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    MATTNFTs - digital art & collectables
    Non-Fungible Tokens, digitální sběratelství, fenomén v crypto světě, NFTart, CryptoPunks, Beeple, ..
    rozbalit záhlaví
    JAXXE --- ---
    ART4UKRAINE is a beneficial auction of NFTs to help the people of Ukraine by a collective of artists from many different countries organized by Ryska and Filip Zaruba. 100% of the proceeds from auctions will be sent to the official and confirmed Ethereum address of Ukraine: 0x165CD37b4C644C2921454429E7F9358d18A45e14

    Royalties from secondary sales will be used for the same purpose. Artworks can be added over time /you can still join us/ and will be minted from a dedicated wallet art4ukraine.eth

    Date: March 10th. 22:00 UTC – March 15th. 22.00 UTC

    Collection of artworks /not final version yet/: https://opensea.io/collection/art4ukraine

    List of participating artists:
    Ryska / Czechia https://ryska.digital
    Filip Zaruba / Czechia https://filipzaruba.com
Marek Ehrenberger / Czechia https://marekehrenberger.com
Maok / Slovakia https://www.maok.sk
    Ashley Christudason / Singapore https://linktr.ee/AChristudason
    Andy Trootootoo / Ukraine https://trootootoo.com
    Krang / The Earth www.krang.me
    ShivaOmArt / Ukraine https://www.facebook.com/shivaomart
    Vacuum / USA https://linktr.ee/vacuumn
    Zucio / France https://www.behance.net/zuco
    Schizo / Germany http://psykick.de
    Ihti Anderson / Ukraine http://ihtianderson.net
    mARTin Diamond / Czechia https://www.martin-diamond.cz
    FractalEmotions / Slovakia https://www.fractalemotions.com
    Maryna Timchenko / Ukraine https://www.facebook.com/mt77777
    VLKSAMOTAR --- ---
    Kdo by se chtěl přidat, je čas do 7.3.
    This is a beneficial auction by a collective of artists, all profit for Ukraine. Auction will take part on OpenSea. Date: TBA in next days! 100% of the proceeds from auctions will be sent to confirmed official ETH wallet of Ukraine / Україна : 0x165CD37b4C644C2921454429E7F9358d18A45e14. Royalties from secondary sales will be used for same purpose.
    On-boarding form for artists and creators:
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam