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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOAlt Right a Jordan Peterson na benzacich
    QWWERTY --- ---
    STARSIGN ma pravdu, ze deleni na levo/pravo je hodne nedostatecny a pouziva se k umelymu definovani protivniku, nepratel a opozic a defacto ve vysledku pusobi akorat jako absurdni umely konstrukt
    naprosto bezne jsou levicovy uskupeni oznacovany jako pravicovy a naopak, podle toho jak se to komu zrovna hodi do zprav

    zakladni problem je zadefinovani do jedne dimenze prava vs leva
    pritom zakladni deleni je minimalne 2D - Political compass / pol verze
    ofc muzeme expandovat na 3D rozmer

    a ofc je potreba zohlednit vzajemny se prekyrvani a prolinani, protoze zadna z tech skatulek nema jasne definovanou hranici Political Compass in 31 Ideologies

    tolko za me v kostce k "cele deleni na levici a pravici je absurdni"
    tzn. jestli se chcete kategorizovat, budete muset byt specifictejsi nez "alt-right" :D
    QWWERTY --- ---
    tak kdyz uz jsme u toho poradnyho pravicactvi, ktery taha za nitky na mezinarodni urovni
    Project for the New American Century - Wikipedia
    Center for a New American Security - Wikipedia
    TUHO --- ---
    STARSIGN: Zajimave. Muzes to rozvinout?
    STARSIGN --- ---
    je to kontrolovana opozice, zednarska cinknuta hra
    cele deleni na levici a pravici je absurdni
    TUHO --- ---
    But, Nagle continues, ‘those who claim that the new right-wing sensibility online today is just more of the same old right, undeserving of attention or differentiation, are wrong’. What marks out this new right, drawing together misogynists, white supremacists, anti-Semites and sundry other hate groups, is that it is situated squarely within a postmodern landscape.

    Nagle describes how the alt-right directly draws upon the ideas and methods of postmodern counterculture, especially its tactic of transgression, and its mocking and dismissal of everything normal, normative, hegemonic or produced by and for the masses – in short, anything that has a whiff of universality about it. Just as hipsters mock those outside of their archly ironic inner circle, by appropriating the look and style of white trash while drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon beer, the new alt-right online culture mocks the ‘normies’ – that is, those who don’t ‘get’ the nihilistic, self-ironic nature of alt-right internet boards.

    The postmodern roots of the alt-right - spiked
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