VOJTHA: z komentářů:
Marshal Tito
před 2 měsíci
I'm not saying you're untalented Tupo, but I recommend you try and make a track that's relatively simple. Kicks, drums, claps and donks. Add more if you want to, but you can keep it simple and keep it catchy and I guarantee you will see much more success.
If you do this for fun, that's fine too.
P.S. The vocals somehow fit well into the song, what in the fuck.
DJ Tupolev
před 2 měsíci
Haha thought this was simple already, I'll make something simpler ;)
Marshal Tito
před 2 měsíci
@DJ Tupolev You understand what I mean, look at something simple like, Uamee - AYYY BLYAT SIMULATOR . Try and make it simple, catchy and memorable, have different patterns for drops etc.
Respect, A Slovak living in Serbia.