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    Study reveals a diverse cephalopod fauna in the canary current large marine ecosystem
    An extensive review of cephalopod fauna from the Northwest African Atlantic coast was performed by researchers from the University of Vigo (Spain) and the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO). The study was based on the collections gathered in 1,247 bottom trawl stations carried out during ten multidisciplinary surveys in the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem

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    Terrific overview of octopus biology
    The octopus in general, and the nature of its intelligence in particular, remain a mystery in many ways. This great rundown of what we know includes lots of lovely footage of these delightful creatures.
    And one more thing, there was recently a report about the tendency for an occasional octopus to punch a fish now and then. I wasn't super-happy with how this was presented, because many reports anthropomorphized our 8-legged friends, saying it was for "no reason." That concept is very anthropocentric, as empathy and impulse control are probably not well evolved among octopodes. So while it's OK to wonder why Marquis Ventura blasted Rick Moranis and several others in the face for "no reason," an octopus is probably behaving that way for a different set of reasons.

    The Insane Biology of: The Octopus
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    I chobotnice mají záchvaty vzteku. „Fackují“ během nich ryby
    Chobotnice jsou fascinující živočichové, kteří se vyznačují mimořádně vysokou inteligencí. Pokud ale zrovna mají špatnou náladu, nejdou daleko pro ránu. Alespoň podle výzkumu zveřejněného v žurnálu Ecology.

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    If you’ve ever wanted your own invisibility cloak, just like Harry Potter's, it could soon be (sort of) possible.

    The wizardry of changing color, or at least wearing something which changes color, might be more than just fantasy. Reflectins are the light-reflecting proteins that make cephalopods like squid, octopi, and cuttlefish such masters of disguise. These proteins reflect light to help a cephalopod disappear into its surroundings so it seems invisible to predators. Now scientists at UC Irvine have finally figured out the structure of reflectins at a molecular level and are able to manipulate them — almost like magic.

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    Octopuses Are Eight-Armed Taskmasters
    Even a crafty hunter like an octopus sometimes needs help. On tropical coral reefs around the world, the day octopus scours the seafloor in search of tiny mollusks and crustaceans that hide within calcified crevices. But every so often, this prey eludes the octopus’s many-armed grasp. Unfortunately for the fleeing prey, groups of fishes—sometimes four or five different species—might be lying in wait, ready to cut off its escape and leaving it within the octopus’s reach.

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    Reflectins, the unique structural proteins that give squids and octopuses the ability to change colors and blend in with their surroundings, are thought to have great potential for innovations in areas as diverse as electronics, optics and medicine. Scientists and inventors have been stymied in their attempts to fully utilize the powers of these biomolecules due to their atypical chemical composition and high sensitivity to subtle environmental changes.

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    Molecular Secrets of Cephalopod Skin
    Cephalopods—a class of marine animals that includes squids, octopuses and cuttlefish—can readily change the appearance of their skin to blend into their surroundings or mimic other species. These stunning camouflage abilities come from optical components in the skin, such as light-reflecting cells and pigmented organs, along with an underlying musculature that alters the skin’s texture and shape.

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    MBL Virtual Programs
    These free events are part of the MVP (MBL Virtual Programs) webinar series. This virtual series ran from July 6-17 and included offerings from many of our summer programs including the advanced research training courses and the Logan Science Journalism program. We are very excited to reconnect with our friends and colleagues, learn from distinguished speakers, and engage in lively scientific discussion. Webinars were recorded and are available for viewing via the links below.

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    ..Chobotnice.. - Mořští mistři intelektu - Dokument CZ HD (2020)
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    Specieswatch: each octopus arm may have a mind of its own
    Mollusc’s neurons located in body and arms enable complex work independent of central brain

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    Under Water Time Lapse Video: Octopus Cleaning Self at Mukilteo TDock
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    Octopuses taste their food when they touch it with their arms

    Octopuses can taste their prey before eating it by using their arms to “lick” it, which researchers say adds to evidence that the cephalopods’ eight appendages are analogous to tongues with “hands” and “brains”.

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    How Octopuses Use Their Suction Cups to Taste Through Touch
    A new study reveals that the invertebrates use a novel kind of receptor embedded in their suckers to explore their ocean habitats.

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    How octopuses taste their meals by touching them, according to a new study
    "A lot of people say an octopus is like an alien," says filmmaker Craig Foster in his new Netflix documentary "My Octopus Teacher."
    "But the strange thing is, as you get closer to them you realize that you're very similar in a lot of ways."

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    When It Comes to Octopuses, Taste Is for Suckers
    Octopuses can taste what their arms touch, and scientists have figured out how.

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    Touch and taste? It’s all in the suckers
    Octopuses have captured the human imagination for centuries, inspiring sagas of sea monsters from Scandinavian kraken legends to TV’s “Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea” and, most recently, Netflix’s less-threatening “My Octopus Teacher.” With their eight suction-cup covered arms, their very appearance is unique, and their ability to use those appendages to touch and taste while foraging further sets them apart.

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    Molecular Basis of Chemotactile Sensation in Octopus
    • The distributed octopus arm nervous system uses unique chemotactile receptors (CRs)
    • CRs detect poorly soluble natural products mediating touch-taste arm behavior
    • CRs form ion channel complexes to mediate diverse signal detection and filtering
    • Signals transduced by specific sensory cells regulate complex exploratory behavior

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