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    TUHOAlt Right a Jordan Peterson na benzacich
    LAKSHMANA --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: "All of the workers who spoke to VICE World News said if the book isn’t cancelled, they would like Penguin Random House Canada to consider donating the profits from the book to LGBTQ organizations."

    To by byl slušnej mindfuck... :-D
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Zaměstnanci vydavatelství Penguin Random House kritizují své nadřízené za nápad vydat pokračování knižního bestselleru 12 pravidel pro život od kanadského profesora a klinického psychologa Jordana B. Petersona. V kanadské pobočce kvůli tomu vedení obdrželo desítky stížností, informoval časopis Vice.

    Podle něj při emotivním pondělním setkání ve firmě zaměstnanci "projevili hrůzu a plakali" z představy, že firma publikuje Petersonovu novinku. Vice.com to napsal s odvoláním na čtyři pracovníky Penguin Random House, kteří si nepřáli být jmenováni.


    Announcement: BEYOND ORDER: 12 More Rules for Life
    KYN --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    White nationalist Richard Spencer has said he will be backing Democratic candidate Joe Biden in November's election after previously distancing himself from Donald Trump.
    Spencer, who was one of the key figureheads of the alt-right movement, tweeted how he is "on Team Joe" on Monday, adding in a self-made campaign slogan, "Liberals are clearly more competent."
    In a series of tweets, Spencer further explained his reasoning for backing Biden.
    "The MAGA/Alt-Right moment is over. I made mistakes; Trump is an obvious disaster; but mainly the paradigm contained flaws that we now are able to perceive. And it needs to end," Spencer wrote. "So be patient. We'll have another day in the sun. We need to recover and return in a new form."

    TUHO --- ---
    NJAL: Posledni zpravy, co jsem slysel je, ze koronu dostal, protoze nebyl schopnej ustat par dni abstaku a sel se nechat uvest do umelyho spanku v srbsky nemocnici, kde koronu dostal. Jako to je takovy wtf od self-help gurua, ze stale jeste verim, ze to neni pravda :))
    NJAL --- ---
    TUHO: Nevim, Jordana zas tak moc nesleduji. Informace o nem aktivne nevyhledavam, kdyz mi spadne neco pred nos, tak se na to obcas kouknu, ale co je s nim nejnovejc, netusim, po tech zpravach, ze ma take coronu.
    TUHO --- ---
    NJAL: a jak je to ted s jordanem vubec? uz je cistej?
    NJAL --- ---
    TUHO: Pan Wolff se sam diskvalifikoval tim, ze vubec z huby vypustil slovni spojeni "statni kapitalismus" coby popis bolsevickeho statniho zrizeni.
    TUHO --- ---
    One of Peterson’s frequent bêtes noires is “postmodern neo-Marxism.” In a 2018 interview with Big Think, Peterson laid out his understanding of the concept and its origins. Marxist and socialist ideas were so discredited by the 1960s due to the horrors of Stalinism that “it became impossible for a thinking person to be a Marxist.”

    The solution of thinkers like Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault, Peterson argues, was to adapt Marxism’s class-based analysis into a much more general critique of power. The result was postmodern identity politics, with a growing number of self-described marginalized groups — from women to trans people — criticizing “Western society” and demanding a redistribution of power and wealth.

    The nefarious end point of this project, to hear Peterson tell it, is an ambiguously defined “equality of outcome” for all people, in all spheres of life. Achieving that will require a massive expansion of state power and coercion, which is why Peterson regards today’s radical left as flirting with the same totalitarian impulses that sent Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn to the gulag.

    One problem with all of this is that Peterson’s history is just wrong. Long after Derrida and Foucault had embarked on their careers as postmodern thinkers, the leading public intellectual in France, Jean-Paul Sartre, was a committed Marxist. Even more awkwardly for Peterson’s narrative, Sartre — as with many socialists of the day — was both a Marxist and a critic of the Soviet Union.

    Peterson seems to find this mix of views — in a word, anti-Stalinism — incomprehensible. In a pinned comment on a 2018 YouTube video, Peterson responded to a debate invitation from the Marxist economist Richard Wolff by referring Wolff to his foreword for the fiftieth anniversary edition of Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago — never mind that Wolff has argued the Soviet Union embodied a form of “state capitalism” rather than democratic socialism because Soviet workers didn’t control their workplaces or vote about how to divvy up the surplus value they produced.

    Why Jordan Peterson Is Always Wrong
    TUHO --- ---
    enaky podrobnosti? ,)

    My dad caught it too and he didn’t have many symptoms either. When they did a CT scan they said 40 percent of his lungs were affected, however his breathing was fine. They treated him just incase. The meds dad was put on to treat it seemed to be harsher than the actual virus, he’s okay now too.⁣

    For those of you that don't know, Peterson traveled to Europe to get controversial treatment for an addiction to benzodiazepines. The treatment did not go well, reportedly, and Peterson's brain may have suffered some damage from the fallout. He's been in Europe for months recovering.

    Jordan Peterson infected with COVID-19 while in Serbian hospital : Coronavirus
    DANCHEZ --- ---
    TUHO: uz je to dole.. asi proto ze je chtel zalovat
    TUHO --- ---
    Love him or hate him, Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson has undeniably captivated the interest of supporters and critics alike, earning a reputation as a “rock star” academic – similarly to his colleague and debate rival Slavoj Zizek. Now he’s being replicated, by AI.

    While you can easily find hours of footage with Peterson, none of what you hear in this piece comes from his mouth. Instead, it’s been produced by a neural network – called NotJordanPeterson – which has been trained to mimic the voice of the psychologist. And the resemblance is… absolutely uncanny.

    DANCHEZ --- ---
    koukam ze to fb s vymazanim tommyho robinsona trosku prehani
    DANCHEZ --- ---
    Antifa Mob Viciously Assaults Journalist Andy Ngo at Portland Rally – Reason.com
    DANCHEZ --- ---
    NJAL --- ---
    Jedna nacistka pro Krouma: :-)
    TUHO --- ---
    Minulý týden navštívil kanadský psycholog a politolog Jordan Peterson Budapešť. Kromě vystoupení na „festivalu budoucnosti“ Brain Bar, kde uvedl, že „maďarská přestavba a průlom svobody ve 21. století je skvělá zpráva a úžasný úspěch“, se v karmelitánském klášteře setkal i s maďarským premiérem Viktorem Orbánem.

    Konzervativní myslitel se s Orbánem shodl, že nelegální migrace je „zbytečná a nebezpečná“. Hovořili také o politické korektnosti, kvůli níž jsou podle nich „rozumné veřejné diskuze nemožné“, a oba ji označili za „vynález malé, ideologicky řízené skupiny“. Uvedl to Orbánův tiskový mluvčí, Bertalan Havasi. Orbán i Peterson se také shodli, že se v současnosti prosazuje tendence „minimalizovat dopad zločinů spáchaných v komunistických režimech“. Při té příležitosti odsoudili projev předsedy Evropské komise Jeana-Clauda Junckera, ve kterém podle nich „bránil Karla Marxe“.

    Potkali se v Budapešti: Jordan Peterson hovořil s Viktorem Orbánem – A2larm
    NJAL --- ---
    Fashtag! :-D

    Media Takes 4Chan Bait, Runs Hashtag Hoax Story

    NJAL --- ---
    OLGA73: Jeeez, Owen Jones take utek ze studia :-)
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