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    KOCOURMIKESAnarchokapitalismus ALTCOIN TRANSFER 2018 - New Infrastructure
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    goldusa – Canamex Gold Corp.
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    In essence, when a cryptocurrency becomes sufficiently decentralized, as the widely popular bitcoin and ether have, the agency no longer views it as a security. In contrast, smaller initial coin offerings, or ICOs, are almost always securities in the SEC's eyes. That distinction matters, because securities are subject to the same regulations as normal stocks.

    “Based on my understanding of the present state of ether, the Ethereum network, and its decentralized structure, current offers and sales of ether are not securities transactions,” Hinman

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    Binance Malta, alt-euro pairs
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    Bitcoinová bublina? Bylo to promyšlené schéma, míní expert - iDNES.cz
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    The World's Largest ICO Is Imploding After Just 3 Months | Zero Hedge
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    KOCOURMIKES: implikace
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    Less than 1% of Bitcoin 'Hodlers' Control 35.4% of the Network | Finance Magnates
    Less than 1% of Bitcoin 'Hodlers' Control 35.4% of the Network | Finance Magnates
    The words ‘Bitcoin’ and ‘decentralized’ are never too far away from one another. After all, decentralization is at the heart of what Bitcoin was designed to be: a currency that existed free of the controls of a government or financial institution. However, information published by BitInfoCharts has revealed that the Bitcoin network is much more centralized than most of us would like to believe.

    BitInfoCharts found that of the 11 million Bitcoin holders in the world, only 1,000 of them (approximately 0.009 percent) control 35.4 percent of all of the BTC in circulation. Of those 1,000, the top ten account holders control 5.96 percent of all BTC.
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    The Envion ICO Scandal – Both Sides of the Story
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    KOCOURMIKES: presne proto to delaj. cely balik rozprodaj nekolika velkym rybam rovnou a pak nejaky ubohy zlomecek daji na ICO malym investorum desetkrat draz, aby se tkaova cena udrzela na burzach. typicky takovy coin ztrati 50%-70% chvili po ICO, pak se chvili placa dole v ramci akumualce a pak to vylitne zpatky. viz ZIL
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    JAZZZ: 2 procenta prece nemohou umoznit dump, je to jen odmena komunite mala ohryzana kost, odmena za hype, proto az to uderi na burzu. tak to vidim dle toho co vim. pod ico price dump do nevidim.
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    JAZZZ: pro uz je jenom private presales, to same u Solana, kde nebude crowd uz vubec. U Fantomu jsou to jen 2 procenta pro crowdsale, to nemas uplne pochopene jeste, je to novy trend.
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    JAZZZ: stale myslis ze to stoji za to? me vetsina ICO pripada jako giganticka ojebavka
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    KOCOURMIKES: A far more egregious example is the Fantom project. Fantom’s fundraising goal was $40,000,000 for the sale of 1,270,000,000 tokens. In Fantom’s private and pre-sale they raised about $38,000,000, leaving only $2,000,000 (5%) of the total tokens being sold for regular investors. This is a slap in the face to the community that have supported them and built the hype around their project.
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