VOYTEX: tak jsem se koukl primo do ty prace:
In summary, we find that /e/OS collects essentially no data and in that sense is by far the most private of the AndroidOS variants studied. On all of the other handsets the GooglePlay Services and Google Play store system apps send a considerable volume of data to Google, the content of whichis unclear, not publicly documented and Google confirm thereis no opt out from this data collection. LineageOS collects nodata beyond this data collected by Google and so is perhaps the next most private choice after /e/OS.Takze jak jsem si myslel, data posila GooglePlay Services. To ale neni standardni soucast LineageOS, miminalne to meli uvyst jako poznamku pod carou v ty tabulce, opengapps se po instalaci LineageOS instaluji samostatne a lze jako nahradu pouzit opensource microg, ktery googlu nic neposila. /e/OS neznam, pisou privacy focused fork of LineageOS, tak je mozny, ze ma rovnou integrovany nejaky microg fork, coz instalaci opengapps znemoznuje.