Steam drops a ton of free games in huge August giveaway And Catacombs: Prologue - A very cool looking roguelike dungeon crawler/deckbuilder. You can check out the first chunk of it for free now.
Dream Ploy Will - A fun-looking 1v1 strategy game that could be a good laugh with a mate.
Space Expedition - A cute pixel platformer in which you embark on a journey through space.Farming
Fever - I won't lie to you, this one looks like a pretty average free-to-play mobile game. Maybe stick with Stardew Valley.
Death Slayer - Another really cool retro-looking 2D platformer, this one heavily inspired by the likes of Metroid and Castlevania.
Sap: School Days - A sandbox sim with a really interesting aesthetic.
Boots Quest DX - A surreal top-down adventure game with a lovely art-style and weird sense of humour.
Run! Grandpa! Run! - Tear it up as a wheelchair bound senior citizen across a series of obstacle courses.
Yu Crossing Animals - Basically Animal Crossing for people who think Animal Crossing would be better if you could bang Tom Nook. No, seriously. Just be careful clicking this one as it's NSFW.