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    JANDOSOldSchoolCool - Zajímavé historické fotografie a videa.
    JANDOS --- ---
    George Harrison and Bob Dylan playing tennis in 1969.

    JANDOS --- ---
    Tony Hawk mid 80s

    LOJZEE --- ---
    JANDOS --- ---
    15 year old Elizabeth Eckford walks through an angry mob and a row of soldiers as she tries to go to school, during desegregation, 1957

    JANDOS --- ---
    LOJZEE --- ---
    leonardo dicaprio 1975

    SUBVERSION --- ---
    Edward Curtis, 1910
    Members of the Qagyuhl tribe dance to restore an eclipsed moon
    mrknete na jeho 'The North American Indian' serii, je krasna https://mashable.com/2015/11/25/edward-curtis-native-americans/?europe=true

    LOJZEE --- ---
    BIRLIBAN: to mas pravdu, ja to preposilal z mobilu a tenhle detail mi unikl.. xD
    BIRLIBAN --- ---
    LOJZEE: Tady je originál upraven, tolik její výstřih zase neodhaloval.)

    Jammie Reynolds balancing on the edge of a rooftop, 1917

    LOJZEE --- ---
    Sophia Loren and Jayne Mansfield

    MARASAN --- ---
    RADIQAL: Bruce ho pravou rukou drzi, aby nespad, trochu to prepiskl, tak se mr. kmet jakoby vznasi.
    GREATDRAKE --- ---
    ALDARION: a opiová závislost také udělá svoje.
    ALDARION --- ---
    RADIQAL: Tvrdá práce, špatná strava, občas hlad... Bylinky a akupunktura jsou sice fajn, ale kvalitní zdravotní péče, obzvlášť pro tropy, je taky jinde... Máme se jak vepříci v žitě. ;) Moje slovenská prababička a její vrstevnice byly taky těžce zlámané tím životem v horách a v jiné době (chlapi už byli pod drnem, ale taky lili první ligu), že vypadaly jak stoleté...
    RADIQAL --- ---
    JANDOS: tYpovi je na fotce 65 a bude žit ještě dalších 14. Na svuj věk vypadá imho docela jetě. By mě zajímalo jestli to je tím, že se celej život pral nebo spíš tím, že život ve 20./21.stol. je o tolik snažší. Na druhou stranu, lehkost s jakou na fotce stojí, skoro jakoby se vznášel... restekp.
    JANDOS --- ---
    18 year old Bruce Lee With His Martial Arts Master Ip Man in Hong Kong, 1958
    LOJZEE --- ---
    This is a photograph that appeared in Bird Land Press magazine when Akira Toriyama met Jackie Chan. Toriyama is handing Chan a copy of his Dragonball manga.During the time Jackie Chan was in Japan filming My Lucky Stars. Jackie Chan was a huge fan of Dr.Slump and Dragonball. Akira Toriyama was the manga artist who launched a global franchise with the Dragonball manga first published in 1984 . The animated series would premiere in 1986. Toriyama was also a fan of Jackie Chan films and his Dragonball Manga is very martial arts focused. Both produced entertainment that was action genre with some comedic elements. It seems both the artist and the action star were influencing each other to a degree. There is even a scene in My Lucky Stars in which Jackie Chan is dressed as Arale-chan from Dr.Slump.There are many Jackie Chan films that almost have cartoon like stunt performance only adding to their charm and excitement. Dragonball continues to delight audiences all around the world. Recently, Dragonball Super has introduced younger fans to the franchise with a film slanted for release in December of 2018. Jackie Chan continues to act and produce films. He certainly has become one of the world’s most recognizable Chinese actors. Akira Toriyama continues to expose the world to Japanese art and manga through the popular Dragonball franchise.

    KAKIHARA --- ---
    JANDOS: Nedokážu určit, jestli je to před nebo po. Ale pán s taškama už stojí na značkách a odjíždějící tanky se blížej.

    JANDOS --- ---
    Leonard Nimoy, 1958

    JANDOS --- ---
    Tiananmen Square 1989

    JANDOS --- ---
    Moskva 91

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