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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOAlt Right a Jordan Peterson na benzacich
    HWLLFFRDD --- ---
    ZUZKAOU: Byl v Rusku ne? Mu to tam někdo vysvětlil.
    ZUZKAOU --- ---
    tyvole. Co to začal brát za drogy? Benzáky či opiáty to nejsou.

    Tohle je úplně nový level

    Russia Vs. Ukraine Or Civil War In The West?
    VON_GILOTINE --- ---
    Jordan Peterson called a 'weirdo' after doubling down on Elliot Page tweet | indy100
    ZUZKAOU --- ---
    ZUZKAOU --- ---
    The Problem with Casual Relationships

    V čem je problém s náhodnými vztahy?


    Ale teda má mimiku a dokonce gestikuluje.
    ZUZKAOU --- ---
    HWLLFFRDD: co byste řekl pane doktore, proč má vaše dcera poruchu příjmu potravy?
    HWLLFFRDD --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    ZUZKAOU --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    HWLLFFRDD: koukam, ze ten uz se profetoval do jiny dimenze
    HWLLFFRDD --- ---
    Curious journalist Andy Ngo asks Professor Emeritus Jordan Peterson how psychology can explain why Antifa is so evil and bad. JBP says it's "revenge against God for the crime of Being." Then he starts crying.

    ZUZKAOU --- ---

    Nějakou dobu doslova existovala pouze jedna kniha a tou knihou byla Bible,“ řekl. Po nějakém čase vznikly „všechny druhy knih, které si kdokoli mohl koupit,“ dodal a zdůraznil, že „všechny ty knihy v určitém smyslu vyšly z té základní knihy.

    Jordan Peterson: Bible je více než pravdivá, je základem západní civilizace - Křesťan dnes

    Akorát že nikdy.
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Jo, bylo na me moc brzo rano. Uz chapu, co se snazi rict .) A jako omg .))
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    TUHO: Peterson ještě nenašel rule 34
    TUHO --- ---
    HWLLFFRDD: what? muze mi to mekdo vysvetlit prosim :)) ma elsu jsě se zrovna vcera musel divat s dcerou, ale nic nechapu ,))
    HWLLFFRDD --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    Peterson a jeho posledni extempore na poli klimaticke expertizy .]

    Peterson said that if the climate was “about everything” then “your models aren’t right” because they couldn’t include everything.
    But climate scientists have described Peterson’s comments as “stunningly ignorant” and said he had fundamentally misunderstood the concept of climate modelling.
    Dr Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick, a climate scientist at the University of New South Wales Canberra, said Peterson’s description of how climate models work was fundamentally wrong. While weather forecasts do become less accurate the further out they go, this was a different process to climate modelling.
    “He seems to think we model the future climate the same way we do the weather. He sounds intelligent, but he’s completely wrong.
    “He has no frickin’ idea,” she said.
    “Anyone who has taken an introductory course in climate or atmospheric science would spot this problem,” he said. “Errors in a weather forecast indeed accumulate such that after a couple of weeks the forecast is useless.”
    But with climate, Sherwood said, the models work differently to project how the climate will respond to different factors, such as higher levels of CO2.
    “[Peterson’s] argument is like saying we can’t predict whether a pot of water on a flame will boil, because we decide in advance what variables to put in our model, and can’t predict each bubble.”
    Peterson’s claim that the climate was too complicated showed “a total lack of understanding of how science works” and could be used to dismiss physics, chemistry, biology, “and every other field of science where one formulates conceptual models”, according to Mann.
    “Every great discovery in science – including the physics that allowed Peterson and Rogan to record and broadcast their ridiculous conversation – has arisen through that process,” he said.
    “To say that climate model errors increase like compound interest is laughable. Jordan Peterson displays a near complete misunderstanding of climate change, and the tools climate scientists use to understand what is happening to our planet.
    “It’s as if someone, with zero expertise and knowledge, made comments about something he knows little about.”

    ‘Word salad of nonsense’: scientists denounce Jordan Peterson’s comments on climate models | Climate crisis | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    Jordan Peterson has an argument with himself
    ZUZKAOU --- ---
    tak nám zrušili profesora

    Jordan Peterson: Why I am no longer a tenured professor at the University of Toronto | National Post
    HWLLFFRDD --- ---
    ZUZKAOU: Byl jenom nemocnej

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