After a fatal midair collision between an Army helicopter and a commercial jet in January, Transportation Secretary Sean Duffy asked for Mr. Musk’s help.

    The Federal Aviation Administration, which is trying to modernize its air traffic control and weather data systems, needed a boost in technical know-how, Mr. Duffy said.

    Teams from SpaceX were brought into the agency to assist with this work.

    Mr. Musk soon complained on social media that Verizon was moving too slowly on a multibillion dollar agency contract awarded in 2023 to deliver the new technology.

    “The Verizon system is not working and so is putting air travelers at serious risk,” Mr. Musk wrote on X last month.

    Theodore Malaska, one of the SpaceX employees working at F.A.A., was granted a special ethics waiver by the Trump administration to participate in “particular matters which may have a direct and predictable effect” on the financial interest of SpaceX, according to documents obtained by The Times.

    Soon after, Mr. Malaska was boasting on X how the F.A.A. was now building SpaceX’s Starlink satellites into agency systems that send weather data to pilots. It is a design that could bring future federal business to SpaceX.

    An F.A.A. spokesman said that as of mid-March, only eight of the Starlink terminals were in use and Mr. Musk said they had been donated. But other Starlink terminals have recently been installed at the White House and at the offices of the General Services Administration.

    “I am working without biases for the safety of people that fly,” Mr. Malaska said in a social media posting.

    The overlap in these roles — Mr. Musk’s employees advising agencies while SpaceX is installing its Starlink devices at agency locations — present an ethical situation that has few precedents in modern American history.

    Federal rules generally prohibit awarding contracts to federal employees, including special government employees. Federal employees also are prohibited from taking actions that might benefit their own families or outside entities they have a financial relationship with.

    Mr. Musk has argued he is not personally involved in pursuing SpaceX contracts. But federal contracting systems require the government to avoid not only actual conflicts of interest, but even the appearance of them.

    “By any objective standard, this is inappropriate,” said Steven Schooner, a former government contracts lawyer who is now a professor studying government procurement at George Washington University.

    “Given the power he wields and the access he enjoys,” Mr. Schooner added, “we just have never seen anything like this.”
    MAWERICK --- ---
    KOUDY: muj nazor na ElMa je roky stejnej :)
    ja treba nechapu (ale nejsem investor :) ) jak je mozny ze mu prochazely ( a prochazeji) ty lzi a mistifikace? kdyz si vezmu snad vsechny jeho verejny vystoupeni kde neco prezentoval za poslednich tak rekneme 5 - 8 let bez ohledu na to jestli to byla Tesla, SpaceX, Boroing company, you name it, Vzdycky vsude prezentoval neco co se bud stalo s obrovskym zpozdenim (treba dvoj a z tronasobek toho co puvodne prezentoval) nebo se nestalo vubec...

    A me fascinuje jak je mozny ze mu to porad "prochazi" :) prijde mi ze kdyby takovouhle vec v tomhle rozsahu udelal kdokoliv jinej tak ta firma proste skonci :D prootoze by ji trh a investori roztrhali na kusy..
    KOUDY --- ---
    CRAZY_IVAN: Vzdyt jsou akcie furt o 100% vic nez pred dvema rokama za Bidena. Ja bych byl furt vklidu. Jeste to urcite kvartal bude padat bud vic nebo min a doufam ze i pod 200 se podivame..ale rozhodne si nepreju aby firma ktera ma takovej potencial jako tesla krachla..stejne jako si rozhodne nepreju aby krachla spacex.
    KOUDY --- ---
    Tykraso to bych prodal asi i auto a nakoupil za nej akcie :D..Kdyz si vezmu ze tu budeme mit robotaxi do par let..a hlavne roboty v kazdy tovarne..tak ty akcie musej za deset let zas hrozne vystrelit. Navic pokud Elona zabijou a na jeho misto nastoupi nejakej Cookovskej manazer, tak by mohly letet az do vesmiru..jako spacex :)
    KOUDY --- ---
    As Tesla Tanks, SpaceX Is Musk’s Most Valuable Asset By Record Margin

    While SpaceX and Tesla still make up more than 80% of Musk’s estimated $329 billion net worth, he also owns smaller stakes in xAI, X Corp (formerly Twitter), tunnelling startup Boring Company and brain implant firm Neuralink. Together those holdings add another $45 billion to Musk’s fortune.

    Musk has acknowledged the “great difficulty” of juggling DOGE and his roles overseeing six different companies. Still, he hasn’t given up on his EV maker just yet, declaring in an X post last Monday that Tesla will “be fine long-term.” After all, despite its recent slump, the company’s stock is still up 46% over the last year, and Musk is still the world’s richest person.
    MAWERICK --- ---
    Zrovna u té NOAA by si člověk řekl že přece nebude tak blbej ne? Vždyť jejich dat 100% používá i SpaceX
    KOUDY --- ---
    PATISLAV: Ne ty jen spatne dekodujes psanej text. Coz je samozrejme chyba vetsiny nyxaku, kteri reaguji z prispevku na dve slova nebo si domysli neco co tam neni, nebo ho nejlepe vubec nepochopi (v tom je prebornik Satai) a reaguji tim co chteji. Jsme na nyxu. Virtualni svet. Ja tu opravdu z niceho nepotrebuju vyjit jako vitez. Je to tu pro me obdobny jako diskuze na novinkach. Jen zabava. Nikdo nevyhraje. Pouze to nekteri berou jako zabavu a odreagovani a nekteri zase smrtelne vazne. Crazy_Ivan to co jsem myslel treba pochopil celkem dobre a odpovedel ti na to.

    Ja se treba radim k lidem, kteri tak nejak tusili jakej Elon je uz nekdy v roce 2016 a sral je (investorsky) dost v roce 2017/2018. Zaroven se ale netajim tim, ze obdivuju to co dokazal. Jaky firmy menici svet vybudoval. Jak si sel za svym snem a za svou vizi a dokazal se obklopit chytrejma lidma (stejne jako Jobs, coz byl vizionar, ale ty produkty vymyslel s Ivem, kterej byl designer a mel smysl pro minimalismus), kteri ty jeho vize dokazali zhmotnit a je logicky ze za dvaceti dobrejma napadama budou i tri debilni (treba hyperloop) ktery se proste zkusej a po par letech se zjisti ze to byla picovina. I tak si furt myslim, ze SpaceX bude za 15 let jednou ze tri nejhodnotnejsich firem na planete, pokud se neco kolosalne neposere. Stejne jako si myslim, ze Tesla jako firma poroste nejvic az potom, co Musk nebude CEO, ale bude v ni nejakej top manager typu Cooka.
    KOUDY --- ---
    TRANCEWARP: Hlavne umi vymacknout z lidi to nejlepsi a jim se libi ze jsou soucasti neceho vetsiho. Proto tolik lidi chce makat pro Teslu, SpaceX nebo chtelo makat pro Apple pod Jobsem.

    Where are dreams fulfilled for tech talent? Companies including SpaceX, Google, Tesla, Netflix, Slack and Facebook rank highly, according to a survey conducted by job website, Hired.

    TRANCEWARP --- ---
    KASPAREK: von ma prej interne dobry projevy a umi motivovat

    znamej delal ve spacex kdyz zacinali a vsichni vcetne prgacu makali v obri hale, kde se primo stavela jejich prvni raketa

    takze jako workplace übercool
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    KOUDY: tak všichní hlavně ví, že má musk u prdele bezpečnost práce. ne nadarmo jde proti OSHA, že ano. jako neměl by sis to tak idealizovat.

    This problem is nothing new for SpaceX. A 2023 Reuters investigation found more than 600 previously unreported injuries at the rocket and satellite company stretching back to 2014. The injuries ranged from strains or sprains to crushed digits and accidents resulting in limb amputations or even death. At the time, employees told Reuters the injuries were reflective of a company culture that prioritized deadlines over employee safety and training.

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