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    JANDOSOldSchoolCool - Zajímavé historické fotografie a videa.
    JANDOS --- ---
    Iggy Pop and David Bowie nightclubbing, early 1970s
    KAKIHARA --- ---
    Dutch resistance members celebrate at the moment they heard of Adolf Hitler's death over the radio. May 1945.

    JANDOS --- ---
    Casino security. The Mint, Downtown Vegas, 1968

    JANDOS --- ---
    Grocery Shopping in the 1980s - All Glass Bottles

    JANDOS --- ---
    Ellen O'Neill, champion freestyle skateboarder (1970s)

    MILIS --- ---
    In 1988, Israel Kamakawiwo’ole called the recording studio at 3 A.M. and said he had to record a song right away. 15 minutes later, Israel arrived at the studio. The studio owner, Milan Bertosa said, “And in walks the largest human being I had seen in my life.” A security guard gave the 500-pound man a large steel chair to sit on. Milan said, “Then I put up some microphones, do a quick sound check, roll tape, and the first thing he does is Somewhere Over the Rainbow. He played and sang, one take, and it was over.”

    PANDA_JE_MRTVA --- ---
    Frank Frazetta s dcerou (1983)

    JANDOS --- ---
    Freddy Mercury eating his Bento meal on a train leaving for Nagoya during the Hot Space Japan Tour. 1982

    JANDOS --- ---
    People liberated from the train in Farsleben, April 13, 1945

    ATOMIKS --- ---
    SUBVERSION: mmchdm nejedná se o single shot fotografii.
    This image was created by Century Magazine photographer Dickenson V. Alley using "trick photography" via a double exposure. The electrical bolts were photographed in a darkened room. The photographic plate was exposed a second time with the equipment off and Tesla sitting in the chair.
    In his Colorado Springs Notes Tesla admitted the photo was a double exposure: To give an idea of the magnitude of the discharge the experimenter is sitting slightly behind the "extra coil". I did not like this idea but some people find such photographs interesting. Of course, the discharge was not playing when the experimenter was photographed, as might be imagined!
    MARASAN --- ---
    JANDOS: a policajt s retkem v puse :-)
    SUBVERSION --- ---
    Nikola Tesla sits in his lab, as his magnifying transmitter high voltage generator emits bolts of electricity, in December 1899

    JANDOS --- ---
    The 1968 Alfa Romeo Carabo Concept

    JANDOS --- ---
    Christian Ranucci one of the last persons executed by guillotine in France

    JANDOS --- ---
    "The Fight of the Century" - Joe Frazier vs Muhammad Ali, 1971 colorized

    JANDOS --- ---
    Paul Newman at the 1963 Civil Rights March on Washington

    JANDOS --- ---
    Travel: Scandinavian Airlines Boeing 747 – The Viking of the 1970s | Ultra Swank
    JANDOS --- ---

    ALDARION --- ---
    V první chvíli jsem popletl New York s Londýnem a divil jsem se, proč to mají v roce 43 na Times Square nasvícené... :D

    Picadilly Circus, 1944 (časosběrná fotka)

    Kolemjdoucí zvedají vojáka, co o blackoutu nakráčel do lampy.
    JANDOS --- ---
    Times Square 1943

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